Magnetic field evolution and reconnection in low resistivity plasmas [CL]

A driven evolution of a magnetic field has three aspects: field line topology, magnetic energy, and magnetic helicity. An ideal evolution with minimal energy input can produce magnetic field line chaos, which makes the preservation of field-line topology exponentially sensitive to non-ideal effects on an evolution timescale, but has no direct effect on energy or helicity dissipation. Resistive dissipation of the power input requires highly localized current densities $j\approx vB/\eta$, where $v$ is the velocity given by the evolution drive and $\eta$ is the plasma resistivity. Dissipation of the magnetic helicity input cannot be balanced when the magnetic Reynolds number is large compared to unity. Current densities $j\approx vB/\eta$ are consistent with those required to produce the solar corona with the observed height of the transition region by the Dreicer electron runaway effect.

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A. Boozer
Fri, 16 Dec 22

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