Intranight Optical Variability of Blazars and Radio-quiet Quasars using the ZTF Survey [GA]

We explore the potential of the ongoing Zwicky-Transient-Facility (ZTF) survey for studying Intra-Night Optical Variability (INOV) of active galactic nuclei (AGN), in particular for picking rare events of large INOV amplitudes, whose detection may require extensive temporal coverage. For this, we have used the available high cadence subsets of the ZTF database to build a well-defined large sample of 53 blazars (BLs) and another sample of 132 radio-quiet quasars (RQQs), matched to the blazar sample in the redshift-magnitude plane. High-cadence ZTF monitoring of these two matched samples are available, respectively, for 156 and 418 intranight sessions. Median durations for both sets of sessions are 3.7 hours. The two classes of powerful AGN monitored in these sessions represent opposite extremes of jet activity. The present analysis of their ZTF light curves has revealed some strong INOV events which, although not exceptionally rare for blazars, are indeed so for RQQs, and their possible nature is briefly discussed.

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V. Negi, G. Gopal-Krishna, R. Joshi, et. al.
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: Accepted for publication in MNRAS

A 3D view of dwarf galaxies with Gaia and VLT/FLAMES I. The Sculptor dwarf spheroidal [GA]

We present a new homogeneous survey of VLT/FLAMES LR8 line-of-sight radial velocities (vlos) for 1604 resolved red giant branch stars in the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy. In addition, we provide reliable Ca II triplet metallicities, [Fe/H], for 1339 of these stars. From this combination of new observations (2257 individual spectra) with ESO archival data (2389 spectra), we obtain the largest and most complete sample of vlos and [Fe/H] measurements for individual stars in any dwarf galaxy. Our sample includes VLT/FLAMES LR8 spectra for 55% of the red giant branch stars at G $<20$ from Gaia DR3, and $>70$% of the brightest stars, G $<18.75$. Our spectroscopic velocities are combined with Gaia DR3 proper motions and parallax measurements for a new and more precise membership analysis. We look again at the global characteristics of Sculptor, deriving a mean metallicity of $\langle$[Fe/H]$\rangle = -1.82 \pm 0.45$ and a mean line-of-sight velocity of $\langle$vlos$\rangle = +111.2 \pm 0.25$km/s. There is a clear metallicity gradient in Sculptor, -0.7deg/dex, with the most metal-rich population being the most centrally concentrated. Furthermore, the most metal-poor population in Sculptor, [Fe/H]$<-2.5$, appears to show kinematic properties distinct from the rest of the stellar population. Finally, we combine our results with the exquisite Gaia DR3 multi-colour photometry to further investigate the colour-magnitude diagram of the resolved stellar population in Sculptor. Our detailed analysis shows a similar global picture as previous studies, but with much more precise detail, revealing that Sculptor has more complex properties than previously thought. This survey emphasises the role of the stellar spectroscopy technique and this galaxy as a benchmark system for modelling galaxy formation and evolution on small scales.

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E. Tolstoy, &. Skúladóttir, G. Battaglia, et. al.
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: A&A, in press

Improving the Composition of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays with Ground Detector Data [HEAP]

We show that the maximum shower depth ($X_{\rm max}$) distributions of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs), as measured by fluorescence telescopes, can be augmented by building a mapping to observables collected by surface detectors. Using the publicly available data on “golden hybrid” events from the Pierre Auger Observatory we demonstrate significant correlations between $X_{\rm max}$ and timing information from ground Cherenkov detectors. Using such a mapping we show how to incorporate a subset of ground data into the inference of the $X_{\rm max}$ distribution, where the size of this subset depends on the strength of the correlation found. With a simple linear fit model, we are able to effectively incorporate $\sim13\%$ of all ground data statistics. Finally, we use this augmented dataset to infer the composition of UHECRs and discriminate between hadronic models used in air shower development simulations, and show the results improve significantly due to the effectively larger statistics available.

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B. Bortolato, J. Kamenik and M. Tammaro
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: 8 pages, 7 figures

The Northern Cross Fast Radio Burst project — III. The FRB-magnetar connection in a sample of nearby galaxies [HEAP]

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are millisecond-radio transients observed at cosmological distances. The nature of their progenitors is still under debate, although magnetars are invoked by most models. The FRB-magnetar connection was strengthened by the discovery of an FRB-like event from the Galactic magnetar SGR J1935+215. In this work, we aim to investigate how prevalent are magnetars like SGR~J1935+2154 within FRB progenitors. We carried out an FRB search in a sample of seven nearby (< 12 Mpc) galaxies with the Northern Cross radio telescope for a total of 692 h. We detected one 1.8~ms burst in the direction of M101 with fluence of $58 \pm 5$ Jy ms. Its dispersion measure of 303 pc cm$^{-3}$ places it most-likely beyond M101. Considering no significant detection coming indisputably from the selected galaxies, we place a 38 yr$^{-1}$ upper limit on the total – i.e., including the whole sample – burst rate at the 95\% confidence level. This upper limit constrains $\lambda_{\rm mag} < 0.42$~magnetar$^{-1}$ yr$^{-1}$ or, if combined with literature observations of a similar sample of nearby galaxies, it yields a joint constraint of $\lambda_{\rm mag} < 0.25$ magnetar$^{-1}$ yr$^{-1}$. We also provide the first constraints on the expected rate of FRBs hypothetically originating from ultraluminous X-ray (ULX) sources, since some of the galaxies observed during our observational campaign host confirmed ULXs. We obtain $< 13$ yr$^{-1}$ per ULX on the total sample of galaxies observed. Our results indicate that bursts with energies $E > 10^{34}$ erg from magnetars like SGR~J1935+2154 appear more rare compared to previous observations, and further disfavours them as unique progenitors for the cosmological FRB population, leaving more space open to the contribution from a population of more exotic magnetars, not born via core-collapsed supernovae.

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D. Pelliciari, G. Bernardi, M. Pilia, et. al.
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to A&A

Pulsar Candidate Classification Using A Computer Vision Method Combining with Convolution and Attention [IMA]

Artificial intelligence methods are indispensable to identifying pulsars from large amounts of candidates. We develop a new pulsar identification system that utilizes the CoAtNet to score two-dimensional features of candidates, uses a multilayer perceptron to score one-dimensional features, and uses logistic regression to judge the scores above. In the data preprocessing stage, we performed two feature fusions separately, one for one-dimensional features and the other for two-dimensional features, which are used as inputs for the multilayer perceptron and the CoAtNet respectively. The newly developed system achieves 98.77\% recall, 1.07\% false positive rate and 98.85\% accuracy in our GPPS test set.

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N. Cai, J. Han, W. Jing, et. al.
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: 12 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables

The Gaia-ESO Survey: Empirical estimates of stellar ages from lithium equivalent widths (EAGLES) [SSA]

We present an empirical model of age-dependent photospheric lithium depletion, calibrated using a large, homogeneously-analysed sample of 6200 stars in 52 open clusters, with ages from 2–6000 Myr and $-0.3<{\rm [Fe/H}]<0.2$, observed in the Gaia-ESO spectroscopic survey. The model is used to obtain age estimates and posterior age probability distributions from measurements of the Li I 6708A equivalent width for individual (pre) main sequence stars with $3000 < T_{\rm eff}/{\rm K} <6500$, a domain where age determination from the HR diagram is either insensitive or highly model-dependent. In the best cases, precisions of 0.1 dex in log age are achievable; even higher precision can be obtained for coeval groups and associations where the individual age probabilities of their members can be combined. The method is validated on a sample of exoplanet-hosting young stars, finding agreement with claimed young ages for some, but not others. We obtain better than 10 per cent precision in age, and excellent agreement with published ages, for seven well-studied young moving groups. The derived ages for young clusters ($<1$ Gyr) in our sample are also in good agreement with their training ages, and consistent with several published, model-insensitive lithium depletion boundary ages. For older clusters there remain systematic age errors that could be as large as a factor of two. There is no evidence to link these errors to any strong systematic metallicity dependence of (pre) main sequence lithium depletion, at least in the range $-0.29 < {\rm [Fe/H]} < 0.18$. Our methods and model are provided as software — “Empirical AGes from Lithium Equivalent widthS” (EAGLES).

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R. Jeffries, R. Jackson, N. Wright, et. al.
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

The $π$-axion and $π$-axiverse of dark QCD [CL]

Axions and axion-like particles (ALPs) are a prominent dark matter candidate, drawing motivation in part from the axiverse of string theory. Axion-like particles can also arise as composite degrees of freedom of a dark sector, for example, as dark pions in dark Quantum Chromo-Dynamics. In a dark Standard Model (SM) wherein all 6 quark flavors are light while the photon is massive, one finds a rich low-energy spectrum of stable and ultralight particles, in the form of neutral and charged dark scalars, and complex neutral scalars analogous to the SM kaon, with mass splittings determined by the mass and charge of the dark quarks. The model finds a natural portal to the visible sector via kinetic coupling of the dark and visible photons, and consequent millicharges for dark matter. The dark matter can be a mixture of all these ultralight bosonic degrees of freedom, and exhibit both parity-even and parity-odd interactions, making the theory testable at a wide variety of experiments. In context of dark QCD with $N_f$ flavors of light quarks, this scenario predicts $N_f^2-1$ ultralight axion-like particles — effectively an axiverse from dark QCD. This ‘$\pi$-axiverse’ is consistent with but makes no recourse to string theory, and is complementary to the conventional string theory axiverse.

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S. Alexander, H. Gilmer, T. Manton, et. al.
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: N/A

New compound and hybrid binding energy sputter model for modeling purposes in agreement with experimental data [EPA]

Rocky planets and moons experiencing solar wind sputtering are continuously supplying their enveloping exosphere with ejected neutral atoms. To understand the quantity and properties of the ejecta, well established Binary Collision Approximation Monte Carlo codes like TRIM with default settings are used predominantly. Improved models such as SDTrimSP have come forward and together with new experimental data the underlying assumptions have been challenged. We introduce a hybrid model, combining the previous surface binding approach with a new bulk binding model akin to Hofs\”ass & Stegmaier (2023). In addition, we expand the model implementation by distinguishing between free and bound components sourced from mineral compounds such as oxides or sulfides. The use of oxides and sulfides also enables the correct setting of the mass densities of minerals, which was previously limited to the manual setting of individual atomic densities of elements. All of the energies and densities used are thereby based on tabulated data, so that only minimal user input and no fitting of parameters are required. We found unprecedented agreement between the newly implemented hybrid model and previously published sputter yields for incidence angles up to 45{\deg} from surface normal. Good agreement is found for the angular distribution of mass sputtered from enstatite MgSiO$_3$ compared to latest experimental data. Energy distributions recreate trends of experimental data of oxidized metals. Similar trends are to be expected from future mineral experimental data. The model thus serves its purpose of widespread applicability and ease of use for modelers of rocky body exospheres.

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N. Jäggi, A. Mutzke, H. Biber, et. al.
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: 23 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables

Testing growth rate dependence in cosmological perturbation theory using scale-free models [CEA]

We generalize previously derived analytic results for the one-loop power spectrum (PS) in scale-free models (with linear PS $P(k) \propto k^n$) to a broader class of such models in which part of the matter-like component driving the Einstein de Sitter expansion does not cluster. These models can be conveniently parametrized by $\alpha$, the constant logarithmic linear growth rate of fluctuations (with $\alpha=1$ in the usual case). For $-3< n<-1$, where the one-loop PS is both infrared and ultraviolet convergent and thus explicitly self-similar, it is characterized conveniently by a single numerical coefficient $c(n, \alpha)$. We compare the analytical predictions for $c(n=-2, \alpha)$ with results from a suite of $N$-body simulations with $\alpha \in [0.25, 1]$ performed with an appropriately modified version of the Gadget code. Although the simulations are of small ($256^3$) boxes, the constraint of self-similarity allows the identification of the converged PS at a level of accuracy sufficient to test the analytical predictions for the $\alpha$ dependence of the evolved PS. Good agreement for the predicted dependence on $\alpha$ of the PS is found. To treat the UV sensitivity of results which grows as one approaches $n =-1$, we derive exact results incorporating a regularisation $k_c$ and obtain expressions for $c(n, \alpha, k_c/k)$. Assuming that this regularisation is compatible with self-similarity allows us to infer a predicted functional form of the PS equivalent to that derived in effective field theory (EFT). The coefficient of the leading EFT correction at one loop has a strong dependence on $\alpha$, with a change in sign at $\alpha \approx 0.16$, providing a potentially stringent test of EFT.

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A. Pohan, M. Joyce, D. Benhaiem, et. al.
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: 14 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables

Massive black holes in galactic nuclei: Theory and Simulations [HEAP]

Massive black holes are fundamental constituents of our cosmos, from the Big Bang to today. Understanding their formation from cosmic dawn, their growth, and the emergence of the first, rare quasars in the early Universe remains one of our greatest theoretical and observational challenges. Hydrodynamic cosmological simulations self-consistently combine the processes of structure formation at cosmological scales with the physics of smaller, galaxy scales. They capture our most realistic understanding of massive black holes and their connection to galaxy formation and have become the primary avenue for theoretical research in this field. The space-based gravitational wave interferometer, LISA, will open up new investigations into the dynamical processes involving massive black holes. Multi-messenger astrophysics brings new exciting prospects for tracing the origin, growth and merger history of massive black holes across cosmic ages.

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T. Matteo, D. Angles-Alcazar and F. Shankar
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: 77 pages, 20 figures, This chapter is the preprint of the version currently in production. Please cite this chapter as the following: T.DiMatteo, D. Angles-Alcazar, and F. Shankar. Massive black holes in galactic nuclei: Theory and simulations, in The Encyclopedia of Cosmology (Set 2): Black Holes, edited by Z. Haiman (World Scientific, New Jersey, 2023)

GJ3470-d and GJ3470-e: Discovery of Co-Orbiting Exoplanets in a Horseshoe Exchange Orbit [EPA]

We report the discovery of a pair of exoplanets co-orbiting the red dwarf star GJ3470. The larger planet, GJ3470-d, was observed in a 14.9617-days orbit and the smaller planet, GJ3470-e, in a 14.9467-days orbit. GJ3470-d is sub-Jupiter size with a 1.4% depth and a duration of 3 hours, 4 minutes. The smaller planet, GJ3470-e, currently leads the larger planet by approximately 1.146-days and is extending that lead by about 7.5-minutes (JD 0.0052) per orbital cycle. It has an average depth of 0.5% and an average duration of 3 hours, 2 minutes. The larger planet, GJ3470-d, has been observed on seven separate occasions over a 3-year period, allowing for a very precise orbital period calculation. The last transit was observed by three separate observatories in Oklahoma and Arizona. The smaller planet, GJ3470-e, has been observed on five occasions over 2-years. Our data appears consistent with two exoplanets in a Horseshoe Exchange orbit. When confirmed, these will be the second and third exoplanets discovered and characterized by amateur astronomers without professional data or assistance. It will also be the first ever discovery of co-orbiting exoplanets in a Horseshoe Exchange orbit.

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P. Scott, J. Taylor, L. Beatty, et. al.
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: 10 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables

Timing analysis of Swift J0243.6+6124 with NICER and Fermi/GBM during the decay phase of the 2017-2018 outburst [HEAP]

We present a timing and noise analysis of the Be/X-ray binary system Swift J0243.6+6124 during its 2017-2018 super-Eddington outburst using NICER/XTI observations. For the initial segments of the data that overlap with the Fermi/GBM pulse frequency history, we apply a synthetic pulse timing analysis to enrich the spin frequency history of the source. In addition, we employ phase-coherent timing analysis for NICER/XTI observations that extends beyond the Fermi/GBM frequency history. We show that the pulse profiles switch from double-peaked to single-peaked when the X-ray luminosity drops below $\sim$$7\times 10^{36}$ erg s$^{-1}$. We suggest that this transitional luminosity is associated with the transition from a pencil beam pattern to a hybrid beam pattern when the Coulomb interactions become ineffective to decelerate the accretion flow, which implies a dipolar magnetic field strength of $\sim$$5\times 10^{12}$ G. We also obtained the power density spectra (PDS) of the spin frequency derivative fluctuations. The red noise component of the PDS is found to be steeper ($\omega^{-3.36}$) than the other transient accreting sources. We find significantly high noise strength estimates above the super-Eddington luminosity levels, which may arise from the torque fluctuations due to interactions with the quadrupole fields at such levels.

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M. Serim, &. Dönmez, D. Serim, et. al.
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: 18 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to MNRAS

Evolution of open clusters with or without black holes [GA]

Binary black holes (BHs) can be formed dynamically in the centers of star clusters. The high natal kicks for stellar-mass BHs used in previous works made it hard to retain BHs in star clusters. Recent studies of massive star evolution and supernovae (SN) propose kick velocities that are lower due to the fallback of the SN ejecta. We study the impact of these updates by performing $N$-body simulations following instantaneous gas expulsion. For comparison, we simulate two additional model sets with the previous treatment of stars: one with high kicks and another with artificial removal of the kicks. Our model clusters initially consist of about one hundred thousand stars, formed with centrally-peaked efficiency. We find that the updated treatment of stars, due to the fallback-scaled lower natal kicks, allows clusters to retain SN remnants after violent relaxation. The mass contribution of the retained remnants does not exceed a few percent of the total bound cluster mass during the early evolution. For this reason, the first giga year of evolution is not affected significantly by this effect. Nevertheless, during the subsequent long-term evolution, the retained BHs accelerate mass segregation, leading to the faster dissolution of the clusters.

