Nonlinear Fast Magnetosonic Waves in Solar Prominence Pillars [SSA]

We investigate the properties of nonlinear fast magnetosonic (NFM) waves in a solar prominence, motivated by recent high-resolution and high-cadence Hinode/SOT observations of small-scale oscillations in a prominence pillar. As an example, we analyze the details of the 2012 February 14 Hinode/SOT observations of quasi-periodic propagating features consistent with NFM waves, imaged in emission in Ca~II and in the far blue wing of H_alpha. We perform wavelet analysis and find oscillations in the 1-3 min period range. Guided by these observations, we model the NFM waves with a three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics (3D MHD) model, extending previous 2.5D MHD studies. The new model includes the structure of the high-density, low-temperature material of the prominence pillar embedded in the hot corona, in both potential and non-force-free sheared magnetic field configurations. The nonlinear model demonstrates the effects of mode coupling and the propagating density compressions associated with linear and NFM waves. The guided fast magnetosonic waves, together with density compressions and currents, are reproduced in the 3D pillar structure. We demonstrate or the first time the dynamic effects of the Lorentz force due to the magnetic shear in the non-force-free field on the pillar structure and on the propagation of the waves. The insights gained from the 3D MHD modeling are useful for improving coronal seismology of prominence structures that exhibit fast MHD wave activity.

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L. Ofman, T. Kucera and C. DeVore
Thu, 12 Jan 23

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