Magnetic winding — a key to unlocking topological complexity in flux emergence [SSA]

Magnetic helicity is an invariant of ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) that encodes information on the topology of magnetic field lines. It has long been appreciated that magnetic topology is an important constraint for the evolution of magnetic fields in MHD. In applications to the solar atmosphere, understanding magnetic topology is crucial for following the evolution and eruption of magnetic fields. At present, magnetic helicity flux can be measured in solar observations but the interpretation of results is difficult due to the combination of confounding factors. We propose that a renormalization of helicity flux, the \emph{magnetic winding}, can be used to detect more detailed topological features in magnetic fields and thus provide a more reliable signature for predicting the onset of solar eruptions.

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D. MacTaggart and C. Prior
Fri, 25 Sep 20

Comments: accepted for J. Phys. Conf. Ser. (IC-Msquared conference)