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B. Shukirgaliyev, P. Berczik, A. Otebay, et. al.
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: 8 pages, 7 figures, submitted to MNRAS, comments are welcome

High-velocity CP2 stars in the Galactic halo [GA]

Context. The second subclass of chemically peculiar stars, the CP2 stars, are early-type stars exhibiting anomalous abundances with variable line strengths possibly also accompanied by photometric variability that typically belong to the Galactic disk. However, a small fraction of these objects were recently found to be located far from the Galactic plane and are thought to belong to the Galactic halo, which is unexpected for this class of objects. Aims. Our study investigates the halo membership of the proposed halo CP2 star candidates based on their velocities and Galactic orbits, to determine their points of origin. In addition, we searched for further halo CP2 star candidates using an as-yet-unpublished sample of CP stars. Methods. Our analysis relied on the astrometry from the early third \textit{Gaia} data release and radial velocities based on the spectroscopy from LAMOST and SDSS, which was also employed in spectral classification. The light variability of the confirmed CP2 stars in our sample was analyzed using data from the ZTF and ATLAS surveys. Results. After filtering our initial sample using kinematic and spectroscopic criteria, we identified six CP2 stars with kinematical properties consistent with a halo membership. The orbits of these stars are in agreement with an origin in the Galactic disk where they were probably ejected through dynamical interactions or in the binary supernova scenario, making them the first runaway CP2 stars known.

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N. Faltová, M. Prišegen, K. Bernhard, et. al.
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

MaNGA DynPop — IV. Stacked total density profile of galaxy groups and clusters from combining dynamical models of integral-field stellar kinematics and galaxy-galaxy lensing [GA]

We present the measurement of total and stellar/dark matter decomposed mass density profile around a sample of galaxy groups and clusters with dynamical masses derived from integral-field stellar kinematics from the MaNGA survey in Paper~I and weak lensing derived from the DECaLS imaging survey. Combining the two data sets enables accurate measurement of the radial density distribution from several kpc to Mpc scales. Intriguingly, we find that the excess surface density derived from stellar kinematics in the inner region cannot be explained by simply adding an NFW dark matter halo extrapolated from lensing measurement at a larger scale to a stellar mass component derived from the NASA-Sloan Atlas (NSA) catalog. We find that a good fit to both data sets requires a stellar mass normalization about 3 times higher than that derived from the NSA catalog, which would require an unrealistically too-heavy initial mass function for stellar mass estimation. If we keep the stellar mass normalization to that of the NSA catalog but allow a varying inner dark matter density profile, we obtain an asymptotic slope of $\gamma_{\rm gnfw}$= $1.82_{-0.25}^{+0.15}$, $\gamma_{\rm gnfw}$= $1.48_{-0.41}^{+0.20}$ for the group bin and the cluster bin respectively, significantly steeper than the NFW case. We also compare the total mass inner density slopes with those from Illustris-TNG300 and find that the values from the simulation are lower than the observation by at least $3\sigma$ level.

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C. Wang, R. Li, K. Zhu, et. al.
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: 12 pages, 9 figures, was submitted to MNRAS

The GeMS/GSAOI Galactic Globular Cluster Survey (G4CS) II: Characterization of 47 Tuc with Bayesian Statistics [GA]

We present a photometric analysis of globular cluster 47 Tuc (NGC\,104), using near-IR imaging data from the GeMS/GSAOI Galactic Globular Cluster Survey (G4CS) which is in operation at Gemini-South telescope.~Our survey is designed to obtain AO-assisted deep imaging with near diffraction-limited spatial resolution of the central fields of Milky Way globular clusters.~The G4CS near-IR photometry was combined with an optical photometry catalog obtained from Hubble Space Telescope survey data to produce a high-quality color-magnitude diagram that reaches down to K$s\approx$ 21 Vega mag.~We used the software suite BASE-9, which uses an adaptive Metropolis sampling algorithm to perform a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Bayesian analysis, and obtained probability distributions and precise estimates for the age, distance and extinction cluster parameters.~Our best estimate for the age of 47 Tuc is 12.42$^{+0.05}{-0.05}$ $\pm$ 0.08 Gyr, and our true distance modulus estimate is (m$-$M)$0$=13.250$^{+0.003}{-0.003}$ $\pm$ 0.028 mag, in tight agreement with previous studies using Gaia DR2 parallax and detached eclipsing binaries.

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M. Simunovic, T. Puzia, B. Miller, et. al.
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: 25 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal

MaNGA DynPop — III. Accurate stellar dynamics vs. stellar population relations in 6000 early-type and spiral galaxies: fundamental plane, mass-to-light ratios, total density slopes, and dark matter fractions [GA]

We present dynamical scaling relations, combined with the stellar population properties, for a subsample of about 6000 nearby galaxies with the most reliable dynamical models extracted from the full MaNGA sample of 10K galaxies. We show that the inclination-corrected mass plane (MP) for both early-type galaxies (ETGs) and late-type galaxies (LTGs), which links dynamical mass, projected half-light radius $R_{\rm e}$, and the second stellar velocity moment $\sigma_{\rm e}$ within $R_{\rm e}$, satisfies the virial theorem and is even tighter than the uncorrected one. We find a clear parabolic relation between $\lg(M/L)(<R_{\rm e})$, the total mass-to-light ratio within a sphere of radius $R_{\rm e}$, and $\lg\sigma_{\rm e}$, with the $M/L$ increasing with $\sigma_{\rm e}$ and for older stellar populations. However, the relation for ETGs is linear and the one for the youngest galaxies is constant. We confirm and improve the relation between average logarithmic total density slopes $\gamma_{{\rm T}}$ and $\sigma{\rm e}$: $\gamma_{{\rm T}}$ become steeper with increasing $\sigma{\rm e}$ until $\lg(\sigma_{\rm e}/{\rm km\,s^{-1}})\approx 2.2$ and then remain constant around $\gamma_{{\rm T}}\approx -2.2$. The $\gamma{{\rm T}}-\sigma{\rm e}$ variation is larger for LTGs than ETGs. At fixed $\sigma_{\rm e}$ the total density profiles steepen with galaxy age and for ETGs. We find generally low dark matter fractions, median $f_{\rm DM}(<R_{\rm e})=8$ per cent, within a sphere of radius $R_{\rm e}$. However, we find that $f_{\rm DM}(<R_{\rm e})$ depends on $\sigma_{\rm e}$ better than stellar mass: dark matter increases to a median $f_{\rm DM}=33$ percent for galaxies with $\sigma_{\rm e}\lesssim100{\rm km\,s^{-1}}$. The increased $f_{\rm DM}(<R_{\rm e})$ at low $\sigma_{\rm e}$ explains the parabolic $\lg(M/L)(<R_{\rm e})-\lg\sigma_{\rm e}$ relation.

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K. Zhu, S. Lu, M. Cappellari, et. al.
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: 21 pages, 16 figures, 1 table, Submitted to MNRAS

General-Relativistic Hydrodynamics Simulation of a Neutron Star – Sub-Solar-Mass Black Hole Merger [CL]

Over the last few years, there has been an increasing interest in sub-solar mass black holes due to their potential to provide valuable information about cosmology or the black hole population. Motivated by this, we study observable phenomena connected to the merger of a sub-solar mass black hole with a neutron star. For this purpose, we perform new numerical-relativity simulations of a binary system composed of a black hole with mass $0.5M_\odot$ and a neutron star with mass $1.4 M_\odot$. We investigate the merger dynamics of this exotic system and provide information about the connected gravitational-wave and kilonova signals. Our study indicates that current gravitational-waveform models are unable to adequately describe such systems and that phenomenological relations connecting the binary parameters with the ejecta and remnant properties are not applicable to our system. Furthermore, we find a dependence of the kilonova signal on the azimuthal viewing angle due to the asymmetric mass ejection. This first-of-its-kind simulation opens the door for the study of sub-solar mass black hole – neutron star mergers and could serve as a testing ground for future model development.

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I. Markin, A. Neuweiler, A. Abac, et. al.
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: 16 pages, 14 figures, to be submitted to PRD, comments welcome

Photometric determination of the mass accretion rates of pre-main-sequence stars. VIII. Recent star formation in NGC 299 [GA]

We studied the properties of the young stellar populations in the NGC 299 cluster in the Small Magellanic Cloud using observations obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope in the $V, I$, and $H\alpha$ bands. We identified 252 stars with H$\alpha$ excess exceeding 5 $\sigma$ and an equivalent width of the H$\alpha$ emission line of at least 20 \r{A}, indicating that these stars are still undergoing accretion and therefore represent bona fide pre-main-sequence (PMS) objects. For all of them, we derived the mass, age, and mass accretion rate by comparing the observed photometry with theoretical models. We find evidence for the existence of two populations of PMS stars, with median ages of 25 and 50 Myr respectively. The average mass accretion rate for these PMS stars is $\sim 5 \times 10^{-9}$ M$_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$, which is comparable to the values found in other low-metallicity, low-density clusters in the Magellanic Clouds, but is about a factor of three lower than those measured for stars of similar mass and age in denser Magellanic Cloud stellar regions. Our findings support the hypothesis that both the metallicity and density of the forming environment can affect the mass accretion rate and thus the star formation process in a region.
A study of the spatial distribution of both massive stars and (low-mass) PMS objects reveals that the former are clustered near the nominal centre of NGC 299, whereas the PMS stars are rather uniformly distributed over the field. To explore whether the stars formed in an initially more diffuse or compact structure, we studied the cluster’s stellar density profile. We find a core radius $r_c\simeq 0.6$ pc and a tidal radius $r_t\simeq 5.5$ pc, with an implied concentration parameter $c \simeq 1$, suggesting that the cluster could be dispersing into the field.

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M. Vlasblom and G. Marchi
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: 14 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

Identifying Stochasticity in Time-Series with Autoencoder-Based Content-aware 2D Representation: Application to Black Hole Data [CL]

In this work, we report an autoencoder-based 2D representation to classify a time-series as stochastic or non-stochastic, to understand the underlying physical process. Content-aware conversion of 1D time-series to 2D representation, that simultaneously utilizes time- and frequency-domain characteristics, is proposed. An autoencoder is trained with a loss function to learn latent space (using both time- and frequency domains) representation, that is designed to be, time-invariant. Every element of the time-series is represented as a tuple with two components, one each, from latent space representation in time- and frequency-domains, forming a binary image. In this binary image, those tuples that represent the points in the time-series, together form the “Latent Space Signature” (LSS) of the input time-series. The obtained binary LSS images are fed to a classification network. The EfficientNetv2-S classifier is trained using 421 synthetic time-series, with fair representation from both categories. The proposed methodology is evaluated on publicly available astronomical data which are 12 distinct temporal classes of time-series pertaining to the black hole GRS 1915 + 105, obtained from RXTE satellite. Results obtained using the proposed methodology are compared with existing techniques. Concurrence in labels obtained across the classes, illustrates the efficacy of the proposed 2D representation using the latent space co-ordinates. The proposed methodology also outputs the confidence in the classification label.

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C. Pradeep and N. Sinha
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: N/A

Imprint of PBH domination on gravitational waves generated by cosmic strings [CL]

We study the effect of an ultra-light primordial black hole (PBH) dominated phase on the gravitational wave (GW) spectrum generated by a cosmic string (CS) network formed as a result of a high-scale $U(1)$ symmetry breaking. A PBH-dominated phase leads to tilts in the spectrum via entropy dilution and generates a new GW spectrum from PBH density fluctuations, detectable at ongoing and planned near-future GW detectors. The combined spectrum has a unique shape with a plateau, a sharp tilted peak over the plateau, and a characteristic fall-off, which can be distinguished from the one generated in the combination of CS and any other matter domination or new exotic physics. We discuss how ongoing and planned future experiments can probe such a unique spectrum for different values of $U(1)$ breaking scale and PBH parameters such as initial mass and energy fraction.

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D. Borah, S. Das, R. Roshan, et. al.
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: 18 pages, 4 captioned figures

Prediction of the collisions of meteoroids originating in comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner with the Mercury, Venus, and Mars [EPA]

After the prediction of meteor showers in the Earth’s atmosphere caused by the particles originating in the nucleus of comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner, we went on with the prediction of showers on the other three terrestrial planets. Based on our modeling of theoretical stream of the parent comet, we predicted several related meteorite (on Mercury) or meteor (on Venus and Mars) showers. There occurred the filaments, in the stream, with the particles coming to each planet from a similar direction. We found that this is a consequence of the specific distribution of argument of perihelion (peaked close to the value of $180^{\circ}$) and longitude of ascending node of the stream, and that the particles collide with each planet in an arc of their orbits being close to perihelion.

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D. Tomko and L. Neslušan
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: 8 pages (3 figures included), 6 tables (in appendix), submitted to Icarus

Revisiting the black hole mass of M87* using VLT/MUSE Adaptive Optics Integral Field Unit data I: Ionized gas kinematics [GA]

The stellar dynamic-based black hole mass measurement of M87 is twice that determined via ionized gas kinematics; they disagree by more than 3$\sigma$, being the former closer to the mass estimated from the diameter of the gravitationally-lensed ring around the black hole. Using a deeper and more comprehensive ionized gas kinematic dataset, we aim to better constrain the complex morphology and kinematics of the nuclear ionized gas. We use both Narrow and Wide Field Mode integral field spectroscopic data from the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer instrument to model the kinematics of multiple ionized gas emission lines. The dataset reveals complexities in the nuclear ionized gas kinematics not seen in earlier observations. Several ionized gas filaments, some with large flow velocities, can be traced down into the projected sphere of influence. We also find evidence of a partially-filled biconical outflow, aligned with the jet. The nuclear rotating ionized gas ‘disk’ is well resolved in our datacubes. The complexity of the nuclear morphology precludes the measurement of an accurate black hole mass from the ionized gas kinematics. The ionized gas kinematics can be explained with either a 6.6 $\times 10^{9}\rm~M_{\odot}$ black hole with a disk inclination of 25\deg, or a 3.5 $\times 10^{9}\rm~M_{\odot}$ black hole with an inclination of 42\deg, with more support for the former. The velocity isophotes of the sub-arcsecond ionized gas disk are twisted, and the position angle of the innermost gas disk tends towards a value perpendicular to the radio jet axis. An inclination close to 25\deg\ for the nuclear gas disk, and the warp in the sub-arcsec ionized gas disk, help to reconcile the contradictory nature of key earlier results: the discrepancy between stellar and ionized gas measurements, and the mis-orientation between the axes of the ionized gas disk and the jet.

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J. Osorno, N. Nagar, T. Richtler, et. al.
Tue, 25 Apr 23

Comments: 17 pages, 16 figures (3 of them in the appendix). Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics

A Cross-correlation Study between IceCube Neutrino Events and the Fermi Unresolved Gamma-ray Sky [HEAP]

With the coincident detections of electromagnetic radiation together with gravitational waves (GW170817) or neutrinos (TXS 0506+056), the new era of multimessenger astrophysics has begun. Of particular interest are the searches for correlation between the high-energy astrophysical neutrinos detected by the IceCube Observatory and gamma-ray photons detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT). So far, only sources detected by the LAT have been considered in correlation with IceCube neutrinos, neglecting any emission from sources too faint to be resolved individually. Here, we present the first cross-correlation analysis considering the unresolved gamma-ray background (UGRB) and IceCube events. We perform a thorough sensitivity study and, given the lack of identified correlation, we place upper limits on the fraction of the observed neutrinos that would be produced in proton-proton (p-p) or proton-gamma (p-gamma) interactions from the population of sources contributing to the UGRB emission and dominating its spatial anisotropy (aka blazars). Our analysis suggests that, under the assumption that there is no intrinsic cutoff and/or hardening of the spectrum above Fermi-LAT energies, and that all gamma-rays from the unresolved blazars dominating the UGRB fluctuation field are produced by neutral pions from p-p (p-gamma) interactions, up to 60% (30%) of such population may contribute to the total neutrino events observed by IceCube. This translates into a O(1%) maximum contribution to the astrophysical high-energy neutrino flux observed by IceCube at 100 TeV.

