Fundamental parameters for dEB SB2 binary system J064726.39+223431.6. A new challenge for stellar evolution models [SSA]

We present a study of eclipsing binary J064726.39+223431.6 using spectra from the LAMOST-MRS and TESS photometry. We use full-spectrum fitting to derive radial velocities and spectral parameters: ${T_{\rm eff}}{A,B}=6177,\,5820$ K, $v \sin{i}{A,B}=59,\,50~\kms$ and ${\rm [Fe/H]}{A,B}=-0.19$ dex. The orbital solution and light curve analysis suggest that it is a close pair of fast rotating stars on circular orbit. We measure their masses to be $M{A,B}=1.307\pm0.007,\, 1.129\pm0.005\,M_\odot$ and their radii to be $R_{A,B}=1.405\pm0.052,\, 1.219\pm0.060\,R_\odot$ resulting in surface gravities of $\log{g}{A,B}=4.259\pm0.033,\,4.319\pm0.042$ (cgs). Theoretical models cannot match all of these properties, predicting significantly higher ${T{\rm eff}}$ for a given metallicity. Derived age of the system 1.56 Gyr indicates that both components are younger than Sun. J064726.39+223431.6 is a good candidate for high-resolution spectroscopic analyses.

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M. Kovalev, S. Wang, X. Chen, et. al.
Tue, 27 Sep 22

Comments: submitted to MNRAS. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2204.10680