The Impact of Feedback in Massive Star Formation. II. Lower Star Formation Efficiency at Lower Metallicity [SSA]

We conduct a theoretical study of the formation of massive stars over a wide range of metallicities from 1e-5 to 1Zsun and evaluate the star formation efficiencies (SFEs) from prestellar cloud cores taking into account multiple feedback processes. Unlike for simple spherical accretion, in the case of disk accretion feedback processes do not set upper limits on stellar masses. At solar metallicity, launching of magneto-centrifugally-driven outflows is the dominant feedback process to set SFEs, while radiation pressure, which has been regarded to be pivotal, has only minor contribution even in the formation of over-100Msun stars. Photoevaporation becomes significant in over-20Msun star formation at low metallicities of <1e-2Zsun, where dust absorption of ionizing photons is inefficient. We conclude that if initial prestellar core properties are similar, then massive stars are rarer in extremely metal-poor environments of 1e-5 – 1e-3Zsun. Our results give new insight into the high-mass end of the initial mass function and its potential variation with galactic and cosmological environments.

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K. Tanaka, J. Tan, Y. Zhang, et. al.
Thu, 5 Apr 18

Comments: 13 pages, 9 figures, submitted to ApJ