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M. Negro, M. Crnogorčević, E. Burns, et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: This version is submitted to ApJ

Stellar Collisions in the Galactic Center: Massive Stars, Collision Remnants, and Missing Red Giants [GA]

Like most galaxies, the Milky Way harbors a supermassive black hole (SMBH) at its center, surrounded by a nuclear star cluster. In this dense star cluster, direct collisions can occur between stars before they evolve off the main-sequence. Using a statistical approach, we characterize the outcomes of these stellar collisions within the inner parsec of the Galactic Center (GC). Close to the SMBH, where the velocity dispersion is larger than the escape speed from a Sun-like star, collisions lead to mass loss. We find that the stellar population within $0.01$ pc is halved within about a Gyr because of destructive collisions. Additionally, we predict a diffuse population of peculiar low-mass stars in the GC. These stars have been divested of their outer layers in the inner $0.01$ pc before migrating to larger distances from the SMBH. Between $0.01$ and $0.1$ pc from the SMBH, collisions can result in mergers. Our results suggest that repeated collisions between lower mass stars can produce massive ($\gtrsim 10$ M$_\odot$) stars, and there may be $\sim 100$ of them residing in this region. We provide predictions on the number of G objects, dust and gas enshrouded stellar objects, that may result from main-sequence stellar collisions. Lastly, we comment on uncertainties in our model and possible connections between stellar collisions and the missing red giants in the GC.

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S. Rose, S. Naoz, R. Sari, et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: Submitted to ApJ. Comments welcome. 24 pages, 13 figures

What Does the Milky Way Look Like? [GA]

In spite of much work, the overall spiral structure morphology of the Milky Way remains somewhat uncertain. In the last two decades, accurate distance measurements have provided us with an opportunity to solve this issue. Using the precise locations of very young objects, for the first time, we propose that our galaxy has a multiple-arm morphology that consists of two-arm symmetry (the Perseus and Norma Arms) in the inner parts and that extends to the outer parts, where there are several long, irregular arms (the Centaurus, Sagittarius, Carina, Outer, and Local Arms).

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Y. Xu, C. Hao, D. Liu, et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 11 pages, 9 figures, ApJ, 947, 54

Potential of Constraining Propagation Parameters of Galactic Cosmic Rays with the High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection facility onboard China's Space Station [HEAP]

Precise measurements of the spectra of secondary and primary cosmic rays are crucial for understanding the origin and propagation of those energetic particles. The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility onboard China`s Space Station, which is expected to operate in 2027, will push the direct measurements of cosmic ray fluxes precisely up to PeV energies. In this work, we investigate the potential of HERD on studying the propagation of cosmic rays using the measurements of boron, carbon, and oxygen spectra. We find that, compared with the current results, the new HERD measurements can improve the accuracy of the propagation parameters by 8\% to 40\%. The constraints on the injection spectra at high energies will also be improved.

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Z. Xu, Q. Yuan, Z. Tang, et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 10 pages, 4 figures

The APO-K2 Catalog. I. 7,673 Red Giants with Fundamental Stellar Parameters from APOGEE DR17 Spectroscopy and K2-GAP Asteroseismology [SSA]

We present a catalog of fundamental stellar properties for 7,673 evolved stars, including stellar radii and masses, determined from the combination of spectroscopic observations from the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE), part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV (SDSS), and asteroseismology from K2. The resulting APO-K2 catalog provides spectroscopically derived temperatures and metallicities, asteroseismic global parameters, evolutionary states, and asteroseismically-derived masses and radii. Additionally, we include kinematic information from \textit{Gaia}. We investigate the multi-dimensional space of abundance, stellar mass, and velocity with an eye toward applications in Galactic archaeology. The APO-K2 sample has a large population of low metallicity stars ($\sim$288 at [M/H] $\leq$ $-$1), and their asteroseismic masses are larger than astrophysical estimates. We argue that this may reflect offsets in the adopted fundamental temperature scale for metal-poor stars rather than metallicity-dependent issues with interpreting asteroseismic data. We characterize the kinematic properties of the population as a function of $\alpha$-enhancement and position in the disk and identify those stars in the sample that are candidate components of the \textit{Gaia-Enceladus} merger. Importantly, we characterize the selection function for the APO-K2 sample as a function of metallicity, radius, mass, $\nu_{\mathrm{max}}$, color, and magnitude referencing Galactic simulations and target selection criteria to enable robust statistical inferences with the catalog.

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J. Schonhut-Stasik, J. Zinn, K. Stassun, et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 28 Pages, 14 Figures, 1 Table. Full table and selection function data available at this https URL Submitted April 18th 2023 with AJ, awaiting review

Detectability of Late-time Supernova Neutrinos with Fallback Accretion onto Protoneutron star [HEAP]

We investigate the late-time neutrino emission powered by fallback mass accretion onto proto-neutron star (PNS), using neutrino radiation-hydrodynamic simulations with full Boltzmann neutrino transport. We follow the time evolution of accretion flow onto PNS until the system reaches a steady state. A standing shock wave is commonly formed in the accretion flow, whereas the shock radius varies depending on mass accretion rate and PNS mass. A sharp increase in temperature emerges in the vicinity of PNS ($\sim 10$ km), which characterizes neutrino emission. Both neutrino luminosity and average energy become higher with increasing mass accretion rate and PNS mass. The mean energy of emitted neutrinos is in the range of $10\lesssim\epsilon\lesssim20\,\mathrm{MeV}$, which is higher than that estimated from PNS cooling models ($\lesssim10\,\mathrm{MeV}$). Assuming a distance to core-collapse supernova of $10\,\mathrm{kpc}$, we quantify neutrino event rates for Super-Kamiokande (Super-K) and DUNE. The estimated detection rates are well above the background, and their energy-dependent features are qualitatively different from those expected from PNS cooling models. Another notable feature is that the neutrino emission is strongly flavor dependent, exhibiting that the neutrino event rate hinges on the neutrino oscillation model. We estimate them in the case with adiabatic Mikheev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein model, and show that the normal- and inverted mass hierarchy offer the large number of neutrino detection in Super-K and DUNE, respectively. Hence the simultaneous observation with Super-K and DUNE of the fallback neutrinos will provide a strong constraint on neutrino mass hierarchy.

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R. Akaho, H. Nagakura and T. Foglizzo
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: submitted to ApJ

Stochastic constant-roll inflation and primordial black holes [CEA]

Stochastic inflation resolves primordial perturbations non-linearly, probing their probability distribution deep into its non-Gaussian tail. The strongest perturbations collapse into primordial black holes. In typical black-hole-producing single-field inflation, the strongest stochastic kicks occur during a period of constant roll. In this paper, I solve the stochastic constant-roll system, drawing the stochastic kicks from a numerically computed power spectrum, beyond the usual de Sitter approximation. The perturbation probability distribution is an analytical function of the integrated power spectrum $\sigma_k^2$ and the second slow-roll parameter $\epsilon_2$. With a large $\epsilon_2$, stochastic effects can reduce the height of the curvature power spectrum required to form asteroid mass black holes from $10^{-2}$ to $10^{-3}$. I compare these results to studies with the non-stochastic $\Delta N$ formalism.

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E. Tomberg
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 10 pages, 3 figures, 1 table

Optical Emission Model for Binary Black Hole Merger Remnants Travelling through Discs of Active Galactic Nucleus [HEAP]

Active galactic nuclei (AGNs) have been proposed as plausible sites hosting a sizable fraction of the binary black hole (BBH) mergers measured through gravitational waves (GWs) by the LIGO-Virgo-Kagra (LVK) experiment. These GWs could be accompanied by radiation feedback due to the interaction of the BBH merger remnant with the AGN disc. We present a new predicted radiation signature driven by the passage of a kicked BBH remnant throughout a thin AGN disc. We analyse the situation of a merger occurring outside the thin disc, where the merger is of second or higher generation in a merging hierarchical sequence. The coalescence produces a kicked BH remnant that eventually plunges into the disc, accretes material, and inflates jet cocoons. We consider the case of a jet cocoon propagating quasi-parallel to the disc plane and study the outflow that results when the cocoon emerges from the disc. Here we focus on the long time-scale emission produced after the disc outflow expands and becomes optically thin. The bolometric luminosity of such disc outflow evolves as $L\propto t^{-7/2}$. Depending on the parameter configuration, the flare produced by the disc outflow could be comparable to or exceed the AGN background emission at near-infrared, optical, and extreme ultraviolet wavelengths appearing $\sim$[20-500] days after the GW event and lasting for $\sim$[1-200] days, accordingly.

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J. Rodríguez-Ramírez, C. Bom, B. Fraga, et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 11 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to MNRAS

The spin-down accretion regime of Galactic ultra-luminous X-ray pulsar Swift J0243.6+6124 [HEAP]

The relative high fluxes of the Galactic ultra-luminous X-ray pulsar Swift J0243 allow a detailed study of its spin-down regime in quiescence state, for a first time. After the 2017 giant outburst, its spin frequencies show a linear decreasing trend with some variations due to minor outbursts. The linear spin-down rate is $\sim-1.9\times10^{-12}$ Hz/s during the period of lowest luminosity, from which one can infer a dipole field $\sim1.75\times10^{13}$ G. The $\dot{\nu}-L$ relation during the spin-down regime is complex, and the $\dot{\nu}$ is close to 0 when the luminosity reaches both the high end ($L_{38}\sim0.3$) and the lowest value ($L_{38}\sim0.03$). The luminosity of zero-torque is different for the giant outburst and other minor outbursts. It is likely due to different accretion flows for different types of outburst, as evidenced by the differences of the spectra and pulse profiles at a similar luminosity for different types of outburst (giant or not). The pulse profile changes from double peaks in the spin-up state to a single broad peak in the low spin-down regime, indicating the emission beam/region is larger in the low spin-down regime. These results show that accretion is still ongoing in the low spin-down regime for which the neutron star is supposed to be in a propeller state.

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J. Liu, L. Ji and M. Ge
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 7 pages, 7 figs, to appear in ApJ, comments welcome

US National Gemini Office in the NOIRLab era [IMA]

This article presents an overview of the US National Gemini Office (US NGO) and its role within the International Gemini Observatory user community. Throughout the years, the US NGO charter changed considerably to accommodate the evolving needs of astronomers and the observatory. The current landscape of observational astronomy requires effective communication between stakeholders and reliable/accessible data reduction tools and products, which minimize the time between data gathering and publication of scientific results. Because of that, the US NGO heavily invests in producing data reduction tutorials and cookbooks. Recently, the US NGO started engaging with the Gemini user community through social media, and the results have been encouraging, increasing the observatory’s visibility. The US NGO staff developed tools to assess whether the support provided to the user community is sufficient and effective, through website analytics and social media engagement numbers. These quantitative metrics serve as the baseline for internal reporting and directing efforts to new or current products. In the era of the NSF’s National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory (NOIRLab), the US NGO is well-positioned to be the liaison between the US user base and the Gemini Observatory. Furthermore, collaborations within NOIRLab programs, such as the Astro Data Lab and the Time Allocation Committee, enhance the US NGO outreach to attract users and develop new products. The future landscape laid out by the Astro 2020 report confirms the need to establish such synergies and provide more integrated user support services to the astronomical community at large.

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V. Placco and L. Stanghellini
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 15 pages, 8 figures, published in the Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems

Simulating Stellar Merger using HPX/Kokkos on A64FX on Supercomputer Fugaku [CL]

The increasing availability of machines relying on non-GPU architectures, such as ARM A64FX in high-performance computing, provides a set of interesting challenges to application developers. In addition to requiring code portability across different parallelization schemes, programs targeting these architectures have to be highly adaptable in terms of compute kernel sizes to accommodate different execution characteristics for various heterogeneous workloads. In this paper, we demonstrate an approach to code and performance portability that is based entirely on established standards in the industry. In addition to applying Kokkos as an abstraction over the execution of compute kernels on different heterogeneous execution environments, we show that the use of standard C++ constructs as exposed by the HPX runtime system enables superb portability in terms of code and performance based on the real-world Octo-Tiger astrophysics application. We report our experience with porting Octo-Tiger to the ARM A64FX architecture provided by Stony Brook’s Ookami and Riken’s Supercomputer Fugaku and compare the resulting performance with that achieved on well established GPU-oriented HPC machines such as ORNL’s Summit, NERSC’s Perlmutter and CSCS’s Piz Daint systems. Octo-Tiger scaled well on Supercomputer Fugaku without any major code changes due to the abstraction levels provided by HPX and Kokkos. Adding vectorization support for ARM’s SVE to Octo-Tiger was trivial thanks to using standard C++

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P. Diehl, G. Daiß, K. Huck, et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: N/A

X-ray radiative transfer in full 3D with SKIRT [HEAP]

Models of active galactic nuclei (AGN) suggest that their circumnuclear media are complex with clumps and filaments, while recent observations hint towards polar extended structures of gas and dust, as opposed to the classical torus paradigm. The X-ray band forms an interesting window to study these circumnuclear media in great detail. In this work, we extended the radiative transfer code SKIRT with the X-ray processes that govern the broadband X-ray spectra of obscured AGN, to study the structure of AGN circumnuclear media in full 3D, based on their reflected X-ray emission. We extended the SKIRT code with Compton scattering on free electrons, photo-absorption and fluorescence by cold atomic gas, scattering on bound electrons, and extinction by dust. This includes a novel treatment of extreme-forward scattering by dust, and a detailed description of anomalous Rayleigh scattering. To verify our X-ray implementation, we performed the first dedicated benchmark of X-ray torus models, comparing five X-ray radiative transfer codes. Finally, we illustrated the 3D nature of the code by producing synthetic X-ray images and spectra of clumpy torus models. SKIRT forms a powerful new tool to model AGN circumnuclear media in full 3D from X-ray to millimetre wavelengths, and is now publicly available. In the X-ray regime, we find an excellent agreement with the simulation results of the MYTorus and RefleX codes, which validates our X-ray implementation. We find some discrepancies with other codes, which motivates the need for a robust framework that can handle non-linear 3D radiative transfer effects. The new X-ray functionalities of the SKIRT code allow for uncomplicated access to a broad suite of 3D X-ray models for AGN that can easily be tested and modified. This will be particularly useful with the advent of X-ray microcalorimeter observations.

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B. Meulen, P. Camps, M. Stalevski, et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 20 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Neutron star phase transition as the origin for the fast radio bursts and soft gamma-ray repeaters of SGR J1935+2154 [HEAP]

Magnetars are believed as neutron stars (NSs) with strong magnetic fields. X-ray flares and fast radio bursts (FRBs) have been observed from the magnetar (soft gamma-ray repeater, SGR J1935+2154). We propose that the phase transition of the NS can power the FRBs and SGRs.Based on the equation of state provided by the MIT bag model and the mean field approximation, we solve the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations to get the NS structure. With spin-down of the NS, the hadronic shell gradually transfers to the quark shell.The gravitational potential energy released by one time of the phase transition can be achieved. The released energy, time interval between two successive phase transitions, and glitch are all consistent with the observations of the FRBs and the X-ray flares from SGR J1935+2154. We conclude that the phase transition of an NS is a plausible mechanism to power the SGRs as well as the repeating FRBs.

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J. Shen, Y. Zou, S. Yang, et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 11 pages, 3 figures

There's more to life than O$_2$: Simulating the detectability of a range of molecules for ground-based high-resolution spectroscopy of transiting terrestrial exoplanets [EPA]

Within the next decade, atmospheric O$_2$ on Earth-like M dwarf planets may be accessible with visible–near-infrared, high spectral resolution extremely large ground-based telescope (ELT) instruments. However, the prospects for using ELTs to detect environmental properties that provide context for O$_2$ have not been thoroughly explored. Additional molecules may help indicate planetary habitability, rule out abiotically generated O$_2$, or reveal alternative biosignatures. To understand the accessibility of environmental context using ELT spectra, we simulate high-resolution transit transmission spectra of previously-generated evolved terrestrial atmospheres. We consider inhabited pre-industrial and Archean Earth-like atmospheres, and lifeless worlds with abiotic O$_2$ buildup from CO$_2$ and H$_2$O photolysis. All atmospheres are self-consistent with M2V–M8V dwarf host stars. Our simulations include explicit treatment of systematic and telluric effects to model high-resolution spectra for GMT, TMT, and E-ELT configurations for systems 5 and 12 pc from Earth. Using the cross-correlation technique, we determine the detectability of major species in these atmospheres: O$_2$, O$_3$, CH$_4$, CO$_2$, CO, H$_2$O, and C$_2$H$_6$. Our results suggest that CH$_4$ and CO$_2$ are the most accessible molecules for terrestrial planets transiting a range of M dwarf hosts using an E-ELT, TMT, or GMT sized telescope, and that the O$_2$ NIR and H$_2$O 0.9 $\mu$m bands may also be accessible with more observation time. Although this technique still faces considerable challenges, the ELTs will provide access to the atmospheres of terrestrial planets transiting earlier-type M-dwarf hosts that may not be possible using JWST.

