On Collision Course: The Nature of the Binary Star Cluster NGC 2006 / SL 538 [SSA]


The LMC hosts a rich variety of star clusters seen in close projected proximity. Ages have been derived for few of them showing differences up to few million years, hinting at being binary star clusters. However, final confirmation needs to be done through spectroscopic analysis. Here we focus on the LMC cluster pair NGC2006-SL538 and aim to determine whether the star cluster pair is a bound entity (binary star cluster) or a chance alignment. Using the MIKE echelle spectrograph at LCO we have acquired integrated-light spectra for each cluster. We have measured radial velocities by two methods: a) direct line profile measurement yields v$_r=300.3\pm5\pm6$ km/s for NGC2006 and $v_r=310.2\pm4\pm6$ km/s for SL538. b) By comparing observed spectra with synthetic bootstrapped spectra yielding $v_r=311.0\pm0.6$ km/s for NGC2006 and $v_r=309.4\pm0.5$ km/s for SL538. Finally when spectra are directly compared, we find a ${\Delta}v=1.08\pm0.47$ km/s. Full-spectrum SED fits reveal that the stellar population ages lie in the range 13-21 Myr with a metallicity of Z=0.008. We find indications for differences in the chemical abundance patterns as revealed by the helium absorption lines between the two clusters. The dynamical analysis shows that the two clusters are likely to merge within the next $\sim$150 Myr. The NGC2006-SL538 cluster pair shows radial velocities, stellar population and dynamical parameters consistent with a gravitational bound entity. We conclude that this is a genuine binary cluster pair, and we propose that their differences in ages and stellar population chemistry is most likely due to variances in their chemical enrichment history within their environment. We suggest that their formation may have taken place in a loosely bound star-formation complex which saw initial fragmentation but then had its clusters become a gravitationally bound pair by tidal capture.

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M. Mora, T. Puzia and J. Chanamé
Wed, 21 Nov 18

Comments: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. 15 pages, 10 figures in low resolution