Massive pre-main-sequence stars in M17: $1^{\rm st}$ and $2^{\rm nd}$ overtone CO bandhead emission and the thermal infrared [SSA]

Recently much progress has been made in probing the embedded stages of massive star formation, pointing to formation scenarios akin to a scaled up version of low-mass star formation. However, the latest stages of massive star formation have rarely been observed. Using 1st and 2nd overtone CO bandhead emission and near- to mid-infrared photometry we aim to characterize the remnant formation disks around 5 unique pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars with masses $6-12~\rm M_{\odot}$, that have constrained stellar parameters thanks to their detectable photospheres. We seek to understand this emission and the disks it originates from in the context of the evolutionary stage of the studied sources. We use an analytic LTE disk model to fit the CO bandhead and the dust emission, found to originate in different disk regions. For the first time we modeled the 2nd overtone emission. Furthermore, we fit continuum normalized bandheads and show the importance of this in constraining the emission region. We also include $^{13}\rm CO$ in our models as an additional probe of the young nature of the studied objects. We find that the CO emission originates in a narrow region close to the star (<1 AU) and under very similar disk conditions (temperatures and densities) for the different objects. This is consistent with previous modeling of this emission in a diverse range of young stellar objects. We discuss these results in the context of the positions of these PMS stars in the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram and the CO emission’s association with early age and high accretion rates in (massive) young stellar objects. We conclude that, considering their mass range and for the fact that their photospheres are detected, the M17 PMS stars are observed in a relatively early formation stage. They are therefore excellent candidates for longer wavelength studies to further constrain the end stages of massive star formation.

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J. Poorta, M. Ramírez-Tannus, A. Koter, et. al.
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 21 pages, 12 figures

Ly$α$ at Cosmic Dawn with a Simulated Roman Grism Deep Field [GA]

The slitless grism on the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will enable deep near-infrared spectroscopy over a wide field of view. We demonstrate Roman’s capability to detect Ly$\alpha$ galaxies at $z>7$ using a multi-position-angle (PA) observational strategy. We simulate Roman grism data using a realistic foreground scene from the COSMOS field. We also input fake Ly$\alpha$ galaxies spanning redshift z=7.5-10.5 and a line-flux range of interest. We show how a novel data cube search technique — CUBGRISM — originally developed for GALEX can be applied to Roman grism data to produce a Ly$\alpha$ flux-limited sample without the need for continuum detections. We investigate the impact of altering the number of independent PAs and exposure time. A deep Roman grism survey with 25 PAs and a total exposure time of $70$hrs can achieve Ly$\alpha$ line depths comparable to the deepest $z=7$ narrow-band surveys ($L_{{\rm{Ly}}\alpha}\gtrsim10^{43}$erg s$^{-1}$). Assuming a null result, where the opacity of the intergalactic medium (IGM) remains unchanged from $z\sim7$, this level of sensitivity will detect $\sim400$ deg$^{-2}$ Ly$\alpha$ emitters from $z=7.25-8.75$. A decline from this expected number density is the signature of an increasing neutral hydrogen fraction and the onset of reionization. Our simulations indicate that a deep Roman grism survey has the ability to measure the timing and magnitude of this decline, allowing us to infer the ionization state of the IGM and helping us to distinguish between models of reionization.

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I. Wold, S. Malhotra, J. Rhoads, et. al.
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 11 pages, 7 figures, Submitted to ApJ

Lights in the Dark: Globular clusters as dark matter tracers [GA]

A long-standing observed curiosity of globular clusters (GCs) has been that both the number and total mass of GCs in a galaxy are linearly correlated with the galaxy’s virial mass, whereas its stellar component shows no such linear correlation. This work expands on an empirical model for the numbers and ages of GCs in galaxies presented by Valenzuela et al. (2021) that is consistent with recent observational data from massive elliptical galaxies down to the dwarf galaxy regime. Applying the model to simulations, GC numbers are shown to be excellent tracers for the dark matter (DM) virial mass, even when distinct formation mechanisms are employed for blue and red GCs. Furthermore, the amount of DM smooth accretion is encoded in the GC abundances, therefore providing a measure for an otherwise nearly untraceable component of the formation history of galaxies.