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M. Currie, V. Meadows and K. Rasmussen
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: Accepted for publication in The Planetary Science Journal

Synchronizing the Consistency Relation [CEA]

We study the $N$-point function of the density contrast to quadratic order in the squeezed limit during the matter-dominated (MD) and radiation-dominated (RD) eras in synchronous gauge. Since synchronous gauge follows the free-fall frame of observers, the equivalence principle dictates that in the gradient approximation for the long-wavelength mode there is only a single, manifestly time-independent consistency relation for the $N$-point function. This simple form is dictated by the initial mapping between synchronous and local coordinates, unlike Newtonian gauge and its correspondingly separate dilation and Newtonian consistency relations. Dynamical effects only appear at quadratic order in the squeezed limit and are again characterized by a change in the local background, also known as the separate universe approach. We show that for the 3-point function the compatibility between these squeezed-limit relations and second-order perturbation theory requires both the initial and dynamical contributions to match, as they do in single-field inflation. This clarifies the role of evolution or late-time projection effects in establishing the consistency relation for observable bispectra, which is especially important for radiation acoustic oscillations and for establishing consistency below the matter-radiation equality scale in the MD era. Defining an appropriate angle and time average of these oscillations is also important for making separate universe predictions of spatially varying local observables during the RD era, which can be useful for a wider range of cosmological predictions beyond $N$-point functions.

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K. Inomata, H. Lee and W. Hu
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 65 pages, 1 figure

The Host Galaxies of Sub-Chandrasekhar Mass Type Ia Supernovae [CEA]

In recent years, there has been ample evidence for the existence of multiple progenitor pathways that can result in Type Ia supernova (SNe Ia), including SNe Ia of sub-Chandrasekhar mass origin best distinguished by their redder colors and higher Si II velocities near peak brightness. These SNe can contaminate the population of normal events used for cosmological analyses, creating unwanted biases in the final analyses. Given that many current and future surveys using SNe Ia as cosmological probes will not have the resources to take a spectrum of all the events, likely only getting host redshifts long after the SNe Ia have faded, we need to turn to methods that could separate these populations based purely on photometry or host properties. Here, we present a study of a sample of well observed, nearby SNe Ia and their hosts to determine if there are significant enough difference between these populations that can be discerned only from the stellar population properties of their hosts. Our results indicate that the global host properties, including star formation, stellar mass, stellar population age, and dust attenuation, of sub-Chandrasekhar mass explosions do not differ significantly from those of normal mass origin. However, we do find evidence using Na I D equivalent widths that the local environments of sub-Chandrasekhar mass explosions are more dust-affected than normal SNe Ia. Future work requires strengthening photometric probes of sub-Chandrasekhar SNe and their local environments to distinguish these events.

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A. Nugent, A. Polin and P. Nugent
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 16 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, submitted

VLBI Astrometry of Radio Stars to Link Radio and Optical Celestial Reference Frames. I. HD 199178 $\&$ AR Lacertae [SSA]

To accurately link the radio and optical Celestial Reference Frames (CRFs) at optical bright end, i.e., with Gaia G band magnitude < 13, increasing number and improving sky distribution of radio stars with accurate astrometric parameters from both Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) and Gaia measurements are mandatory. We selected two radio stars HD 199178 and AR Lacertae as the target for a pilot program for the frame link, using the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) at 15 GHz at six epochs spanning about 1 year, to measure their astrometric parameters. The measured parallax of HD 199178 is $8.949 \pm 0.059$ mas and the proper motion is $\mu_\alpha cos \delta = 26.393 \pm 0.093$, $\mu_\delta = -0.950 \pm 0.083~mas~yr^{-1}$, while the parallax of AR Lac is $23.459 \pm 0.094$ mas and the proper motion is $\mu_\alpha cos \delta = -51.906 \pm 0.138$, $\mu_\delta = 46.732 \pm 0.131~mas~yr^{-1}$. Our VLBI measured astrometric parameters have accuracies about 4-5 times better than the corresponding historic VLBI measurements and comparable accuracies with those from Gaia, validating the feasibility of frame link using radio stars. With the updated astrometric parameters for these two stars, there is a 25% reduction of the uncertainties on the Y axis for both orientation and spin parameters.

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W. Chen, B. Zhang, J. Zhang, et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 11 pages, accepted by MNRAS on 2023 April 20

The Magnetohydrodynamic-Particle-In-Cell Module in Athena++: Implementation and Code Tests [HEAP]

We present a new magnetohydrodynamic-particle-in-cell (MHD-PIC) code integrated into the Athena++ framework. It treats energetic particles as in conventional PIC codes while the rest of thermal plasmas are treated as background fluid described by MHD, thus primarily targeting at multi-scale astrophysical problems involving the kinetic physics of the cosmic-rays (CRs). The code is optimized toward efficient vectorization in interpolation and particle deposits, with excellent parallel scaling. The code is also compatible with static/adaptive mesh refinement, with dynamic load balancing to further enhance multi-scale simulations. In addition, we have implemented a compressing/expanding box framework which allows adiabatic driving of CR pressure anisotropy, as well as the $\delta f$ method that can dramatically reduce Poisson noise in problems where distribution function $f$ is only expected to slightly deviate from the background. The code performance is demonstrated over a series of benchmark test problems including particle acceleration in non-relativistic parallel shocks. In particular, we reproduce the linear growth of the CR gyro-resonant (streaming and pressure anisotropy) instabilities, under both the periodic and expanding/compressing box setting. We anticipate the code to open up the avenue for a wide range of astrophysical and plasma physics applications.

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X. Sun and X. Bai
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 20 pages, 19 figures, submitted to MNRAS

Exploring the stellar surface phenomena of WASP-52 and HAT-P-30 with ESPRESSO [EPA]

We analyse spectroscopic and photometric transits of the hot Jupiters WASP-52b and HAT-P30b obtained with ESPRESSO, Eulercam and NGTS for both targets, and additional TESS data for HAT-P-30. Our goal is to update the system parameters and refine our knowledge of the host star surfaces. For WASP-52, the companion planet has occulted starspots in the past, and as such our aim was to use the reloaded Rossiter-McLaughlin technique to directly probe its starspot properties. Unfortunately, we find no evidence for starspot occultations in the datasets herein. Additionally, we searched for stellar surface differential rotation (DR) and any centre-to-limb variation (CLV) due to convection, but return a null detection of both. This is unsurprising for WASP-52, given its relatively cool temperature, high magnetic activity (which leads to lower CLV), and projected obliquity near 0 degrees (meaning the transit chord is less likely to cross several stellar latitudes). For HAT-P-30, this result was more surprising given its hotter effective temperature, lower magnetic field, and high projected obliquity (near 70 degrees). To explore the reasons behind the null DR and CLV detection for HAT-P-30, we simulated a variety of scenarios. We find that either the CLV present on HAT-P-30 is below the solar level or the presence of DR prevents a CLV detection given the precision of the data herein. A careful treatment of both DR and CLV is required, especially for systems with high impact factors, due to potential degeneracies between the two. Future observations and/or a sophisticated treatment of the red noise present in the data (likely due to granulation) is required to refine the DR and CLV for these particular systems; such observations would also present another opportunity to try to examine starspots on WASP-52.

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H. Cegla, N. Roguet-Kern, M. Lendl, et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 11 pages main text, 8 figures; accepted for publication in A&A

Running vacuum in the Universe: phenomenological status in light of the latest observations, and its impact on the $σ_8$ and $H_0$ tensions [CEA]

A substantial body of phenomenological and theoretical work over the last few years strengthens the possibility that the vacuum energy density (VED) of the universe is dynamical, and in particular that it adopts the running vacuum model' (RVM) form, in which the VED evolves mildly as $\delta \rho_{\rm vac}(H)\sim \nu_{\rm eff} m_{\rm Pl}^2{\cal O}\left(H^2\right)$, where $H$ is the Hubble rate and $\nu_{\rm eff}$ is a (small) free parameter. This dynamical scenario is grounded on recent studies of quantum field theory (QFT) in curved spacetime and also on string theory. It turns out that what we call thecosmological constant’, $\Lambda$, is no longer a rigid parameter but the nearly sustained value of $8\pi G(H)\rho_{\rm vac}(H)$ around (any) given epoch $H(t)$, where $G(H)$ is the gravitational coupling, which can also be very mildly running (logarithmically). Of particular interest is the possibility suggested in past works that such a running may help to cure the cosmological tensions afflicting the $\Lambda$CDM. In the current study, we reanalyze it in full and we find it becomes further buttressed. Using the modern cosmological data, namely a compilation of the latest $SNIa+BAO+$H(z)$+LSS+CMB$ observations, we probe to which extent the RVM provides a quality fit better than the concordance $\Lambda$CDM model, paying particular emphasis on its impact on the $\sigma_8$ and $H_0$ tensions. We utilize the Einstein-Boltzmann system solver $CLASS$ and the Monte Carlo sampler $MontePython$ for the statistical analysis, as well as the statistical $DIC$ criterion to compare the running vacuum against the rigid vacuum ($\nu_{\rm eff} = 0$). We show that with a tiny amount of vacuum dynamics ($|\nu_{\rm eff}|\ll 1$) the global fit can improve significantly with respect to the $\Lambda$CDM and the mentioned tensions may subside to inconspicuous levels.

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J. Peracaula, A. Gomez-Valent, J. Perez, et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: LaTeX, 44 pages, 11 Tables and 4 Figures

High-Frequency Gravitational Wave Detection via Optical Frequency Modulation [CL]

High-frequency gravitational waves can be detected by observing the frequency modulation they impart on photons. We discuss fundamental limitations to this method related to the fact that it is impossible to construct a perfectly rigid detector. We then propose several novel methods to search for O(MHz-GHz) gravitational waves based on the frequency modulation induced in the spectrum of an intense laser beam, by applying optical frequency demodulation techniques, or by using optical atomic clock technology. We find promising sensitivities across a broad frequency range.

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T. Bringmann, V. Domcke, E. Fuchs, et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 11 pages, 3 figures

Particle-in-Cell Simulations of Relativistic Magnetic Reconnection with Advanced Maxwell Solver Algorithms [HEAP]

Relativistic magnetic reconnection is a non-ideal plasma process that is a source of non-thermal particle acceleration in many high-energy astrophysical systems. Particle-in-cell (PIC) methods are commonly used for simulating reconnection from first principles. While much progress has been made in understanding the physics of reconnection, especially in 2D, the adoption of advanced algorithms and numerical techniques for efficiently modeling such systems has been limited. With the GPU-accelerated PIC code WarpX, we explore the accuracy and potential performance benefits of two advanced Maxwell solver algorithms: a non-standard finite difference scheme (CKC) and an ultrahigh-order pseudo-spectral method (PSATD). We find that for the relativistic reconnection problem, CKC and PSATD qualitatively and quantitatively match the standard Yee-grid finite-difference method. CKC and PSATD both admit a time step that is 40% longer than Yee, resulting in a ~40% faster time to solution for CKC, but no performance benefit for PSATD when using a current deposition scheme that satisfies Gauss’s law. Relaxing this constraint maintains accuracy and yields a 30% speedup. Unlike Yee and CKC, PSATD is numerically stable at any time step, allowing for a larger time step than with the finite-difference methods. We found that increasing the time step 2.4-3 times over the standard Yee step still yields accurate results, but only translates to modest performance improvements over CKC due to the current deposition scheme used with PSATD. Further optimization of this scheme will likely improve the effective performance of PSATD.

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H. Klion, R. Jambunathan, M. Rowan, et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 19 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to ApJ

First observations with a GNSS antenna to radio telescope interferometer [CL]

We describe the design of a radio interferometer composed of a Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) antenna and a Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) radio telescope. Our eventual goal is to use this interferometer for geodetic applications including local tie measurements. The GNSS element of the interferometer uses a unique software-defined receiving system and modified commercial geodetic-quality GNSS antenna. We ran three observing sessions in 2022 between a 25 m radio telescope in Fort Davis, Texas (FD-VLBA), a transportable GNSS antenna placed within 100 meters, and a GNSS antenna placed at a distance of about 9 km. We have detected a strong interferometric response with a Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) of over 1000 from Global Positioning System (GPS) and Galileo satellites. We also observed natural radio sources including Galactic supernova remnants and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) located as far as one gigaparsec, thus extending the range of sources that can be referenced to a GNSS antenna by 18 orders of magnitude. These detections represent the first observations made with a GNSS antenna to radio telescope interferometer. We have developed a novel technique based on a Precise Point Positioning (PPP) solution of the recorded GNSS signal that allows us to extend integration time at 1.5 GHz to at least 20 minutes without any noticeable SNR degradation when a rubidium frequency standard is used.

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J. Skeens, J. York, L. Petrov, et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 33 pages, 19 figures

Optical color of Type Ib and Ic supernovae and implications for their progenitors [SSA]

Type Ib and Ic supernovae (SNe Ib/Ic) originate from hydrogen-deficient massive star progenitors, of which the exact properties are still much debated. Using the SN data in the literature, we investigate the optical $B-V$ color of SNe Ib/Ic at the $V-$band peak and show that SNe Ib are systematically bluer than SNe Ic. We construct SN models from helium-rich and helium-poor progenitors of various masses using the radiation hydrodynamics code STELLA and discuss how the $B-V$ color at the $V-$band peak is affected by $^{56}$Ni to ejecta mass ratios, $^{56}$Ni mixing and presence/absence of the helium envelope. We argue that the dichotomy in the amounts of helium in the progenitors plays the primary role in making the observed systematic color difference at the optical peak, in favor of the most commonly invoked SN scenario that SNe Ib and SNe Ic progenitors are helium-rich and helium-poor, respectively.

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H. Jin, S. Yoon and S. Blinnikov
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 16 pages

Flares from merged magnetars: their prospects as a new population of gamma-ray counterparts of binary neutron star mergers [HEAP]

Long-lived massive magnetars are expected to be remnants of some binary neutron star (BNS) mergers. In this paper, we argue that the magnetic powered flaring activities of these merged magnetars would occur dominantly in their early millisecond-period-spin phase, which is in the timescale of days. Such flares endure significant absorption by the ejecta from the BNS collision, and their detectable energy range is from 0.1-10 MeV, in a time-lag of $\sim$ days after the merger events indicated by the gravitational wave chirps. We estimate the rate of such flares in different energy ranges, and find that there could have been ~0.1-10 cases detected by Fermi/GBM. A careful search for $\sim10$ milliseconds spin period modulation in weak short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) may identify them from the archival data. Future MeV detectors can detect them at a rate from a few to tens per year. The recent report on the Quasi-Period-Oscillation found in two BASTE GRBs should not be considered as cases of such flares, for they were detection in a lower energy range and with a much shorter period spin modulation.

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S. Yi, Z. Zhang and X. Wang
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to ApJL

SLEPLET: Slepian Scale-Discretised Wavelets in Python [CL]

Wavelets are widely used in various disciplines to analyse signals both in space and scale. Whilst many fields measure data on manifolds (i.e., the sphere), often data are only observed on a partial region of the manifold. Wavelets are a typical approach to data of this form, but the wavelet coefficients that overlap with the boundary become contaminated and must be removed for accurate analysis. Another approach is to estimate the region of missing data and to use existing whole-manifold methods for analysis. However, both approaches introduce uncertainty into any analysis. Slepian wavelets enable one to work directly with only the data present, thus avoiding the problems discussed above. Applications of Slepian wavelets to areas of research measuring data on the partial sphere include gravitational/magnetic fields in geodesy, ground-based measurements in astronomy, measurements of whole-planet properties in planetary science, geomagnetism of the Earth, and cosmic microwave background analyses.

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P. Roddy
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 4 pages

Gravitationally modulated quantum correlations: Discriminating classical and quantum models of ultra-compact objects with Bell nonlocality [CL]

We investigate the relation between quantum nonlocality and gravity at the astrophysical scale, both in the classical and quantum regimes. Considering particle pairs orbiting in the strong gravitational field of ultra-compact objects, we find that the violation of Bell inequality acquires an angular modulation factor that strongly depends on the nature of the gravitational source. We show how such gravitationally-induced modulation of quantum nonlocality readily discriminates between black holes (both classical and inclusive of quantum corrections) and string fuzzballs, i.e., the true quantum description of ultra-compact objects according to string theory. These findings promote Bell nonlocality as a potentially key tool in comparing different models of classical and quantum gravity and putting them to the test.

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L. Petruzziello and F. Illuminati
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 12 pages, 4 figures

S-ACF: A selective estimator for the autocorrelation function of irregularly sampled time series [IMA]

We present a generalised estimator for the autocorrelation function, S-ACF, which is an extended version of the standard estimator of the autocorrelation function (ACF). S-ACF is a versatile definition that can robustly and efficiently extract periodicity and signal shape information from a time series, independent of the time sampling and with minimal assumptions about the underlying process. Calculating the autocorrelation of irregularly sampled time series becomes possible by generalising the lag of the standard estimator of the ACF to a real parameter and introducing the notion of selection and weight functions. We show that the S-ACF reduces to the standard ACF estimator for regularly sampled time series. Using a large number of synthetic time series we demonstrate that the performance of the S-ACF is as good or better than commonly used Gaussian and rectangular kernel estimators, and is comparable to a combination of interpolation and the standard estimator. We apply the S-ACF to astrophysical data by extracting rotation periods for the spotted star KIC 5110407, and compare our results to Gaussian process (GP) regression and Lomb-Scargle (LS) periodograms. We find that the S-ACF periods typically agree better with those from GP regression than from LS periodograms, especially in cases where there is evolution in the signal shape. The S-ACF has a wide range of potential applications and should be useful in quantitative science disciplines where irregularly sampled time series occur. A Python implementation of the S-ACF is available under the MIT license.

