A Binary Comb Model for Periodic Fast Radio Bursts [HEAP]


We show that the periodic FRB 180916.J0158+65 can be interpreted by invoking an interacting neutron star binary system with an orbital period of $\sim 16$ d. The FRBs are produced by a highly magnetized pulsar, whose magnetic field is “combed” by the strong wind from a companion star, either a massive star or a millisecond pulsar. The FRB pulsar wind retains a clear funnel in the companion’s wind that is otherwise opaque to induced Compton or Raman scatterings for repeating FRB emission. The 4-day active window corresponds to the time when the funnel points towards Earth. The comb also perturbs the magnetosphere of the FRB pulsar and may trigger emission of FRBs. We derive the physical constraints on the comb and the FRB pulsar from the observations and estimate the event rate of FRBs. In this scenario, a lower limit on the period of observable FRBs is predicted. We speculate that both the intrinsic factors (strong magnetic field and young age) and the extrinsic factor (combing) may be needed to generate FRBs in neutron star binary systems.

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K. Ioka and B. Zhang
Thu, 20 Feb 20

Comments: 8 pages, 2 figures