Double-diffusive processes in stellar astrophysics [SSA]

The past 20 years have witnessed a renewal of interest in the subject of double-diffusive processes in astrophysics, and their impact on stellar evolution. This lecture aims to summarize the state of the field as of early 2019, although the reader should bear in mind that it is rapidly evolving. An Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics article entitled “Double-diffusive convection at low Prandtl number” (Garaud, 2018) contains a reasonably comprehensive review of the topic, up to the summer of 2017. I focus here on presenting what I hope are clear derivations of some of the most important results with an astrophysical audience in mind, and discuss their implications for stellar evolution, both in an observational context, and in relation to previous work on the subject.

Read this paper on arXiv…

P. Garaud
Tue, 16 Mar 21

Comments: Proceedings of the summer school “Multi-Dimensional Processes In Stellar Physics”. Edited by Michel Rieutord, Isabelle Baraffe and Yveline Lebreton