A Tale of Two Type Ia Supernovae: The fast-declining siblings SNe 2015bo and 1997cn [HEAP]


We present optical and near-infrared photometric and spectroscopic observations of the fast-declining Type Ia Supernova (SN) 2015bo. SN 2015bo is under-luminous (M$B$ = -17.50 $\pm$ 0.13 mag) and has a fast-evolving light curve ($\Delta \mathrm{m}{15}\mathrm{(B)}$ = 1.91 $\pm$ 0.01 mag and $s_{BV}$ = 0.48 $\pm$ 0.01). It has a unique morphology in the $V-r$ color curve, where it is bluer than all other SNe in the comparison sample. A $^{56}$Ni mass of 0.17 $\pm$ 0.03 $M_{\odot}$ was derived from the peak bolometric luminosity, which is consistent with its location on the luminosity-width relation. Spectroscopically, SN 2015bo is a Cool SN in the Branch classification scheme. The velocity evolution measured from spectral features is consistent with 1991bg-like SNe. SN 2015bo has a SN twin (similar spectra) and sibling (same host galaxy), SN 1997cn. Distance modulii of $\mu$ = 34.36 $\pm$ 0.01 (stat) $\pm$0.13 (sys) mag and $\mu$ = 34.37 $\pm$ 0.04 (stat) $\pm$ 0.12 (sys) mag were derived for SN 2015bo and SN 1997cn, respectively. These distances are consistent at the 0.06-$\sigma$ level with each other, and are also consistent with distances derived using surface-brightness fluctuations and redshift-corrected cosmology. This suggests that fast-declining SNe could be accurate distance indicators which should not be excluded from future cosmological analyses.

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W. Hoogendam, C. Ashall, L. Galbany, et. al.
Fri, 1 Oct 21

Comments: Submitted to ApJ. 29 pages, 22 figures