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L. Kreutzer, E. Gillen, J. Briegal, et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: N/A

Magnetic field measurement from the Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi method employed with Atomic Alignment [IMA]

The Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi (DCF) method is widely employed to estimate the mean magnetic field strength in astrophysical plasmas. In this study, we present a numerical investigation using the DCF method in conjunction with a promising new diagnostic tool for studying magnetic fields: the polarization of spectral lines resulting from the atomic alignment effect. We obtain synthetic spectro-polarimetry observations from 3D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence simulations and estimate the mean magnetic field projected onto the plane of the sky using the DCF method with GSA polarization maps and a modification to account for the driving scale of turbulence. We also compare the method to the classical DCF approach using dust polarization observations. Our observations indicate that the modified DCF method correctly estimates the plane-of-sky projected magnetic field strengths for sub-Alfv\’enic turbulence using a newly proposed correction factor of $\xi’ \in 0.35 – 0.75$. We find that the field strengths are accurately obtained for all magnetic field inclination and azimuth angles. We also observe a minimum threshold for the mean magnetic field inclination angle with respect to the line of sight, $\theta_B \sim 16^\circ$, for the method. The magnetic field dispersion traced by the polarization from the spectral lines is comparable in accuracy to dust polarization, while mitigating some of the uncertainties associated with dust observations. The measurements of the DCF observables from the same atomic/ionic line targets ensure the same origin for the magnetic field and velocity fluctuations and offer a possibility of tracing the 3D direction of the magnetic field.

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P. Pavaskar, H. Yan and J. Cho
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: N/A

Properties of the dense cores and filamentary structures in the Vela C molecular cloud [GA]

The initial and boundary conditions of the Galactic star formation in molecular clouds are not well understood. In an effort to shed new light on this long-standing problem, we measured properties of dense cores and filamentary structures in the Vela C molecular cloud, observed with Herschel. We applied the getsf extraction method to separate the components of sources and filaments from each other and their backgrounds, before detecting, measuring, and cataloging the structures. The cores and filamentary structures constitute 40% of the total mass of Vela C, most of the material is in the low-density molecular background cloud. We selected 570 reliable cores, of which 149 are the protostellar cores and 421 are the starless cores. Almost 78% of the starless cores were identified with the gravitationally bound prestellar cores. The exponent of the CMF (alpha = 1.35) is identical to that of the Salpeter IMF. We selected 68 filaments with at least one side that appeared not blended with adjacent structures. The filament widths are in the range of 0.15 pc to 0.63 pc, and have a median value of W = 0.3(0.11) pc. The surface densities of filaments are well correlated with their contrasts and linear densities. Within uncertainties of the filament instability criterion, many filaments may well be both supercritical and subcritical. A large fraction of filaments may definitely be considered supercritical, in which are found 94 prestellar cores, 83 protostellar cores, and only 1 unbound starless core. Taking into account the uncertainties, the supercritical filaments contain only prestellar and protostellar cores. Our findings support the idea that there exists a direct relationship between the CMF and IMF and that filaments play a key role in the formation of prestellar cores, which is consistent with the previous Herschel results.

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X. Li, G. Zhang, A. Men’shchikov, et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 15 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in A&A

Showers with both northern and southern solutions [EPA]

Meteoroids of a low-inclination stream hit the Earth arriving from a direction near the ecliptic. The radiant area of stream like this is often divided into two parts: one is situated northward and the other southward of the ecliptic. In other words, two showers are caused by such a stream. Well-known examples of such showers are the Northern Taurids, #17, and Southern Taurids, #2, or the Northern $\delta$-Aquariids, #26, and Southern $\delta$-Aquariids, #5. While the meteoroids of the northern shower collide with the Earth in the descending node, those of the southern shower collide with our planet in the ascending node of their orbits. Because of this circumstance and tradition, the northern and southern showers must be distinguished. Unfortunately, this is not always the case with meteor showers listed in the IAU Meteor Data Center (MDC). For the same shower, some authors reported a set of its mean parameters corresponding to the northern shower and other authors to the southern shower. We found eleven such cases in the MDC. In this paper, we propose corrections of these mis-identifications.

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L. Neslušan, T. Jopek, R. Rudawska, et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: Submitted: Planetary and Space Science

Effects of large-scale magnetic fields on the observed composition of ultra high-energy cosmic rays [HEAP]

Ultra high-energy (UHE) cosmic rays (CRs) from distant sources interact with intergalactic radiation fields, leading to their spallation and attenuation. They are also deflected in intergalactic magnetic fields (IGMFs), particularly those associated with Mpc-scale structures. These deflections extend the propagation times of CR particles, forming a magnetic horizon for each CR species. The cumulative cooling and interactions of a CR ensemble also modifies their spectral shape and composition observed on Earth. We construct a transport formulation to calculate the observed UHE CR spectral composition for 4 classes of source population. The effects on CR propagation brought about by IGMFs are modeled as scattering processes during transport, by centers associated with cosmic filaments. Our calculations demonstrate that IGMFs can have a marked effect on observed UHE CRs, and that source population models are degenerate with IGMF properties. Interpretation of observations, including the endorsement or rejection of any particular source classes, thus needs careful consideration of the structural properties and evolution of IGMFs. Future observations providing tighter constraints on IGMF properties will significantly improve confidence in assessing UHE CR sources and their intrinsic CR production properties.

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E. Owen, Q. Han and K. Wu
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 10 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D

Disformal symmetry in the Universe: mimetic gravity and beyond [CL]

Symmetries play an important role in fundamental physics. In gravity and field theories, particular attention has been paid to Weyl (or conformal) symmetry. However, once the theory contains a scalar field, conformal transformations of the metric can be considered a subclass of a more general type of transformation, so-called disformal transformation. Here, we investigate the implications of pure disformal symmetry in the Universe. We derive the form of general disformal invariant tensors from which we build the most general disformal invariant action. We argue that, in cosmology, disformal symmetry amounts to require that the lapse function is fully replaced by a (time-like) scalar field at the level of the action. We then show that disformal symmetry is in general an exactly equivalent formulation of general mimetic gravity. Lastly, we go beyond mimetic gravity and find that a particular class of invariance leads to seemingly Ostrogradski-like (with higher derivatives) Lagrangians, which are nevertheless absent of Ostrogradski ghosts in a cosmological background, despite having an additional degree of freedom. We also propose an application of our formalism to find new invertible disformal transformations, where the coefficient involves higher derivatives and curvature, further expanding the theory space of scalar-tensor theories.

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G. Domènech and A. Ganz
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 21 pages

Slow Contraction and the Weyl Curvature Hypothesis [CL]

Using the power of numerical relativity, we show that, beginning from generic initial conditions that are far from flat, homogeneous and isotropic and have a large Weyl curvature, a period of slow contraction rapidly drives spacetime towards vanishingly small Weyl curvature as the total energy density grows, thus providing a dynamical mechanism that satisfies the Weyl Curvature Hypothesis. We also demonstrate a tight correlation between the Weyl Curvature Hypothesis and ultralocal behavior for canonical scalar fields with a sufficiently steep negative potential energy density.

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A. Ijjas
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 5 pages, 5 figures

Multi-epoch hard X-ray view of Compton-thick AGN Circinus Galaxy [GA]

The circumnuclear material around Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) is one of the essential components of the obscuration-based unification model. However, our understanding of the circumnuclear material in terms of its geometrical shape, structure and its dependence on accretion rate is still debated. In this paper, we present the multi-epoch broadband X-ray spectral modelling of a nearby Compton-thick AGN in Circinus galaxy. We utilise all the available hard X-ray ($> 10$ keV) observations taken from different telescopes, $i.e.,$ $BeppoSAX$, $Suzaku$, $NuSTAR$ and $AstroSat$, at ten different epochs across $22$ years from $1998$ to $2020$. The $3.0-79$ keV broadband X-ray spectral modelling using physically-motivated models, namely MYTORUS, BORUS02 and UXCLUMPY, infers the presence of a torus with a low covering factor of $0.28$, an inclination angle of $77^{\circ}$ $-$ $81^{\circ}$ and Compton-thick line-of-sight column densities ($N_{\rm H,LOS} = 4.13~-~9.26~\times~10^{24}$ cm$^{-2}$) in all the epochs. The joint multi-epoch spectral modelling suggests that the overall structure of the torus is likely to remain unchanged. However, we find tentative evidence for the variable line-of-sight column density on timescales ranging from one day to one week to a few years, suggesting a clumpy circumnuclear material located at sub-parsec to tens of parsec scales.

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A. Kayal, V. Singh, C. Ricci, et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 18 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Photometric metallicity for 694233 Galactic giant stars from Gaia DR3 synthetic Stromgren photometry. Metallicity distribution functions of halo sub-structures [GA]

We use the calibrations by Calamida et al. and by Hilker et al., and the standardised synthetic photometry in the v, b, and y Stromgren passbands from Gaia DR3 BP/RP spectra, to obtain photometric metallicities for a selected sample of 694233 old Galactic giant stars having |b|>20.0 and parallax uncertainties lower than 10%. The zero point of both sets of photometric metallicities has been shifted to to ensure optimal match with the spectroscopic [Fe/H] values for 44785 stars in common with APOGEE DR17, focusing on the metallicity range where they provide the highest accuracy. The metallicities derived in this way from the Calamida et al. calibration display a typical accuracy of ~0.1 dex and 1 sigma precision ~0.2 dex in the range -2.2 <=[Fe/H]<= -0.4, while they show a systematic trend with [Fe/H] at higher metallicity, beyond the applicability range of the relation. Those derived from the Hilker et al. calibration display, in general, worse precision, and lower accuracy in the metal-poor regime, but have a median accuracy < 0.05 dex for [Fe/H]>= -0.8. These results are confirmed and, consequently, the metallicities validated, by comparison with large sets of spectroscopic metallicities from various surveys. The newly obtained metallicities are used to derive metallicity distributions for several previously identified sub-structures in the Galactic halo with an unprecedented number of stars. The catalogue including both sets of metallicities and the associated uncertainties is made publicly available.

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B. M., M. D., D. F., et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: Accepted for publication by Astronomy & Astrophysics. Latex. 20 pages, 21 color figures. The catalogue will be publicly available at CDS. In the meanwhile it is available upon request to the first author

2D k-th nearest neighbor statistics: a highly informative probe of galaxy clustering [CEA]

Beyond standard summary statistics are necessary to summarize the rich information on non-linear scales in the era of precision galaxy clustering measurements. For the first time, we introduce the 2D k-th nearest neighbor (kNN) statistics as a summary statistic for discrete galaxy fields. This is a direct generalization of the standard 1D kNN by disentangling the projected galaxy distribution from the redshift-space distortion signature along the line-of-sight. We further introduce two different flavors of 2D $k$NNs that trace different aspects of the galaxy field: the standard flavor which tabulates the distances between galaxies and random query points, and a ”DD” flavor that tabulates the distances between galaxies and galaxies. We showcase the 2D kNNs’ strong constraining power both through theoretical arguments and by testing on realistic galaxy mocks. Theoretically, we show that 2D kNNs are computationally efficient and directly generate other statistics such as the popular 2-point correlation function, voids probability function, and counts-in-cell statistics. In a more practical test, we apply the 2D kNN statistics to simulated galaxy mocks that fold in a large range of observational realism and recover parameters of the underlying extended halo occupation distribution (HOD) model that includes velocity bias and galaxy assembly bias. We find unbiased and significantly tighter constraints on all aspects of the HOD model with the 2D kNNs, both compared to the standard 1D kNN, and the classical redshift-space 2-point correlation functions.

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S. Yuan, A. Zamora and T. Abel
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: Submitted to MNRAS, comments welcome

Fifteen years of millimeter accuracy lunar laser ranging with APOLLO: dataset characterization [IMA]

We present data from the Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser-ranging Operation (APOLLO) covering the 15-year span from April 2006 through the end of 2020. APOLLO measures the earth-moon separation by recording the round-trip travel time of photons from the Apache Point Observatory to five retro-reflector arrays on the moon. The APOLLO data set, combined with the 50-year archive of measurements from other lunar laser ranging (LLR) stations, can be used to probe fundamental physics such as gravity and Lorentz symmetry, as well as properties of the moon itself. We show that range measurements performed by APOLLO since 2006 have a median nightly accuracy of 1.7 mm, which is significantly better than other LLR stations.

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J. Battat, E. Adelberger, N. Colmenares, et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: 16 pages, 9 figures

Transient jet ejections associated with limit-cycle behaviors in the very high state of black hole binaries [HEAP]

Ejection mechanism of transient relativistic jets from black hole binaries is studied. Based on the observations of the limit-cycle behaviors of the superluminal jet source, GRS 1915+105, we infer that the transient jet ejections could happen just after the slim disk emerging from the standard disk at some distance runs over the standard disk and reaches the vicinity of the central black hole. The standard disk releases about a half of the gravitational energy in the course of the accretion, but the released radiative energy could be absorbed by the optically thick slim disk covering the standard disk in this situation. Then, since the inward motion of the slim disk is much faster than that of the standard disk, a quantity of energy released by an amount of gas in the standard disk is received by the much smaller amount of gas in the slim disk. As the result, the energy per mass received by the slim disk is expected to be largely amplified and is estimated to get highly relativistic. Since the energy is much larger than the gravitational energy, the height of the slim disk could significantly increase. Hence, the innermost part of the slim disk from which almost all the angular momentum has been transferred outward could have a much larger height than the black hole size and collide with one another around the central axis of the disk, turning to an outward flow along the axis normal to the disk plane. The flow in this direction can be approximated to be that through the de Laval nozzle and could become supersonic near the distance where the flow has the smallest cross section.

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H. Inoue
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: accepted to PASJ

The Evolution of Population III and Extremely Metal-Poor Binary Stars [SSA]

Numerical simulations have now shown that Population III (Pop III) stars can form in binaries and small clusters and that these stars can be in close proximity to each other. If so, they could be subject to binary interactions such as mass exchange that could profoundly alter their evolution, ionizing UV and Lyman-Werner (LW) photon emission and explosion yields, with important consequences for early cosmological reionization and chemical enrichment. Here we investigate the evolution of Pop III and extremely metal-poor binary stars with the MESA code. We find that interactions ranging from stable mass transfer to common envelope evolution can occur in these binaries for a wide range of mass ratios and initial separations. Mass transfer can nearly double UV photon yields in some of these binaries with respect to their individual stars by extending the life of the companion star, which in turn can enhance early cosmological reionization but also suppress the formation of later generations of primordial stars. Binary interactions can also have large effects on the nucleosynthetic yields of the stars by promoting or removing them into or out of mass ranges for specific SN types. We provide fits to total photon yields for the binaries in our study for use in cosmological simulations.

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S. Tsai, K. Chen, D. Whalen, et. al.
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: N/A

Global Electron Thermodynamics in Radiatively Inefficient Accretion Flows [HEAP]

In the collisionless plasmas of radiatively inefficient accretion flows, heating and acceleration of ions and electrons is not well understood. Recent studies in the gyrokinetic limit revealed the importance of incorporating both the compressive and Alfvenic cascades when calculating the partition of dissipated energy between the plasma species. In this paper, we use a covariant analytic model of the accretion flow to explore the impact of compressive and Alfvenic heating, Coulomb collisions, compressional heating, and radiative cooling on the radial temperature profiles of ions and electrons. We show that, independent of the partition of heat between the plasma species, even a small fraction of turbulent energy dissipated to the electrons makes their temperature scale with a virial profile and the ion-to-electron temperature ratio smaller than in the case of pure Coulomb heating. In contrast, the presence of compressive cascades makes this ratio larger because compressive turbulent energy is channeled primarily into the ions. We calculate the ion-to-electron temperature in the inner accretion flow for a broad range of plasma properties, mass accretion rates, and black hole spins and show that it ranges between $5 \lesssim T_i/T_e \lesssim 40$. We provide a physically motivated expression for this ratio that can be used to calculate observables from simulations of black hole accretion flows for a wide range of conditions.

