Do cosmological observations allow a negative $Λ$? [CEA]

In view of the recent measurement of $H_{0}$ from HST and SH0ES team, we explore the possibility of existence of a negative cosmological constant in the Universe. In this regard, we consider quintessence fields on top of a negative cosmological constant and compare such construction with $\Lambda$CDM model using a combination of CMB+lensing+SnIa+BAO+$H_{0}$ data. Various model comparison estimators show that quintessence models with a negative $\Lambda$ is always preferred over $\Lambda$CDM. This confirms that the presence of a negative $\Lambda$ (AdS ground state) in our Universe, which can naturally arise in string theory, is consistent with cosmological observations.

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A. Sen, S. Adil and S. Sen
Tue, 21 Dec 21

Comments: 9 pages, Latex style, 3 figures, 4 tables