Origin and evolution of the Galactic inventories of interstellar dust and its composition [SSA]


Interstellar dust is a significant component of matter in the galaxies. The dust owns its origin and reprocessing in a wide range of astrophysical environments. In order to understand the origin and evolution of the distinct types of interstellar dust grains, we have attempted a comprehensive correlated study of the thermodynamics condensation of dust grains in distinct stellar environments with the Galactic chemical evolution of the Milky Way Galaxy. The Galaxy is evolved in terms of elemental evolution resulting from stellar nucleosynthetic contributions of several generations of stars. Based on the elemental composition of the evolving Galaxy, the relative abundances of the major constituents of interstellar dust are assessed. The major aim is to redistribute the various condensable elements at any epoch during the evolution of the Galaxy into various grain constituents and understand their abundance evolution based on a mass-balance formalism. We also performed thermodynamical equilibrium condensation calculations to understand the stellar origin of various grain constituents that could carry the isotopic signatures of the various stellar nucleosynthetic sources. This is perhaps a novel attempt to estimate the bulk dust mass budget in the evolving Galaxy. The normalized mass of the Galactic dust is predicted to decrease with the increase in distance from the Galactic centre. It increases over time. The supernovae SN Ia are predicted as the most prominent sources of Fe-dust mass, the supernovae SN II+Ib/c produces oxides and silicate dust mass, and the AGB stars contributes to carbonaceous dust mass.

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A. Gupta and S. Sahijpal
Fri, 24 Apr 20

Comments: Accepted for MNRAS, 28 Pages, 8 figures, 21 tables in main manuscript and 1 table in supplementary data