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L. Valenzuela
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 5 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Memorie della SAIt

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project: Key Results [GA]

We present the final data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping (SDSS-RM) project, a precursor to the SDSS-V Black Hole Mapper Reverberation Mapping program. This data set includes 11-year photometric and 7-year spectroscopic light curves for 849 broad-line quasars over a redshift range of 0.1<z<4.5 and a luminosity range of Lbol=1E44-47.5 erg/s, along with spectral and variability measurements. We report 23, 81, 125, and 110 reverberation mapping lags (relative to optical continuum variability) for broad Halpha, Hbeta, MgII and CIV using the SDSS-RM sample, spanning much of the luminosity and redshift ranges of the sample. Using 30 low-redshift RM AGNs with dynamical-modeling black hole masses, we derive a new estimate of the average virial factor of <log f>=0.62+-0.07 for the line dispersion measured from the RMS spectrum. The intrinsic scatter of individual virial factors is 0.31+-0.07 dex, indicating a factor of two systematic uncertainty in RM black hole masses. Our lag measurements reveal significant R-L relations for Hbeta and MgII at high redshift, consistent with the latest measurements based on heterogeneous samples. While we are unable to robustly constrain the slope of the R-L relation for CIV given the limited dynamical range in luminosity, we found substantially larger scatter in CIV lags at fixed L1350. Using the SDSS-RM lag sample, we derive improved single-epoch (SE) mass recipes for Hbeta, MgII and CIV, which are consistent with their respective RM masses as well as between the SE recipes from two different lines, over the luminosity range probed by our sample. The new Hbeta and MgII recipes are approximately unbiased estimators at given RM masses, but there are systematic biases in the CIV recipe. The intrinsic scatter of SE masses around RM masses is ~0.45 dex for Hbeta and MgII, increasing to ~0.58 dex for CIV.

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Y. Shen, C. Grier, K. Horne, et. al.
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 33 pages. Data products available at this ftp URL

Influence of the deviation of the matter power spectrum at small scales on the global 21-cm signal at cosmic dawn [CEA]

The matter power spectrum has been strongly constrained by astronomical measurements at large scales, but only weakly at small scales. Compared with the standard scenario, the deviation of the matter power spectrum at small scales has influence on the cosmological structure formation, e.g., the comoving number density of dark matter halos. The thermal history of the intergalactic medium (IGM) can be changed if dark matter is made of weakly interacting massive particles and can annihilate into standard model particles. The changes of the evolution of IGM could leave imprints on the relevant astronomical observations. Taking into account the dark matter annihilation, we investigate the impact of the deviation of matter power spectrum at small scales on the global 21-cm signal. In view of the measurements of the global 21-cm signal by the EDGES experiment, we explore the allowed parameter space of $m_s$, which describes the degree of deviation, by requiring the differential brightness temperature of the global 21-cm signal $\delta T_{21} \le -50~\rm mK$ at redshift $z=17$.

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Y. Yang, X. Li and G. Li
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 9 npages, 4 figures. comments welcome

Atomic hydrogen scaling relations at $z \approx 0.35$ [CEA]

The atomic hydrogen (HI) properties of star-forming galaxies in the local Universe are known to correlate with other galaxy properties via the “HI scaling relations”. The redshift evolution of these relations serves as an important constraint on models of galaxy evolution. However, until recently, there were no estimates of the HI scaling relations at cosmological distances. Using data from a deep Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope HI 21 cm survey of the Extended Groth Strip, and the technique of spectral line stacking, we determine the scaling relation between the HI mass and the stellar mass for star-forming galaxies at $z\approx0.35$. We use this measurement, along with the main-sequence relation in galaxies, to infer the dependence of the HI depletion timescale of these galaxies on their stellar mass. We find that massive star-forming galaxies at $z\approx0.35$, with stellar mass $\rm M_* \gtrsim10^{9.5}:M_{\odot}$, are HI-poor compared to local star-forming galaxies of a similar stellar mass. However, their characteristic HI depletion time is lower by a factor of $\approx 5$ than that of their local analogues, indicating a higher star-formation efficiency at intermediate redshifts (similar to that at $z \approx 1$). While our results are based on a relatively small cosmic volume and could thus be affected by cosmic variance, the short characteristic HI depletion timescales ($\lesssim 3$ Gyr) of massive star-forming galaxies at $z \approx 0.35$ indicate that they must have acquired a significant amount of neutral gas through accretion from the circumgalactic medium over the past four Gyr, to avoid quenching of their star-formation activity.

