The shape of sunspots and solar activity cycles [SSA]

The paper presents the results of the analysis of the geometric characteristics of sunspots for the period of 19-24 cycles of activity. The shape of sunspots was studied on the basis of the method of normalization of images of sunspots to study the average profile of the spot. The deviation of the shape of sunspots from the axisymmetric configuration is investigated. It was found that the spots, as a rule, have an ellipsoid shape, and the major axis of the ellipse has a predominant inclination to the equator, opposite in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The angle of inclination of the sunspot axis corresponds to the angle of inclination of the bipoles in the activity cycles. The relationship between the shape of sunspots in the current cycle and the amplitude of the next cycle of activity is found. The greater the elongation along the longitude of the current cycle of spots, the higher the next cycle of activity will be.

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A. Tlatov
Thu, 10 Mar 22

Comments: 5 pages, 5 figures