Cross-Matching of OGLE III and GAIA catalogues: Investigation of Dark-lens microlensing candidates [SSA]

In this work, we use $13$ microlensing candidates with dark lenses from OGLE III catalogue \citep{2016MNRAS.458.3012W} and cross-match them with GAIA catalogue. We identify the microlensing source stars in GAIA catalogue by comparing the coordinate and the magnitude of stars and use the proper motion and the parallax parameters of the source stars. Combining with the microlensing light curves as well as microlensing parallax effect, we determine the mass and the distance of lenses from Earth. We conclude that the lens of some of microlensing events can be a blackhole.

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A. Dehghani and S. Rahvar
Fri, 10 Apr 20

Comments: 8 pages, 6 figures