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A. Bera, N. Kanekar, J. Chengalur, et. al.
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters

Constraints on the cosmological coupling of black holes from Gaia [CEA]

Recent work has suggested that black holes (BHs) could be cosmologically coupled to the accelerated expansion of the universe, potentially becoming a candidate for dark energy. This would imply BH mass growth following the cosmological expansion, with the masses of individual BHs growing as $M_{\rm BH}\propto (1+z)^3$. In this letter, we discuss the binary systems Gaia BH1 and Gaia BH2, which contain $\sim 9\,M_{\odot}$ BHs orbited by $\sim 1\,M_{\odot}$ stars in widely-separated orbits. The ages of both systems can be constrained by the properties of the luminous stars. If BH masses are indeed growing as $(1+z)^3$, the masses of both BHs at formation would have been significantly smaller than today. We find a 77% probability that the mass of the BH in Gaia BH2 would have been below $2.2M_\odot$ at formation. This is below the classical Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkov limit, though it is not yet clear if BHs subject to cosmological coupling should obey this limit. For Gaia BH1, the same probability is 70%. This analysis is consistent with results from two BHs in the globular cluster NGC3201, but unlike the NGC3201 BHs, the Gaia BHs have well-constrained inclinations and thus firm upper mass limits. The discovery of more BHs in binary systems with Gaia astrometry in the coming years will allow us to test the cosmological coupling hypothesis decisively.

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R. Andrae and K. El-Badry
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: submitted 8th March 2023; accepted 2nd May 2023; 4 pages, 3 figures

An Enigmatic 380 kpc Long Linear Collimated Galactic Tail [GA]

We present an intriguing, serendipitously-detected system consisting of an S0/a galaxy, which we refer to as the “Kite”, and a highly-collimated tail of gas and stars that extends over 380 kpc and contains pockets of star formation. In its length, narrowness, and linearity the Kite’s tail is an extreme example relative to known tails. The Kite (PGC 1000273) has a companion galaxy, Mrk 0926 (PGC 070409), which together comprise a binary galaxy system in which both galaxies host active galactic nuclei. Despite this systems being previously searched for signs of tidal interactions, the tail had not been discovered prior to our identification as part of the validation process of the SMUDGes survey for low surface brightness galaxies. We confirm the kinematic association between various H$\alpha$ knots along the tail, a small galaxy, and the Kite galaxy using optical spectroscopy obtained with the Magellan telescope and measure a velocity gradient along the tail. The Kite shares characteristics common to those formed via ram pressure stripping (“jellyfish” galaxies) and formed via tidal interactions. However, both scenarios face significant challenges that we discuss, leaving open the question of how such an extreme tail formed. We propose that the tail resulted from a three-body interaction from which the lowest-mass galaxy was ejected at high velocity.

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D. Zaritsky, J. Crossett, Y. Jaffé, et. al.
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: Submitted to publication in MNRAS (comments welcome)

Perturbation theory challenge for cosmological parameters estimation II.: Matter power spectrum in redshift space [CEA]

Constraining cosmological parameters from large-scale structure observations requires precise and accurate tools to compute its properties. While perturbation theory (PT) approaches can serve this purpose, exploration of large parameter space is challenging due to the potentially large computational cost of such calculations. In this study, we show that a response function approach applied to the regularized PT (RegPT) model at the 2-loop order, plus correction terms induced by redshift space distortion effects, can reduce the runtime by a factor of 50 compared to direct integration. We illustrate the performance of this approach by performing the parameter inference of five fundamental cosmological parameters from the redshift space power spectrum measured from $N$-body simulations as mock measurements, and inferred cosmological parameters are directly compared with parameters used to generate initial conditions of the simulations. From this \textit{PT challenge} analysis, the constraining power of cosmological parameters and parameter biases are quantified with the survey volume and galaxy number density expected for the \textit{Euclid} mission at the redshift $z=1$ as a function of the maximum wave-number of data points $k_\mathrm{max}$. We find that RegPT with correction terms reproduces the input cosmological parameters without bias up to maximum wave-number $k_\mathrm{max} = 0.18 \, h\,\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}$. Moreover, RegPT+, which introduces one free parameter to RegPT to handle the damping feature on small scales, delivers the best performance among the examined models and achieves tighter constraints without significant parameter bias for higher maximum wave-number $k_\mathrm{max} = 0.21 \, h\,\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}$.

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K. Osato, T. Nishimichi, A. Taruya, et. al.
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 34 pages, 21 figures, submitted to PRD, codes will be available at this https URL

A search for the missing baryons with X–ray absorption lines towards the blazar 1ES 1553+113 [CEA]

