SW Sex stars, old novae, and the evolution of cataclysmic variables [SSA]


The population of cataclysmic variables with orbital periods right above the period gap are dominated by systems with extremely high mass transfer rates, the so-called SW Sextantis stars. On the other hand, some old novae in this period range which are expected to show high mass transfer rate instead show photometric and/or spectroscopic resemblance to low mass transfer systems like dwarf novae. We discuss them as candidates for so-called hibernating systems, CVs that changed their mass transfer behaviour due to a previously experienced nova outburst. This paper is designed to provide input for further research and discussion as the results as such are still very preliminary.

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L. Schmidtobreick and C. Tappert
Mon, 25 Aug 14

Comments: 4 pages. conference: The Golden Age of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects II, Palermo 2013. Accepted for publication in Acta Polytechnica