3XMM J185246.6+003317: an isolated massive neutron star with a low magnetic field and a carbon atmosphere [HEAP]


3XMM J185246.6+003317 is a slowly rotating soft-gamma repeater (neutron star) in the vicinity of the supernova remnant Kes\,79. So far, observations have only set upper limits to its surface magnetic field and spindown, and there is no estimate for its mass and radius. Using ray-tracing modelling and Bayesian inference for the analysis of several light curves spanning a period of around three weeks, we have found that it may be one of the most massive neutron stars to date. In addition, our analysis suggests a multipolar magnetic field structure with a subcritical field strength and a carbon atmosphere composition. Due to the time-resolution limitation of the available light curves, we estimate the surface magnetic field and the mass to be $\log_{10} (B/{\rm G}) = 11.89^{+0.19}{-0.93}$ and $M=2.09^{+0.16}{-0.09}$~$M_{\odot}$ at $1\sigma$ confidence level, while the radius is estimated to be $R=12.02^{+1.44}_{-1.42}$ km at $2\sigma$ confidence level. The robustness of these estimates was verified by simulations, i.e., data injections with known model parameters, and their subsequent recovery. The best-fit model has three small hot spots, two of them in the southern hemisphere. We interpret the above results as due to accretion of supernova layers/interstellar medium onto 3XMM J185246.6+003317 leading to burying and a subsequent re-emergence of the magnetic field, and a carbon atmosphere being formed possibly due to hydrogen/helium diffusive nuclear burning. Finally, we briefly discuss some consequences of our findings for superdense matter constraints.

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R. Lima, J. Pereira, J. Coelho, et. al.
Fri, 14 Oct 22

Comments: 23 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables. Comments welcome