ABYSS I: Targeting strategy for APOGEE & BOSS young star survey in SDSS-V [GA]


The fifth iteration of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-V) is set to obtain optical and near-infrared spectra of $\sim$5 million stars of all ages and masses throughout the Milky Way. As a part of these efforts, APOGEE & BOSS Young Star Survey (ABYSS) will observe $\sim10^5$ stars with ages $<$30 Myr that have been selected using a set of homogeneous selection functions that make use of different tracers of youth. The ABYSS targeting strategy we describe in this paper is aimed to provide the largest spectroscopic census of young stars to-date. It consists of 8 different types of selection criteria that take the position on the HR diagram, infrared excess, variability, as well as the position in phase space in consideration. The resulting catalog of $\sim$200,000 sources (of which a half are expected to be observed) provides representative coverage of the young Galaxy, including both nearby diffuse associations as well as more distant massive complexes, reaching towards the inner Galaxy and the Galactic center.

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M. Kounkel, E. Zari, K. Covey, et. al.
Thu, 19 Jan 23

Comments: 18 pages, 12 pages. Submitted to ApJS. Part of SDSS DR18