Massive Stars in the Far and Extreme Ultraviolet [SSA]

From the main sequence to their late evolutionary stages, massive stars spend most of their life as hot stars. Due to their high effective temperatures, the maximum of their emitted flux falls into the ultraviolet (UV) regime. Consequently, these stars emit a significant number of photons with energies sufficiently high enough to ionize hydrogen and other elements. As simple as these fundamental considerations are, as complex is a realistic estimate of the resulting ionizing fluxes, in particular for energies above 54 eV. Estimating the ionizing flux budget of hot stars requires accurate models of their spectral energy distributions (SEDs), covering in particular the far and extreme UV region. Modern atmosphere models that incorporate the so-called line-blanketing effect, i.e. taking into account the millions of lines from iron and other elements, yield a complex picture, illustrating that the SED of a hot, massive star usually deviates significantly from a blackbody.

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A. Sander
Fri, 11 Nov 22

Comments: 3 pages, 4 figures, to be published in the International Astronomical Union Proceedings Series for the IAU GA 2022 (Astronomy in Focus, Focus Meeting 4, ed. Jos\’e Espinosa)