Nearby Young Stars and Young Moving Groups [SSA]

The past two decades have seen dramatic progress in our knowledge of the population of stars of age $\lesssim$150 Myr that lie within $\sim$100 pc of the Sun. Most such stars are found in loose kinematic groups (“nearby young moving groups”; NYMGs). The proximity of NYMGs and their members facilitates studies of the X-ray properties of coeval groups of pre-main sequence (pre-MS) stars as well as of individual pre-MS systems. In this review, we focus on how NYMG X-ray studies provide unique insight into the early evolution of stellar magnetic activity, the X-ray signatures of accretion, and the irradiation and dissipation of protoplanetary disks by high-energy photons originating with their host pre-MS stars. We discuss the likely impacts of the next generation of X-ray observing facilities on these aspects of the study of NYMGs and their members.

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J. Kastner and D. Principe
Tue, 5 Apr 22

Comments: To appear in Springer’s “Handbook of X-ray and Gamma-ray Astrophysics” (eds. A. Santangelo and C. Bambi), Section “The Sun, Stars & Planets” (eds. G. Micela & B. Stelzer)