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K. Satapathy, D. Psaltis and F. Ozel
Mon, 24 Apr 23

Comments: N/A

Avoiding methane emission rate underestimates when using the divergence method [CL]

Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, and a primary target for mitigating climate change in the short-term future due to its relatively short atmospheric lifetime and greater ability to trap heat in Earth’s atmosphere compared to carbon dioxide. Top-down observations of atmospheric methane are possible via drone and aircraft surveys as well as satellites such as the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI). Recent work has begun to apply the divergence method to produce regional methane emission rate estimates. Here we show that spatially incomplete observations of methane can produce negatively biased time-averaged regional emission rate estimates via the divergence method, but that this effect can be counteracted by adopting a procedure in which daily advective fluxes of methane are time-averaged before the divergence method is applied. Using such a procedure with TROPOMI methane observations, we calculate yearly Permian emission rates of 3.1, 2.4 and 2.7 million tonnes per year for the years 2019 through 2021. We also show that highly-resolved plumes of methane can have negatively biased estimated emission rates by the divergence method due to the presence of turbulent diffusion in the plume, but this is unlikely to affect regional methane emission budgets constructed from TROPOMI observations of methane. The results from this work are expected to provide useful guidance for future implementations of the divergence method for emission rate estimation from satellite data – be it for methane or other gaseous species in the atmosphere.

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C. Roberts, R. IJzermans, D. Randell, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 17 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Environmental Research Letters

Simulating Atomic Dark Matter in Milky Way Analogues [GA]

Dark sector theories naturally lead to multi-component scenarios for dark matter where a sub-component can dissipate energy through self-interactions, allowing it to efficiently cool inside galaxies. We present the first cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of Milky Way analogues where the majority of dark matter is collisionless Cold Dark Matter (CDM), but a sub-component (6%) is strongly dissipative minimal Atomic Dark Matter (ADM). The simulations, implemented in GIZMO and utilizing FIRE-2 galaxy formation physics to model the standard baryonic sector, demonstrate that the addition of even a small fraction of dissipative dark matter can significantly impact galactic evolution despite being consistent with current cosmological constraints. We show that ADM gas with roughly Standard-Model-like masses and couplings can cool to form a rotating “dark disk” with angular momentum closely aligned with the visible stellar disk. The morphology of the disk depends sensitively on the parameters of the ADM model, which affect the cooling rates in the dark sector. The majority of the ADM gas gravitationally collapses into dark “clumps” (regions of black hole or mirror star formation), which form a prominent bulge and a rotating thick disk in the central galaxy. These clumps form early and quickly sink to the inner ~kpc of the galaxy, affecting the galaxy’s star-formation history and present-day baryonic and CDM distributions.

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S. Roy, X. Shen, M. Lisanti, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 9 pages, 4 figures, 12 pages of appendices and supplementary figures

Muons in EASs with $E_0 = 10^{19}$ eV according to data of the Yakutsk Array [HEAP]

Lateral distribution functions of particles in extensive air showers with the energy $E_0 \simeq 10^{19}$ eV recorded by ground-based and underground scintillation detectors with a threshold of $E_{\mu} \simeq 1.0 \times \sec\theta$ GeV at the Yakutsk array during the continuous observations from 1986 to 2016 have been analyzed using events with zenith angles $\theta \le 60^{\circ}$ functions have been compared to the predictions obtained with the QGSJet01 hadron interaction model by applying the CORSIKA code. The entire dataset indicates that cosmic rays consist predominantly of protons.

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A. Glushkov, K. Lebedev and A. Sabourov
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 11 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in JETP Letters (v.117, no.4, 2023), minor typos fixed

Constraining the Molecular Gas Content of Fast Radio Burst (FRB) Host Galaxies [GA]

We used Bands 6 and 7 of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Cycles 7 and 8 to search for $\mathrm{CO}\,(3-2)$ emission from a sample of five fast radio burst (FRB) host galaxies discovered by the Commensal Real-time ASKAP Fast Transients (CRAFT) survey and the Fast and Fortunate for FRB Follow-up (F$^4$) team. These galaxies have redshifts $z \approx 0.16-0.48$, masses log$(M_{\rm star}/M_{\odot})\approx 9.30-10.4$ characteristic of field galaxies, and emission lines indicative of ongoing star formation. We detected three of the five galaxies with luminosities $L'(3-2)\approx0.2-4\times10^8\,\rm K\,km \, s^{-1}\,pc^2$ and set upper limits for the other two. Adopting standard metallicity-dependent CO-to-H$2$ conversion factors, we estimate molecular gas masses $M{\rm gas}\approx 0.2-3\times 10^9 \, M_{\odot}$. As a population, FRB host galaxies track the main $M_{\rm star}-M_{\rm gas}$ locus of star-forming galaxies in the present-day universe, with gas fractions of $\mu_{\rm gas}\approx0.1$ and gas depletion times $t_{\rm dep} \gtrapprox 1\,$Gyr. We employ the Kaplan-Meier estimator to compare the redshift-corrected $\mu_{\rm gas}$ and $t_{\rm dep}$ for all known FRB hosts with measurements or upper limits with those from the xCOLD GASS survey and find statistically different gas fractions. The difference is not statistically significant when we consider only the five hosts studied here with consistently determined properties, suggesting more FRB hosts with measured molecular gas masses are needed to robustly study the population. Lastly, we present a multi-wavelength analysis of one host (HG20180924B) combining high-spatial resolution imaging and integral field spectroscopy to demonstrate that future high-resolution observations will allow us to study the host galaxy environments local to the FRBs.

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J. Chittidi, G. Stolle-McAllister, R. Jorgenson, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 12 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables

Better Together: The Complex Interplay Between Radiative Cooling and Magnetic Draping [GA]

Rapidly outflowing cold H-I gas is ubiquitously observed to be co-spatial with a hot phase in galactic winds, yet the ablation time of cold gas by the hot phase should be much shorter than the acceleration time. Previous work showed efficient radiative cooling enables clouds to survive in hot galactic winds, as can magnetic fields even in purely adiabatic simulations for sufficiently small density contrasts between the wind and cloud. In this work, we study the interplay between radiative cooling and magnetic draping via three dimensional radiative magnetohydrodynamic simulations. We find magnetic fields decrease the critical cloud radius for survival by two orders of magnitude (i.e., to sub-pc scales) in the strongly magnetized ($\beta_{\rm wind}=1$) case. Our results show magnetic fields (i) accelerate cloud entrainment through magnetic draping, (ii) can cause faster cloud destruction in cases of inefficient radiative cooling, (iii) do not significantly suppress mass growth for efficiently cooling clouds, and, crucially, in combination with radiative cooling (iv) reduce the average overdensity by providing non-thermal pressure support of the cold gas. This substantially reduces the acceleration time compared to the destruction time (more than due to draping alone), enhancing cloud survival. Our results may help to explain the cold, tiny, rapidly outflowing cold gas observed in galactic winds and the subsequent high covering fraction of cold material in galactic halos.

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F. Hidalgo-Pineda, R. Farber and M. Gronke
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: N/A

Bayesian evidence and model selection approach for time-dependent dark energy [CEA]

We use parameterized post-Friedmann (PPF) description for dark energy and apply ellipsoidal nested sampling to perform the Bayesian model selection method on different time-dependent dark energy models using a combination of $Planck$ and data based on distance measurements, namely baryon acoustic oscillations and supernovae luminosity distance. Models with two and three free parameters described in terms of linear scale factor $a$, or scaled in units of e-folding $\ln a$ are considered. Our results show that parameterizing dark energy in terms of $\ln a$ provides better constraints on the free parameters than polynomial expressions. In general, two free-parameter models are adequate to describe the dynamics of the dark energy compared to their three free-parameter generalizations. According to the Bayesian evidence, determining the strength of support for cosmological constant $\Lambda$ over polynomial dark energy models remains inconclusive. Furthermore, considering the $R$ statistic as the tension metric shows that one of the polynomial models gives rise to a tension between $Planck$ and distance measurements data sets. The preference for the logarithmic equation of state over $\Lambda$ is inconclusive, and the strength of support for $\rm \Lambda$CDM over the oscillating model is moderate.

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M. Khorasani, M. Mosleh and A. Sheykhi
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 8 pages, 4 figures

WD J004917.14$-$252556.81, the Most Massive Pulsating White Dwarf [SSA]

We present APO and Gemini time-series photometry of WD J004917.14$-$252556.81, an ultramassive DA white dwarf with $T_{\rm eff} = 13020$ K and $\log{g} = 9.34$. We detect variability at two significant frequencies, making J0049$-$2525 the most massive pulsating white dwarf currently known with $M_\star=1.31~M_{\odot}$ (for a CO core) or $1.26~M_{\odot}$ (for an ONe core). J0049$-$2525 does not display any of the signatures of binary mergers, there is no evidence of magnetism, large tangential velocity, or rapid rotation. Hence, it likely formed through single star evolution and is likely to have an ONe core. Evolutionary models indicate that its interior is $\gtrsim99$% crystallized. Asteroseismology offers an unprecedented opportunity to probe its interior structure. However, the relatively few pulsation modes detected limit our ability to obtain robust seismic solutions. Instead, we provide several representative solutions that could explain the observed properties of this star. Extensive follow-up time-series photometry of this unique target has the potential to discover a significant number of additional pulsation modes that would help overcome the degeneracies in the asteroseismic fits, and enable us to probe the interior of an $\approx1.3~M_{\odot}$ crystallized white dwarf.

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M. Kilic, A. Córsico, A. Moss, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: MNRAS, in press

Exoplanet Nodal Precession Induced by Rapidly Rotating Stars: Impacts on Transit Probabilities and Biases [EPA]

For the majority of short period exoplanets transiting massive stars with radiative envelopes, the spin angular momentum of the host star is greater than the planetary orbital angular momentum. In this case, the orbits of the planets will undergo nodal precession, which can significantly impact the probability that the planets transit their parent star. In particular, for some combinations of the spin-orbit angle $\psi$ and the inclination of the stellar spin $i_*$, all such planets will eventually transit at some point over the duration of their precession period. Thus, as the time over which the sky has been monitored for transiting planets increases, the frequency of planets with detectable transits will increase, potentially leading to biased estimates of exoplanet occurrence rates, especially orbiting more massive stars. Furthermore, due to the dependence of the precession period on orbital parameters such as spin-orbit misalignment, the observed distributions of such parameters may also be biased. We derive the transit probability of a given exoplanet in the presence of nodal precession induced by a rapidly spinning host star. We find that the effect of nodal precession has already started to become relevant for some short-period planets, i.e., Hot Jupiters, orbiting massive stars, by increasing transit probabilities by of order a few percent for such systems within the original $Kepler$ field. We additionally derive simple expressions to describe the time evolution of the impact parameter $b$ for applicable systems, which should aid in future investigations of exoplanet nodal precession and spin-orbit alignment.

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A. Stephan and B. Gaudi
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

Galaxy Morphology Classification Using Multi-Scale Convolution Capsule Network [GA]

The classification of galaxy morphology is a hot issue in astronomical research. Although significant progress has been made in the last decade in classifying galaxy morphology using deep learning technology, there are still some deficiencies in spatial feature representation and classification accuracy. In this study, we present a multi-scale convolutional capsule network (MSCCN) model for the classification of galaxy morphology. First, this model improves the convolutional layers through using a multi-branch structure to extract multi-scale hidden features of galaxy images. In order to further explore the hidden information in the features, the multi-scale features are encapsulated and fed into the capsule layer. Second, we use a sigmoid function to replace the softmax function in dynamic routing, which can enhance the robustness of MSCCN. Finally, the classification model achieving 97% accuracy, 96% precision, 98% recall, and 97% F1-score under macroscopic averaging. In addition, a more comprehensive model evaluation were accomplished in this study. We visualized the morphological features for the part of sample set, which using the t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) algorithm. The results shows that the model has the better generalization ability and robustness, it can be effectively used in the galaxy morphological classification.

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G. Li, T. Xu, L. Li, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: N/A

ACT-DR5 Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Clusters: weak lensing mass calibration with KiDS [CEA]

We present weak gravitational lensing measurements of a sample of 157 clusters within the Kilo Degree Survey (KiDS), detected with a $>5\sigma$ thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) signal by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT). Using a halo-model approach we constrain the average total cluster mass, $M_{\rm WL}$, accounting for the ACT cluster selection function of the full sample. We find that the SZ cluster mass estimate $M_{\rm SZ}$, which was calibrated using X-ray observations, is biased with $M_{\rm SZ}/M_{\rm WL} = (1-b_{\rm SZ}) = 0.65\pm 0.05$. Separating the sample into six mass bins, we find no evidence of a strong mass-dependency for the mass bias, $(1-b_{\rm SZ})$. Adopting this ACT-KiDS SZ mass-calibration would bring the Planck SZ cluster count into agreement with the counts expected from the {\it Planck} cosmic microwave background $\Lambda$CDM cosmological model, although it should be noted that the cluster sample considered in this work has a lower average mass $M_{\rm SZ, uncor} = 3.64 \times 10^{14} M_{\odot}$ compared to the Planck cluster sample which has an average mass in the range $M_{\rm SZ, uncor} = (5.5-8.5) \times 10^{14} M_{\odot}$, depending on the sub-sample used.

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N. Robertson, C. Sifón, M. Asgari, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 12 pages, 7 figures

Solitons and halos for self-interacting scalar dark matter [CEA]

We study the formation and evolution of solitons supported by repulsive self-interactions inside extended halos, for scalar-field dark matter scenarios. We focus on the semiclassical regime where the quantum pressure is typically much smaller than the self-interactions. We present numerical simulations, with initial conditions where the halo is described by the WKB approximation for its eigenfunction coefficients. We find that when the size of the system is of the order of the Jeans length associated with the self-interactions, a central soliton quickly forms and makes about 50% of the total mass. However, if the halo is ten times greater than this self-interaction scale, a soliton only quickly forms in cuspy halos where the central density is large enough to trigger the self-interactions. If the halo has a flat core, it takes a longer time for a soliton to appear, after small random fluctuations on the de Broglie wavelength size build up to reach a large enough density. In some cases, we observe the co-existence of several narrow density spikes inside the larger self-interaction-supported soliton. All solitons appear robust and slowly grow, unless they already make up 40% of the total mass. We develop a kinetic theory, valid for an inhomogeneous background, to estimate the soliton growth rate for low masses. It explains the fast falloff of the growth rate as resonances between the ground state and halo excited states disappear. Our results suggest that cosmological halos would show a large scatter for their soliton mass, depending on their assembly history.

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R. García, P. Brax and P. Valageas
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 25 pages, 14 figures

Dust attenuation in galaxies at cosmic dawn from the FirstLight simulations [GA]

We study the behaviour of dust in galaxies at cosmic dawn, z=6-8, by coupling the FirstLight simulations with the radiative transfer code POLARIS. The starburst nature of these galaxies and their complex distribution of dust lead to a large diversity of attenuation curves. These follow the Calzetti model only for relatively massive galaxies, Mstars=10^9 Msun. Galaxies with lower masses have steeper curves, consistent with the model for the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). The ultraviolet and optical slopes of the attenuation curves are closer to the modified Calzetti model, with a slight preference for the power-law model for galaxies with the highest values of attenuation. We have also examined the relation between the slope in the far-ultraviolet, beta_UV , and the infrared excess, IRX. At z=6, it follows the Calzetti model with a shift to slightly lower beta_UV values due to lower metallicities at lower attenuation. The same relation at z=8 shows a shift to higher IRX values due to a stronger CMB radiation at high-z.

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M. Mushtaq, D. Ceverino, R. Klessen, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 9 pages, 6 figues, submitted to MNRAS

Massive black holes in galactic nuclei: Observations [HEAP]

Since a black hole does not emit light from its interior, nor does it have a surface on which light from nearby sources can be reflected, observational study of black hole physics requires observing the gravitational impact of the black hole on its surroundings. A massive black hole leaves a dynamical imprint on stars and gas close by. Gas in the immediate vicinity of an accreting massive black hole can, due to the presence of the black hole, shine so brightly that it outshines the light of the billions of stars in its host galaxy and be detected across the Universe. By observing the emission from stars and gas and determining their kinematics scientists can extract vital information not only on the fundamental properties of the black holes themselves but also the impact they have on their surroundings. As it turns out, supermassive black holes appear to play a vital role in shaping the Universe as we know it, as they can profoundly impact the star formation history in galaxies. As a consequence, these black holes indirectly impact the cosmic build up of chemical elements heavier than Helium and thus affect when and where life can form. For these reasons alone, observations of massive black holes constitute a very active research area of modern astrophysics.
In this chapter we aim to provide a general overview — fit for a non-expert — of what scientists have learned, and hope to learn, from analyzing observations of massive black holes and the material around them.

