Dents in the Veil: Protostellar feedback in Orion [SSA]

Interest in stellar feedback has recently increased because new studies suggest that radiative and mechanical feedback from young massive stars regulate the physical and chemical composition of the interstellar medium (ISM) significantly. Recent SOFIA [CII] 158 micron observations of the Orion Veil revealed that the expanding bubble is powered by stellar winds and influenced by previously active molecular outflows of ionizing massive stars. We aim to investigate the mechanical feedback on the whole Veil shell by searching for jets/outflows interacting with the Veil shell and determining the origin/driving mechanisms of these collisions. In the light of these findings, as well as the momenta of the dents and their dynamical timescales, we propose that the dents are created by the interaction of collimated jets/outflows from protostars with luminosities ranging from 10$^3$ to 10$^4$ $L_\odot$ indicating B-type stars in the Orion star-forming cloud with the surrounding Veil shell. However, it is challenging to pinpoint the driving stars as they may have moved from the original ejection points of the jets/outflows. We conclude that the dynamics of the expanding Veil shell is influenced not just by the O-type stars in the Trapezium cluster, but also by less massive stars, especially B-type, in the Orion Nebula. Mechanical feedback from protostars with a range of masses appears to play an important role in determining the morphology of [HII] regions and injecting turbulence into the medium.

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U. Kavak, J. Bally, J. Goicoechea, et. al.
Thu, 24 Mar 22

Comments: 18 pages, 18 figures, Accepted by A&A on March 22, 2022