Bremsstrahlung emission from nuclear reactions in compact stars [CL]

Bremsstrahlung emission of photons during nuclear reactions inside dense stellar medium is investigated in the paper. For that, a new model of nucleus is developed, where nuclear forces combine nucleons as bound system in dependence on deep location inside compact star. A polytropic model of stars at index $n=3$ with densities characterized from white dwarf to neutron star is used. Bremsstrahlung formalism and calculations are well tested on existed experimental information for scattering of protons of light nuclei in Earth. We find the following. (1) In neutron stars a phenomenon of dissociation of nucleus is observed — its disintegration on individual nucleons, starting from some critical distance between this nucleus and center of star with high density. We do not observe such a phenomenon in white dwarfs. (2) In the white dwarfs, influence of stellar medium imperceptibly affects on bremsstrahlung photons. Also, we have accurate description of bremsstrahlung photons in nuclear reactions in Sun. (3) For neutron stars, influence of stellar medium is essentially more intensive and it crucially changes the bremsstrahlung spectrum. The most intensive emission is from bowel of the star, while the weakest emission is from periphery.

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S. Maydanyuk and K. Shaulskyi
Mon, 30 Dec 19

Comments: 16 pages, 7 captured figures, 1 Appendix

Bremsstrahlung emission from nuclear reactions in compact stars [CL]

Bremsstrahlung emission of photons during nuclear reactions inside dense stellar medium is investigated in the paper. For that, a new model of nucleus is developed, where nuclear forces combine nucleons as bound system in dependence on deep location inside compact star. A polytropic model of stars at index $n=3$ with densities characterized from white dwarf to neutron star is used. Bremsstrahlung formalism and calculations are well tested on existed experimental information for scattering of protons of light nuclei in Earth. We find the following. (1) In neutron stars a phenomenon of dissociation of nucleus is observed — its disintegration on individual nucleons, starting from some critical distance between this nucleus and center of star with high density. We do not observe such a phenomenon in white dwarfs. (2) In the white dwarfs, influence of stellar medium imperceptibly affects on bremsstrahlung photons. Also, we have accurate description of bremsstrahlung photons in nuclear reactions in Sun. (3) For neutron stars, influence of stellar medium is essentially more intensive and it crucially changes the bremsstrahlung spectrum. The most intensive emission is from bowel of the star, while the weakest emission is from periphery.

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S. Maydanyuk and K. Shaulskyi
Mon, 30 Dec 19

Comments: 16 pages, 7 captured figures, 1 Appendix

Field Fractal Cosmological Model As an Example of Practical Cosmology Approach [CL]

The idea of the global gravitational effect as the source of cosmological redshift was considered by de Sitter (1916, 1917), Eddington (1923), Tolman (1929) and Bondi (1947). Also Hubble (1929) called the discovered distance-redshift relation as “De Sitter effect”. For homogeneous matter distribution cosmological gravitational redshift is proportional to square of distance: z_grav ~ r^2. However for a fractal matter distribution having the fractal dimension D=2 the global gravitational redshift is the linear function of distance: z_grav ~ r, which gives possibility for interpretation of the Hubble law without the space expansion. Here the field gravity fractal cosmological model (FGF) is presented, which based on two initial principles. The first assumption is that the Feynman’s field gravity approach describes the gravitational interaction, which delivers a natural basis for the conceptual unity of all fundamental physical interactions within the framework of the relativistic and quantum fields in Minkowski space. The second hypothesis is that the spatial distribution of gravitating matter is a fractal at all scales up to the Hubble radius. The fractal dimension of matter distribution is assumed to be D = 2, which implies that the global gravitational redshift is the explanation of the observed linear Hubble law. In the frame of the FGF all three phenomena – the cosmic background radiation, the fractal large scale structure, and the Hubble law, – could be the consequence of a unique large scale structure evolution process of the initially homogeneous ordinary matter without nonbaryonic matter and dark energy.

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Y. Baryshev
Mon, 24 Oct 16

Comments: text and misprints corrected, 8 pages, proceedings of the International conference “Problems of Practical Cosmology”, 23-27 June 2008, St.-Petersburg, Russia, see this http URL

Quantum effects on power spectra and spectral indices with higher-order corrections [CL]

The uniform asymptotic approximation method provides a powerful, systematically-improved, and error-controlled approach to construct accurate analytical approximate solutions of mode functions of perturbations of the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe, designed especially for the cases where the relativistic linear dispersion relation is modified after quantum effects are taken into account. These include models from string/M-Theory, loop quantum cosmology and Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz quantum gravity. In this paper, we extend our previous studies of the first-order approximations to high orders for the cases where the modified dispersion relation (linear or nonlinear) has only one-turning point (or zero). We obtain the general expressions for the power spectra and spectral indices of both scalar and tensor perturbations up to the third-order, at which the error bounds are $\lesssim 0.15\%$. As an application of these formulas, we calculate the power spectra and spectral indices in the slow-roll inflation with a nonlinear power-law dispersion relation. To check the consistency of our formulas, we further restrict ourselves to the relativistic case, and calculate the corresponding power spectra, spectral indices and runnings to the second-order. Then, we compare our results with the ones obtained by the Green function method, and show explicitly that the results obtained by these two different methods are consistent within the allowed errors.

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T. Zhu, A. Wang, G. Cleaver, et. al.
Thu, 22 May 14

Comments: revtex, 5 tables, and no figures

Dark matter and stable bound states of primordial black holes [CL]

We present three reasons for the formation of gravitational bound states of primordial black holes,called holeums,in the early universe.Using Newtonian gravity and nonrelativistic quantum mechanics we find a purely quantum mechanical mass-dependant exclusion property for the nonoverlap of the constituent black holes in a holeum.This ensures that the holeum occupies space just like ordinary matter.A holeum emits only gravitational radiation whose spectrum is an exact analogue of that of a hydrogen atom. A part of this spectrum lies in the region accessible to the detectors being built.The holeums would form haloes around the galaxies and would be an important component of the dark matter in the universe today.They may also be the constituents of the invisible domain walls in the universe.

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L. Chavda and A. Chavda
Tue, 11 Feb 14