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M. Vestergaard and K. Gültekin
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: This chapter is the pre-print of the version currently in production. Please cite this chapter as the following: M. Vestergaard and K. G\”ultekin. “Massive black holes in galactic nuclei: observations,” in The Encyclopedia of Cosmology (Set 2): Black Holes, edited by Z. Haiman (World Scientific, New Jersey, 2023). 77 pages, 21 figures

The evolution of radial gradients of MaNGA quiescent elliptical galaxies: inside-out quenching or outer mass growth? [GA]

Using spatially-resolved fossil record analysis on a large sample of ‘red and dead’ elliptical galaxies (classical ellipticals, CLEs) from the MaNGA/SDSS-IV DR15 survey, we reconstruct the archaeological evolution of their radial gradients in mass-to-luminosity ratio ($M/L$), $g-r$ color, and specific star formation (SF) rate. We also calculate other metrics that quantify the inside-out SF quenching and external mass growth processes. The $M/L$ gradients, $\nabla\Upsilon_{\star}$, are approximately flat at high look-back times ($t_{\rm lb}$), but then they become negative and steeper until an epoch, when this trend reverses. These trends are shifted to later epochs the less massive the galaxies are. Color gradients follow qualitatively similar trends. We find that these trends are mainly driven by strong inside-out quenching, without significant outer growth or structural changes overall. Our results suggest a scenario where the main progenitors of local CLE galaxies evolved quasi-passively after an early dissipative phase, but underwent radial photometric changes due to the inside-out quenching that led to the systematic decrease of $\nabla\Upsilon_{\star}$ and to an increase of the light-weighted radius. The late reversing of $\nabla\Upsilon_{\star}$, $t_{\rm lb}\approx2-4$ Gyr, roughly coincides with the global quenching of the CLE galaxies. We have pushed archaeological inferences to the limit, but thanks to the large number of objects and an understanding of how the caveats and assumptions affect our results, we conclude that they offer an average description of evolutionary behaviors of CLE progenitors that is valid at least qualitatively.

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V. Avila-Reese, H. Ibarra-Medel, I. Lacerna, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 17 pages, 14 figures. Submitted to MNRAS, after Referee Report

Constraints on Magnetic Braking from the G8 Dwarf Stars 61 UMa and $τ$ Cet [SSA]

During the first half of their main-sequence lifetimes, stars rapidly lose angular momentum to their magnetized winds, a process known as magnetic braking. Recent observations suggest a substantial decrease in the magnetic braking efficiency when stars reach a critical value of the Rossby number, the stellar rotation period normalized by the convective overturn timescale. Cooler stars have deeper convection zones with longer overturn times, reaching this critical Rossby number at slower rotation rates. The nature and timing of the transition to weakened magnetic braking has previously been constrained by several solar analogs and two slightly hotter stars. In this Letter, we derive the first direct constraints from stars cooler than the Sun. We present new spectropolarimetry of the old G8 dwarf $\tau$ Cet from the Large Binocular Telescope, and we reanalyze a published Zeeman Doppler image of the younger G8 star 61 UMa, yielding the large-scale magnetic field strengths and morphologies. We estimate mass-loss rates using archival X-ray observations and inferences from Ly$\alpha$ measurements, and we adopt other stellar properties from asteroseismology and spectral energy distribution fitting. The resulting calculations of the wind braking torque demonstrate that the rate of angular momentum loss drops by a factor of 300 between the ages of these two stars (1.4-9 Gyr), well above theoretical expectations. We summarize the available data to help constrain the value of the critical Rossby number, and we identify a new signature of the long-period detection edge in recent measurements from the Kepler mission.

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T. Metcalfe, K. Strassmeier, I. Ilyin, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: ApJ Letters (accepted), 6 pages including 3 figures and 1 table. Python code is available at this https URL

WISDOM Project — XIV. Giant Molecular Clouds in the Central Region of the Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 5806 [GA]

We present high spatial resolution ($\approx24$ pc) Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array $^{12}$CO(2-1) observations of the central region of the nearby barred spiral galaxy NGC 5806. NGC 5806 has a highly structured molecular gas distribution with a clear nucleus, a nuclear ring and offset dust lanes. We identify $170$ spatially- and spectrally-resolved giant molecular clouds (GMCs). These clouds have comparable sizes ($R_{\mathrm{c}}$) and larger gas masses, observed linewidths ($\sigma_{\mathrm{obs,los}}$) and gas mass surface densities than those of clouds in the Milky Way disc. The size — linewidth relation of the clouds is one of the steepest reported so far ($\sigma_{\mathrm{obs,los}}\propto R_{\mathrm{c}}^{1.20}$), the clouds are on average only marginally bound (with a mean virial parameter $\langle\alpha_{\mathrm{vir}}\rangle\approx2$), and high velocity dispersions are observed in the nuclear ring. These behaviours are likely due to bar-driven gas shocks and inflows along the offset dust lanes, and we infer an inflow velocity of $\approx120$ kms$^{-1}$ and a total molecular gas mass inflow rate of $\approx5$ M$_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$ into the nuclear ring. The observed internal velocity gradients of the clouds are consistent with internal turbulence. The number of clouds in the nuclear ring decreases with azimuthal angle downstream from the dust lanes without clear variation of cloud properties. This is likely due to the estimated short lifetime of the clouds ($\approx6$ Myr), which appears to be mainly regulated by cloud-cloud collision and/or shear processes. Overall, it thus seems that the presence of the large-scale bar and gas inflows to the centre of NGC 5806 affect cloud properties.

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W. Choi, L. Liu, M. Bureau, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 20 pages, 16 figures

3D spectroscopy with GTC-MEGARA of the triple AGN candidate in SDSS J102700.40+174900.8 [GA]

Triple AGN systems are expected to be the result of the hierarchical model of galaxy formation. Since there are very few of them confirmed as such, we present the results of a new study of the triple-AGN candidate SDSS J102700.40+174900.8 (center nucleus) through observations with $\it{GTC}$-$\it{MEGARA}$ Integral Field Unit. 1D and 2D analysis of the line ratios of the three nuclei allow us to locate them in the EW(H$\alpha$) vs. [Nii] /H$\alpha$ diagram. The central nucleus is found to be a retired galaxy (or fake AGN). The neighbors are found to be a strong AGN (southeastern nucleus, J102700.55+174900.2) compatible with a Sy2 galaxy, and a weak AGN (northern nucleus, J102700.38+174902.6) compatible with a LINER2. We find evidence that the neighbors constitute a dual AGN system (Sy2-LINER2) with a projected separation of 3.98 kpc in the optical bands. The H$\alpha$ velocity map shows that the northern nucleus has an H$\alpha$ emission with a velocity offset of $\sim$-500 km s$^{-1}$, whereas the southeastern nucleus has a rotating disk and H$\alpha$ extended emission at kpc scales. Chandra archival data confirm that the neighbors have X-ray (0.5-2) keV and (2-7) keV emission, whereas the center nucleus shows no X-ray emission. A collisional ring with knots is observed in the HST images of the southeastern nucleus. These knots coincide with star formation regions that along with the ring are predicted in a head-on collision. In this case, the morphology changes are probably due to a minor merger that was produced by the passing of the northern through the southeastern nucleus.

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E. Benítez, H. Ibarra-Medel, C. Negrete, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 20 pages, 9 figures, 7 tables

Detection of millihertz quasi-periodic oscillations in the low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1730–22 with NICER [HEAP]

We report the discovery of millihertz quasi-periodic oscillations (mHz QPOs) from the neutron star (NS) low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1730–22 using the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER). After being inactive for almost 50 years, 4U 1730–22 went into outburst twice between June and August 2021, and between February and July 2022. We analyse all the NICER observations of this source, and detect mHz QPOs with a significance > $4\sigma$ in 35 observations. The QPO frequency of the full data set ranged between ~4.5 and ~8.1 mHz with an average fractional rms amplitude of the order of ~2%. The X-ray colour analysis strongly suggests that 4U 1730–22 was in a soft spectral state during the QPO detections. Our findings are consistent with those reported for other sources where the mHz QPOs have been interpreted as the result of a special mode of He burning on the NS surface called marginally stable nuclear burning (MSNB). We conclude that the mHz QPOs reported in this work are also associated with the MSNB, making 4U 1730–22 the eighth source that shows this phenomenology. We discuss our findings in the context of the heat flux from the NS crust.

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G. Mancuso, D. Altamirano, P. Bult, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 9 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

VarIabiLity seLection of AstrophysIcal sources iN PTF (VILLAIN) I. Structure function fits to 71 million objects [GA]

Context. Lightcurve variability is well-suited for characterising objects in surveys with high cadence and long baseline. This is especially relevant in view of the large datasets to be produced by the Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST).
Aims. We aim to determine variability parameters for objects in the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) and explore differences between quasars (QSOs), stars and galaxies. We will relate variability and colour information in preparation for future surveys.
Methods. We fit joint likelihoods to structure functions (SFs) of 71 million PTF lightcurves with a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method. For each object, we assume a power law SF and extract two parameters: the amplitude on timescales of one year, $A$, and a power law index, $\gamma$. With these parameters and colours in the optical (Pan-STARRS1) and mid infrared (WISE), we identify regions of parameter space dominated by different types of spectroscopically confirmed objects from SDSS. Candidate QSOs, stars and galaxies are selected to show their parameter distributions.
Results. QSOs have high amplitude variations in the $R$ band, and the strongest timescale dependence of variability. Galaxies have a broader range of amplitudes and low timescale dependency. With variability and colours, we achieve a photometric selection purity of 99.3 % for QSOs. Even though hard cuts in monochromatic variability alone are not as effective as seven-band magnitude cuts, variability is useful in characterising object sub-classes. Through variability, we also find QSOs that were erroneously classified as stars in the SDSS. We discuss perspectives and computational solutions in view of the upcoming LSST.

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S. Bruun, A. Agnello and J. Hjorth
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: Accepted by A&A on 11/04/2023, 16 pages, 14 figures

Identification and Characterization of a Large Sample of Distant Active Dwarf Galaxies in XMM-SERVS [GA]

Active dwarf galaxies are important because they contribute to the evolution of dwarf galaxies and can reveal their hosted massive black holes. However, the sample size of such sources beyond the local universe is still highly limited. In this work, we search for active dwarf galaxies in the recently completed XMM-Spitzer Extragalactic Representative Volume Survey (XMM-SERVS). XMM-SERVS is currently the largest medium-depth X-ray survey covering 13 $\mathrm{deg}^2$ in three extragalactic fields, which all have well-characterized multi-wavelength information. After considering several factors that may lead to misidentifications, we identify 73 active dwarf galaxies at $z<1$, which constitutes the currently largest X-ray-selected sample beyond the local universe. Our sources are generally less obscured than predictions based on the massive-AGN (active galactic nucleus) X-ray luminosity function and have a low radio-excess fraction. We find that our sources reside in similar environments to inactive dwarf galaxies. We further quantify the accretion distribution of the dwarf-galaxy population after considering various selection effects and find that it decreases with X-ray luminosity, but redshift evolution cannot be statistically confirmed. Depending upon how we define an AGN, the active fraction may or may not show a strong dependence on stellar mass. Their Eddington ratios and X-ray bolometric corrections significantly deviate from the expected relation, which is likely caused by several large underlying systematic biases when estimating the relevant parameters for dwarf galaxies. Throughout this work, we also highlight problems in reliably measuring photometric redshifts and overcoming strong selection effects for distant active dwarf galaxies.

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F. Zou, W. Brandt, Q. Ni, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 34 pages, 21 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

A Superluminous Supernova Lightened by Collisions with Pulsational Pair-instability Shells [HEAP]

Superluminous supernovae are among the most energetic stellar explosions in the Universe, but their energy sources remain an open question. Here we present long-term observations of one of the closest examples of the hydrogen-poor subclass (SLSNe-I), SN~2017egm, revealing the most complicated known luminosity evolution of SLSNe-I. Three distinct post-peak bumps were recorded in its light curve collected at about $100$–350\,days after maximum brightness, challenging current popular power models such as magnetar, fallback accretion, and interaction between ejecta and a circumstellar shell. However, the complex light curve can be well modelled by successive interactions with multiple circumstellar shells with a total mass of about $6.8$–7.7\,M$\odot$. In this scenario, large energy deposition from interaction-induced reverse shocks results in ionization of neutral oxygen in the supernova ejecta and hence a much lower nebular-phase line ratio of [O\,\textsc{i}] $\lambda6300$/([Ca\,\textsc{ii}] + [O\,\textsc{ii}]) $\lambda7300$ ($\sim 0.2$) compared with that derived for other superluminous and normal stripped-envelope SNe. The pre-existing multiple shells indicate that the progenitor of SN~2017egm experienced pulsational mass ejections triggered by pair instability within 2 years before explosion, in robust agreement with theoretical predictions for a pre-pulsation helium-core mass of 48–51\,M${\odot}$.

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W. Lin, X. Wang, L. Yan, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 34 pages, 13 figures, 6 tables

A large bubble around the AGB star R Dor detected in the UV [SSA]

Many asymptotic giant branch (AGB) and supergiant stars exhibit extended detached shells in the far-infrared, resembling rings or arcs. These structures have long been interpreted as the bow shock formed in the interface between the stellar wind and the interstellar medium, the astrosphere. To date, only a few AGB stars have been observed showing an extended shell in the ultraviolet: the cometary tail drifting away from $o$ Ceti, and a bubble around IRC+10216, CIT6, and U Hya. This paper describes a search of UV extended shells around AGB stars using archival GALEX far-UV images. After inspecting visually 282 GALEX images, we identified the fourth discovery of a UV bubble around the AGB star R Dor. The bubble is seen as a 26’x29′ ring, corresponding to an actual diameter of 0.41×0.46 parsec$^2$. The mass of the thin UV bubble is estimated to be $\simeq$0.003 $M_{\odot}$. The morphological asymmetry (less than $\sim 20$\%) and brightness variations of this shell are uncorrelated with the stellar proper motion and thus they can rather be ascribed to inhomogeneities in the ISM. Archival \emph{IRAS} 60 and 100$\mu$m images reveal that the bubble is filled with cold (i.e. < 32 K) dust. All UV bubbles known to date are limited to be within a distance < 350 pc and at high Galactic latitudes (|b| > 35 degree), which suggests that their detection is hampered in most cases by the strong UV interstellar extinction.

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R. Ortiz and M. Guerrero
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 8 pages, 5 figures, to be published in MNRAS

GSpyNetTree: A signal-vs-glitch classifier for gravitational-wave event candidates [CL]

Despite achieving sensitivities capable of detecting the extremely small amplitude of gravitational waves (GWs), LIGO and Virgo detector data contain frequent bursts of non-Gaussian transient noise, commonly known as ‘glitches’. Glitches come in various time-frequency morphologies, and they are particularly challenging when they mimic the form of real GWs. Given the higher expected event rate in the next observing run (O4), LIGO-Virgo GW event candidate validation will require increased levels of automation. Gravity Spy, a machine learning tool that successfully classified common types of LIGO and Virgo glitches in previous observing runs, has the potential to be restructured as a signal-vs-glitch classifier to accurately distinguish between glitches and GW signals. A signal-vs-glitch classifier used for automation must be robust and compatible with a broad array of background noise, new sources of glitches, and the likely occurrence of overlapping glitches and GWs. We present GSpyNetTree, the Gravity Spy Convolutional Neural Network Decision Tree: a multi-CNN classifier using CNNs in a decision tree sorted via total GW candidate mass tested under these realistic O4-era scenarios.

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S. Alvarez-Lopez, A. Liyanage, J. Ding, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 19 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravity

TONE: A CHIME/FRB Outrigger Pathfinder for localizations of Fast Radio Bursts using Very Long Baseline Interferometry [IMA]

The sensitivity and field of view of the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) has enabled its fast radio burst (FRB) backend to detect thousands of FRBs. However, the low angular resolution of CHIME prevents it from localizing most FRBs to their host galaxies. Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) can readily provide the subarcsecond resolution needed to localize many FRBs to their hosts. Thus we developed TONE: an interferometric array of eight $6~\mathrm{m}$ dishes to serve as a pathfinder for the CHIME/FRB Outriggers project, which will use wide field of view cylinders to determine the sky positions for a large sample of FRBs, revealing their positions within their host galaxies to subarcsecond precision. In the meantime, TONE’s $\sim3333~\mathrm{km}$ baseline with CHIME proves to be an excellent testbed for the development and characterization of single-pulse VLBI techniques at the time of discovery. This work describes the TONE instrument, its sensitivity, and its astrometric precision in single-pulse VLBI. We believe that our astrometric errors are dominated by uncertainties in the clock measurements which build up between successive Crab pulsar calibrations which happen every $\approx 24~\mathrm{h}$; the wider fields of view and higher sensitivity of the Outriggers will provide opportunities for higher-cadence calibration. At present, CHIME-TONE localizations of the Crab pulsar yield systematic localization errors of ${0.1}-{0.2}~\mathrm{arcsec}$ – comparable to the resolution afforded by state-of-the-art optical instruments ($\sim 0.05 ~\mathrm{arcsec}$).

