Physically Interpretable Machine Learning for nuclear masses [CL]

We present a novel approach to modeling the ground state mass of atomic nuclei based directly on a probabilistic neural network constrained by relevant physics. Our Physically Interpretable Machine Learning (PIML) approach incorporates knowledge of physics by using a physically motivated feature space in addition to a soft physics constraint that is implemented as a penalty to the loss function. We train our PIML model on a random set of $\sim$20\% of the Atomic Mass Evaluation (AME) and predict the remaining $\sim$80\%. The success of our methodology is exhibited by the unprecedented $\sigma_\textrm{RMS}\sim186$ keV match to data for the training set and $\sigma_\textrm{RMS}\sim316$ keV for the entire AME with $Z \geq 20$. We show that our general methodology can be interpreted using feature importance.

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M. Mumpower, T. Sprouse, A. Lovell, et. al.
Tue, 22 Mar 22

Comments: 5 pages, 3 figures, comments welcome