A Search for Variability in Exoplanet Analogues and Low-Gravity Brown Dwarfs [SSA]


We report the results of a $J$-band survey for photometric variability in a sample of young, low-gravity objects using the New Technology Telescope (NTT) and the United Kingdom InfraRed Telescope (UKIRT). Surface gravity is a key parameter in the atmospheric properties of brown dwarfs and this is the first large survey that aims to test the gravity dependence of variability properties. We do a full analysis of the spectral signatures of youth and assess the group membership probability of each target using membership tools from the literature. This results in a 30 object sample of young low-gravity brown dwarfs. Since we are lacking in objects with spectral types later than L9, we focus our statistical analysis on the L0-L8.5 objects. We find that the variability occurrence rate of L0-L8.5 low-gravity brown dwarfs in this survey is $30^{+16}{-8}\%$. We reanalyse the results of Radigan 2014 and find that the field dwarfs with spectral types L0-L8.5 have a variability occurrence rate of $11^{+13}{-4}\%$. We determine a probability of $98\%$ that the samples are drawn from different distributions. This is the first quantitative indication that the low-gravity objects are more likely to be variable than the field dwarf population. Furthermore, we present follow-up $J_S$ and $K_S$ observations of the young, planetary-mass variable object PSO 318.5-22 over three consecutive nights. We find no evidence of phase shifts between the $J_S$ and $K_S$ bands and find higher $J_S$ amplitudes. We use the $J_S$ lightcurves to measure a rotational period of $8.45\pm0.05~$hr for PSO 318.5-22.

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J. Vos, B. Biller, M. Bonavita, et. al.
Wed, 21 Nov 18

Comments: accepted for publication in MNRAS