The spatial clustering of ROSAT all-sky survey Active Galactic Nuclei: V. The evolution of broad-line AGN clustering properties in the last 6 Gyr [GA]

This is the fifth paper in a series of investigations of the clustering properties of luminous, broad-emission line active galactic nuclei (AGN) identified in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS) and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). In this work we measure the cross-correlation function (CCF) between RASS/SDSS DR14 AGN with the SDSS CMASS galaxy sample at $0.44<z<0.64$. We apply halo occupation distribution (HOD) modeling to the CCF along with the auto-correlation function of the CMASS galaxies. We find that X-ray and optically-selected AGN at $0.44<z<0.64$ reside in statistically identical halos with a typical dark matter halo mass of $M_{\rm DMH}^{\rm typ,AGN} \sim 10^{12.7}\,h^{-1}\,\rm{M}\odot$. The acceptable HOD parameter space for these two broad-line AGN samples have only statistically marginal differences caused by small deviations of the CCFs in the 1-halo dominated regime on small scales. In contrast to optically-selected AGN, the X-ray AGN sample may contain a larger population of satellites at $M{\rm DMH} \sim 10^{13}\,h^{-1}\,\rm{M}\odot$. We compare our measurements in this work with our earlier studies at lower independent redshift ranges, spanning a look-back time of 6 Gyr. The comparison over this wider redshift range of $0.07<z<0.64$ reveals: (i) no significant difference between the typical DMH masses of X-ray and optically-selected AGN, (ii) weak positive clustering dependencies of $M{\rm DMH}^{\rm typ,AGN}$ with $L_X$ and $M_{\rm BH}$, (iii) no significant dependence of $M_{\rm DMH}^{\rm typ,AGN}$ on Eddington ratio, and (iv) the same DMH masses host more massive accreting black holes at high redshift than at low redshifts.

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M. Krumpe, T. Miyaji, A. Georgakakis, et. al.
Thu, 6 Apr 23

Comments: 23 pages, 16 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