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P. Sanghavi, C. Leung, K. Bandura, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 31 Pages, 25 Figures, To be submitted to Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation

Examining the Self-Interaction of Dark Matter through Central Cluster Galaxy Offsets [CEA]

While collisionless cold dark matter models have been largely successful in explaining a wide range of observational data, some tensions still exist, and it remains possible that dark matter possesses a non-negligible level of self interactions. In this paper, we investigate a possible observable consequence of self-interacting dark matter: offsets between the central galaxy and the center of mass of its parent halo. We examine 23 relaxed galaxy clusters in a redshift range of 0.1 to 0.3 drawn from clusters in the Dark Energy Survey and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey which have archival Chandra X-ray data of sufficient depth for center and relaxation determination. We find that most clusters in our sample show non-zero offsets between the X-ray center, taken to be the centroid within the cluster core, and the central galaxy position. All of the measured offsets are larger, typically by an order of magnitude, than the uncertainty in the X-ray position due to Poisson noise. In all but six clusters, the measured offsets are also larger than the estimated, combined astrometric uncertainties in the X-ray and optical positions. A more conservative cut on concentration to select relaxed clusters marginally reduces but does not eliminate the observed offset. With our more conservative sample, we find an estimated mean X-ray to central galaxy offset of $\mu = 5.5 \pm 1.0$ kpc. Comparing to recent simulations, this distribution of offsets is consistent with some level of dark matter self interaction, though further simulation work is needed to place constraints.

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D. Cross, G. Thoron, T. Jeltema, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 7 pages, 1 figure, 1 table

No evidence for p- or d-wave dark matter annihilation from local large-scale structure [CEA]

If dark matter annihilates into standard model particles with a cross-section which is velocity dependent, then Local Group dwarf galaxies will not be the best place to search for the resulting gamma ray emission. A greater flux would be produced by more distant and massive halos, with larger velocity dispersions. We construct full-sky predictions for the gamma-ray emission from galaxy- and cluster-mass halos within $\sim 200 \, {\mathrm{Mpc}}$ using a suite of constrained $N$-body simulations (CSiBORG) based on the Bayesian Origin Reconstruction from Galaxies algorithm. Comparing to observations from the Fermi Large Area Telescope and marginalising over reconstruction uncertainties and other astrophysical contributions to the flux, we obtain constraints on the cross-section which are two (seven) orders of magnitude tighter than those obtained from dwarf spheroidals for $p$-wave ($d$-wave) annihilation. We find no evidence for either type of annihilation from dark matter particles with masses in the range $m_\chi = 2-500 \, {\mathrm{GeV}}/c^2$, for any channel. As an example, for annihilations producing bottom quarks with $m_\chi = 10 \, {\mathrm{GeV}}/c^2$, we find $a_{1} < 2.4 \times 10^{-21} \, {\mathrm{cm^3 s^{-1}}}$ and $a_{2} < 3.0 \times 10^{-18} \, {\mathrm{cm^3 s^{-1}}}$ at 95% confidence, where the product of the cross-section, $\sigma$, and relative particle velocity, $v$, is given by $\sigma v = a_\ell (v/c)^{2\ell}$ and $\ell=1, 2$ for $p$-, $d$-wave annihilation, respectively. Our bounds, although failing to exclude the thermal relic cross-section for velocity-dependent annihilation channels, are among the tightest to date.

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A. Kostić, D. Bartlett and H. Desmond
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 15 pages, 5 figures; submitted to Physical Review D

The statistical analysis of the dynamical evolution of the open clusters [GA]

We present the dynamical evolution of ten open clusters which were part of our previous studies. These clusters include both young and intermediate-age open clusters with ages ranging from 25$\pm$19 Myr to 1.78$\pm$0.20 Gyr. The total mass of these clusters ranges from 356.18$\pm$142.90 to 1811.75$\pm$901.03 M${\odot}$. The Galactocentric distances to the clusters are in the range of 8.91$\pm$0.02 to 11.74$\pm$0.18 kpc. The study is based on the ground-based UBVRI data supplemented by the astrometric data from the Gaia archive. We studied the minimum spanning tree of the member stars for these clusters. The mass segregation in these clusters was quantified by mass segregation ratios calculated from the mean edge length obtained through the minimum spanning tree. The clusters NGC 2360, NGC 1960, IC 1442, King 21, and SAI 35 have ${\Gamma}{MSR}$ to be 1.65$\pm$0.18, 1.94$\pm$0.22, 2.21$\pm$0.20, 1.84$\pm$0.23, and 1.96$\pm$0.25, respectively which indicate moderate mass segregation in these clusters. The remaining five clusters are found to exhibit weak or no mass segregation. We used the ratio of half mass radius to the tidal radius i.e. R${h}$/R${t}$ to investigate the effect of the tidal interactions on the cluster structure and dynamics. The ratios of half mass radii to tidal radii are found to be positively correlated with the Galactocentric distances with a linear slope of 0.06$\pm$0.01 having linear regression coefficient r-square = 0.93 for the clusters.

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J. Maurya, Y. Joshi, M. Samal, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 9 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables

A new probe of inflationary gravitational waves: cross-correlations of lensed primary CMB B-modes with large-scale structure [CEA]

We propose a new probe of inflationary gravitational waves (IGWs): the cross-correlation of the lensing of inflationary $B$-mode polarization with a large-scale structure (LSS) tracer, which can also be a CMB lensing map. This is equivalent to measuring a three-point function of two CMB $B$-modes and an LSS tracer. We forecast expected $1\,\sigma$ constraints on the tensor-to-scalar ratio, $r$, albeit with a simplistic foreground treatment, and find constraints of $\sigma_r \simeq 7 \times 10^{-3}$ from the correlation of CMB-S4-Deep $B$-mode lensing and LSST galaxies, $\sigma_r \simeq 5 \times 10^{-3}$ from the correlation of CMB-S4-Deep $B$-mode lensing and CMB-S4-Deep CMB lensing, and $\sigma_r \simeq 10^{-2}$ from the correlation of LiteBIRD $B$-mode lensing and CMB-S4-Wide lensing. Because this probe is inherently non-Gaussian, simple Gaussian foregrounds will not produce any biases to the measurement of $r$. While a detailed investigation of non-Gaussian foreground contamination for different cross-correlations will be essential, this observable has the potential to be a powerful probe of IGWs, complementary to standard methods for constraining $r$.

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T. Namikawa and B. Sherwin
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 7 pages, 1 figure

Measuring the Hubble Constant Using Strongly Lensed Gravitational Wave Signals [CEA]

The measurement of the Hubble constant $H_0$ plays an important role in the study of cosmology. In this letter, we propose a new method to constrain the Hubble constant using the strongly lensed gravitational wave (GW) signals. By reparameterizing the waveform, we find that the lensed waveform is sensitive to the $H_0$. Assuming the scenario that no electromagnetic counterpart of the GW source can be identified, our method can still give meaningful constraints on the $H_0$ with the information of the lens redshift. We then apply Fisher information matrix and Markov Chain Monte Carlo to evaluate the potential of this method. For the space-based GW detector, TianQin, the $H_0$ can be constrained within a relative error of $\sim$ 0.3-2\%, using a single strongly lensed GW event. Precision varies according to different levels of electromagnetic information.

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S. Huang, Y. Hu, X. Chen, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 7 pages, 4 figures

NGTS clusters survey IV. Search for Dipper stars in the Orion Nebular Cluster [SSA]

The dipper is a novel class of young stellar object associated with large drops in flux on the order of 10 to 50 per cent lasting for hours to days. Too significant to arise from intrinsic stellar variability, these flux drops are currently attributed to disk warps, accretion streams, and/or transiting circumstellar dust. Dippers have been previously studied in young star forming regions including the Orion Complex. Using Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS) data, we identified variable stars from their lightcurves. We then applied a machine learning random forest classifier for the identification of new dipper stars in Orion using previous variable classifications as a training set. We discover 120 new dippers, of which 83 are known members of the Complex. We also investigated the occurrence rate of disks in our targets, again using a machine learning approach. We find that all dippers have disks, and most of these are full disks. We use dipper periodicity and model-derived stellar masses to identify the orbital distance to the inner disk edge for dipper objects, confirming that dipper stars exhibit strongly extended sublimation radii, adding weight to arguments that the inner disk edge is further out than predicted by simple models. Finally, we determine a dipper fraction (the fraction of stars with disks which are dippers) for known members of 27.8 plus minus 2.9 per cent. Our findings represent the largest population of dippers identified in a single cluster to date.

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T. Moulton, S. Hodgkin, G. Smith, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 28 pages, 34 figures

A Mixture of LBG Overdensities in the Fields of Three $6 < z < 7$ Quasars: Implications for the Robustness of Photometric Selection [GA]

The most luminous quasars at $z > 6$ are suspected to be both highly clustered and reside in the most massive dark matter halos in the early Universe, making them prime targets to search for galaxy overdensities and/or protoclusters. We search for Lyman-break dropout-selected galaxies using HST WFC3/ACS broadband imaging in the fields of three $6 < z < 7$ quasars, as well as their simultaneously observed coordinated-parallel fields, and constrain their photometric redshifts using EAZY. One field, J0305-3150, shows a volume density 10$\times$ higher than the blank-field UV luminosity function (UVLF) at M$_{UV} < -20$, with tentative evidence of a 3$\sigma$ overdensity in its parallel field located 15 cMpc away. Another field, J2054-0005, shows an angular overdensity within 500 ckpc from the quasar but still consistent with UVLF predictions within 3$\sigma$, while the last field, J2348-3054, shows no enhancement. We discuss methods for reducing uncertainty in overdensity measurements when using photometric selection and show that we can robustly select LBGs consistent with being physically associated with the quasar, corroborated by existing JWST/NIRCam WFSS data in the J0305 field. Even accounting for incompleteness, the overdensities in J0305 and J2054 are higher for brighter galaxies at short angular separations, suggesting preferential enhancement of more massive galaxies in the immediate vicinity of the quasar. Finally, we compare the LBG population with previously-identified [CII] and mm-continuum companions; the LBG overdensities are not accompanied by an enhanced number of dusty galaxies, suggesting that the overdense quasar fields are not in the bursty star-forming phase sometimes seen in high-redshift protoclusters.

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J. Champagne, C. Casey, S. Finkelstein, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 22 pages (main text), 12 figures, 10 tables, 2 appendices. Submitted to ApJ March 2023 – comments welcome! See F. Wang et al. (2023) today for a companion JWST paper

Dai-Freed anomaly in the standard model and topological inflation [CL]

When we impose the discrete symmetry in the standard model we have Dai-Freed global anomalies. However, interestingly if we introduce three right-handed neutrinos we can have an anomaly-free discrete $Z_4$ gauge symmetry. This $Z_4$ symmetry should be spontaneously broken down to the $Z_2$ symmetry to generate the heavy Majorana masses for the right-handed neutrinos. We show that this symmetry breaking naturally generates topological inflation, which is consistent with the CMB observations at present and predicts a significant tensor mode with scalar-tensor ratio $r > 0.03$. The right-handed neutrinos play an important role in reheating processes. The reheating temperature is as high as $\sim 10^8$GeV, and non-thermal leptogenesis successfully takes place.

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M. Kawasaki and T. Yanagida
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 9 pages and 2 figures

VarIabiLity seLection of AstrophysIcal sources iN PTF (VILLAIN) II. Supervised classification of variable sources [GA]

Context. Large, high-dimensional astronomical surveys require efficient data analysis. Automatic fitting of lightcurve variability and machine learning may assist in identification of sources including candidate quasars.
Aims. We aim to classify sources from the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) as quasars, stars or galaxies, and to examine model performance using variability and colours. We determine the added value of variability information as well as quantifying the performance when colours are not available.
Methods. We use supervised learning in the form of a histogram-based gradient boosting classifier to predict spectroscopic SDSS classes using photometry. For comparison, we create models with structure function variability parameters only, magnitudes only and using all parameters.
Results. We achieve highly accurate predictions for 71 million sources with lightcurves in PTF. The full model correctly identifies 92.49 % of spectroscopically confirmed quasars from the SDSS with a purity of 95.64 %. With only variability, the completeness is 34.97 % and the purity is 58.71 % for quasars. The predictions and probabilities of PTF objects belonging to each class are made available in a catalogue, VILLAIN-Cat, including magnitudes and variability parameters.
Conclusions. We have developed a method for automatic and effective classification of PTF sources using magnitudes and variability. For similar supervised models, we recommend using at least 100,000 labeled objects, and we show how performance scales with data volume.

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S. Bruun, J. Hjorth and A. Agnello
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 10 pages, 5 figures

Gemini Near Infrared Spectrograph — Distant Quasar Survey: Augmented Spectroscopic Catalog and a Prescription for Correcting UV-Based Quasar Redshifts [GA]

Quasars at $z~{\gtrsim}~1$ most often have redshifts measured from rest-frame ultraviolet emission lines. One of the most common such lines, C IV ${\lambda}1549$, shows blueshifts up to ${\approx}~5000~\rm{km~s^{-1}}$, and in rare cases even higher. This blueshifting results in highly uncertain redshifts when compared to redshift determinations from rest-frame optical emission lines, e.g., from the narrow [O III] ${\lambda}5007$ feature. We present spectroscopic measurements for 260 sources at $1.55~{\lesssim}~z~{\lesssim}~3.50$ having $-28.0~{\lesssim}~M_i~{\lesssim}~-30.0$ mag from the Gemini Near Infrared Spectrograph – Distant Quasar Survey (GNIRS-DQS) catalog, augmenting the previous iteration which contained 226 of the 260 sources whose measurements are improved upon in this work. We obtain reliable systemic redshifts based on [O III] ${\lambda}5007$ for a subset of 121 sources which we use to calibrate prescriptions for correcting UV-based redshifts. These prescriptions are based on a regression analysis involving C IV full-width-at-half-maximum intensity and equivalent width, along with the UV continuum luminosity at a rest-frame wavelength of 1350 A. Applying these corrections can improve the accuracy and the precision in the C IV-based redshift by up to ${\sim}~850~\rm{km~s^{-1}}$ and ${\sim}~150~\rm{km~s^{-1}}$, respectively, which correspond to ${\sim}~8.5$ Mpc and ${\sim}~1.5$ Mpc in comoving distance at $z~=~2.5$. Our prescriptions also improve the accuracy of the best available multi-feature redshift determination algorithm by ${\sim}~100~\rm{km~s^{-1}}$, indicating that the spectroscopic properties of the C IV emission line can provide robust redshift estimates for high-redshift quasars. We discuss the prospects of our prescriptions for cosmological and quasar studies utilizing upcoming large spectroscopic surveys.

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B. Matthews, C. Dix, O. Shemmer, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 20 pages (AASTeX 6.3.1), 8 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

Black holes in classical general relativity and beyond [CL]

The Kerr-Newman metric is the unique vacuum solution of the General Relativistic field equations, in which any singularities or spacetime pathologies are hidden behind horizons. They are believed to describe the spacetimes of massive astrophysical objects with no surfaces, which we call black holes. This spacetime, which is defined entirely by the mass, spin, and charge of the black hole, gives rise to a variety of phenomena in the motion of particles and photons outside the horizons that have no Newtonian counterparts. Moreover, the Kerr-Newman spacetime remains remarkably resilient to many attempts in modifying the underlying theory of gravity. The monitoring of stellar orbits around supermassive black holes, the detection of gravitational waves from the coalescence of stellar-mass black holes, and the observation of black-hole shadows in images with horizon-scale resolution, all of which have become possible during the last decade, are offering valuable tools in testing quantitatively the predictions of this remarkable solution to Einstein’s equations.

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D. Psaltis
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: This chapter is the pre-print of the version currently in production. Please cite this chapter as the following: D. Psaltis. “Black holes in classical general relativity and beyond” in The Encyclopedia of Cosmology (Set 2): Black Holes, edited by Z. Haiman (World Scientific, New Jersey, 2023)

Giant planet engulfment by evolved giant stars: light curves, asteroseismology, and survivability [EPA]

About ten percent of Sun-like ($1$-$2 M_\odot$) stars will engulf a $1$-$10 M_{\rm J}$ planet as they expand during the red giant branch (RGB) or asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase of their evolution. Once engulfed, these planets experience a strong drag force in the star’s convective envelope and spiral inward, depositing energy and angular momentum. For these mass ratios, the inspiral takes $\sim 10$-$10^{2}$ years ($\sim 10^{2}$-$10^{3}$ orbits); the planet undergoes tidal disruption at a radius of $\sim R_\odot$. We use the Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA) software instrument to track the stellar response to the energy deposition while simultaneously evolving the planetary orbit. For RGB stars, as well as AGB stars with $M_{\rm p} \lesssim 5 M_{\rm J}$ planets, the star responds quasistatically but still brightens measurably on a timescale of years. In addition, asteroseismic indicators, such as the frequency spacing or rotational splitting, differ before and after engulfment. For AGB stars, engulfment of a $M_{\rm p} \gtrsim 5 M_{\rm J}$ planet drives supersonic expansion of the envelope, causing a bright, red, dusty eruption similar to a “luminous red nova.” Based on the peak luminosity, color, duration, and expected rate of these events, we suggest that engulfment events on the AGB could be a significant fraction of low-luminosity red novae in the Galaxy. We do not find conditions where the envelope is ejected prior to the planet’s tidal disruption, complicating the interpretation of short-period giant planets orbiting white dwarfs as survivors of common-envelope evolution.

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C. O’Connor, L. Bildsten, M. Cantiello, et. al.
Fri, 21 Apr 23

Comments: 24 pages, 11 figures, 1 table. Submitted to AAS Journals; revised after initial review. Comments welcome