Ionized gas metallicity of the strong [OIII]λ emission-line compact galaxies in the LAMOST survey [GA]

This article reports a sample of 1830 strong [O III] {\lambda}5007 emission-line compact galaxies discovered with the LAMOST spectroscopic survey and the photometric catalog of SDSS. We newly identify 402 spectra of 346 strong [O III]{\lambda}5007 emission-line compact galaxies by finding compact isolated point sources. Combined with the samples in our previous work (Liu et al. 2022), this returns a sample of 1830 unique strong [O III]{\lambda}5007 emission-line compact galaxies with 2033 spectra of z <= 0.53. For the sources with 2{\sigma} [OIII]{\lambda}4363 detections, we calculate the gas-phase metallicity with the direct-Te method, and verify that the strong-line metallicity diagnostics calibrated with the direct-Te method also applies to this sample. The strong [O III]{\lambda}5007 emission-line compact galaxies fall below several Te-calibrated mass-metallicity relations. The N/O measurements of the strong [O iii]{\lambda}5007 emission-line compact galaxies mainly locate at a plateau at low metallicity, indicating the product of primary nucleosynthesis. The Ne3O2 and O32 relation follows a tight linear relation with no redshift evolution. The Ne3O2 anti-correlates with the stellar mass, and at fixed stellar mass the Ne3O2 increase with the redshift. Eight sources with asymmetric [O III]{\lambda}5007 emission-line profiles have been identified, however with no [O III]{\lambda}4363 detection, which proves the rich metal content and complex ionized gas kinematics within the galaxies. Higher-resolution spectroscopy will be necessary to identify the ionized gas components in detail.

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S. Liu, A. Luo, W. Zhang, et. al.
Wed, 17 May 23

Comments: 20 pages, 13 pictures, accepted by ApJS