Microphysically modified magnetosonic modes in collisionless, high-$β$ plasmas [HEAP]


With the support of hybrid-kinetic simulations and analytic theory, we describe the nonlinear behaviour of long-wavelength non-propagating (NP) modes and fast magnetosonic waves in high-$\beta$ collisionless plasmas, with particular attention to their excitation of, and reaction to, kinetic micro-instabilities. The perpendicularly pressure balanced polarization of NP modes produces an excess of perpendicular pressure over parallel pressure in regions where the plasma $\beta$ is increased. For mode amplitudes $\delta B/B_0 \gtrsim 0.3$, this excess excites the mirror instability. Particle scattering off these micro-scale mirrors frustrates the nonlinear saturation of transit-time damping, ensuring that large-amplitude NP modes continue their decay to small amplitudes. At asymptotically large wavelengths, we predict that the mirror-induced scattering will be large enough to interrupt transit-time damping entirely, isotropizing the pressure perturbations and morphing the collisionless NP mode into the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) entropy mode. In fast waves, a fluctuating pressure anisotropy drives both mirror and firehose instabilities when the wave amplitude satisfies $\delta B/B_0 \gtrsim 2\beta^{-1}$. The induced particle scattering leads to delayed shock formation and MHD-like wave dynamics. Taken alongside prior work on self-interrupting Alfv\’en waves and self-sustaining ion-acoustic waves, our results establish a foundation for new theories of electromagnetic turbulence in low-collisionality, high-$\beta$ plasmas such as the intracluster medium, radiatively inefficient accretion flows, and the near-Earth solar wind.

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S. Majeski, M. Kunz and J. Squire
Mon, 9 Jan 23

Comments: 44 pages, 21 figures, submitted to Journal of Plasma Physics