This paper presents an analysis of XMM X–ray spectra of the quasar 1ES 1553+113, in search for absorption lines from the intervening warm–hot intergalactic medium. A search for OVII, OVIII and NeIX resonance absorption lines was performed at eight fixed redshifts that feature OVI or HI broad Lyman–$\alpha$ absorption lines that were previously detected from HST data. The search yielded one possible detection of OVII at a redshift z=0.1877 with an OVI prior, with a statistical significance that is equivalent to a 2.6-$\sigma$ confidence level. The spectra were also stacked at the wavelengths of the expected redshifted OVII and OVIII lines, but the analysis did not reveal evidence for the presence of additional X–ray absorbing WHIM. Moreover, the spectra were used to investigate two putative OVII absorption lines that were detected serendipitously in an earlier analysis of the same data by F. Nicastro and collaborators. The paper also presents a comprehensive statistical framework for cosmological inferences from the analysis of absorption lines, which makes use of cosmological simulations for the joint probability distributions of FUV and X–ray ions. Accordingly, we conclude that the new possible OVII absorption at z=0.1877 is consistent with a contribution from the hot WHIM to the baryon density in an amount of $\Omega_{WHIM,X}/\Omega_b = 44\pm22$\%. However, there are large systematic uncertainties associated with the temperature and abundances of the absorbers, and only a larger sample of X-ray sources can provide an accurate determination of the cosmological density of the WHIM.

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D. Spence, M. Bonamente, J. Nevalainen, et. al.
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: MNRAS accepted, MN-22-4864-MJ.R2

The AGN fuelling/feedback cycle in nearby radio galaxies – V. The cold atomic gas of NGC 3100 and its group [GA]

We present Australia Compact Telescope Array (ATCA) 21-cm observations of the nearby low-excitation radio galaxy (LERG) NGC 3100. This is the brightest galaxy of a loose group and hosts a young ($\sim 2$ Myr) radio source. The ATCA observations reveal for the first time the presence of neutral hydrogen (HI) gas in absorption in the centre of this radio galaxy, and in emission in two low-mass galaxies of the group and in a diffuse dark cloud in the proximity of NGC 3100. The sensitivity to low-column density gas ($N_{\rm HI}\sim 10^{19}$ cm$^{-2}$) allows us to reveal asymmetries in the periphery of most the HI-detected galaxies, suggesting that tidal interactions may be on-going. The diffuse cloud does not show a stellar counterpart down to $27$ mag/arcsec$^2$ and could be the remnant of these interactions. The analysis of the HI absorption complex in NGC 3100 indicates that the atomic phase of the hydrogen is distributed as its molecular phase (observed at arcsecond resolution through several carbon monoxide emission lines). We suggest that the interactions occurring within the group are causing turbulent cold gas clouds in the intra-group medium to be slowly accreted towards the centre of NGC 3100. This caused the recent formation of the cold circum-nuclear disk which is likely sustaining the young nuclear activity.

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F. Maccagni, I. Ruffa, A. Loni, et. al.
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 10 pages, 7 figures; submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics

The average equation of state for the oscillating inflaton field of the simplest $α$-attractor E-model [CL]

In this work, we calculate the average equation of state for the oscillating inflaton field of the simplest $\alpha$-attractor E-model. We show that the average equation of state can be solved analytically. We discover that when $\alpha$ is small, the average equation of state of the oscillating inflaton field approaches that of a cosmological constant. This is the phenomenon of oscillating inflation.

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C. Lin
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 9 pages, 3 figures

A Geometric Probe of Cosmology — II. Gravitational Lensing Time Delays and Quasar Reverberation Mapping Revisited [CEA]

The time delay between images of strongly gravitationally lensed quasars is an established cosmological probe. Its limitations, however, include uncertainties in the assumed mass distribution of the lens. We re-examine the methodology of a prior work presenting a geometric probe of cosmology independent of the lensing potential which considers differential time delays over images, originating from spatially-separated photometric signals within a strongly lensed quasar. We give an analytic description of the effect of the differential lensing on the emission line spectral flux for axisymmetric Broad Line Region geometries, with the inclined ring or disk, spherical shell, and double cone as examples. The proposed method is unable to recover cosmological information as the observed time delay and inferred line-of-sight velocity do not uniquely map to the three-dimensional position within the source.

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A. Ng
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 14 pages, 6 figures, Accepted MNRAS

Self-similar growth of Bose stars [CEA]

We analytically solve the problem of Bose star growth in the bath of gravitationally interacting particles. We find that after nucleation of this object, the bath is described by a self-similar solution of the kinetic equation, which is an attractor. Together with the conservation laws, this fixes mass evolution of the Bose star. Our results explain slowdown of the star growth at a certain “core-halo” mass, but also predict formation of the heavier and lighter objects in magistral dark matter models.

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A. Dmitriev, D. Levkov, A. Panin, et. al.
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 4 pages, 2 figures

First Constraints on the Photon Coupling of Axion-like Particles from Multimessenger Studies of the Neutron Star Merger GW170817 [CL]

We use multimessenger observations of the neutron star merger event GW170817 to derive new constraints on axion-like particles (ALPs) coupling to photons. ALPs are produced via Primakoff and photon coalescence processes in the merger, escape the remnant and decay back into two photons, giving rise to a photon signal approximately along the line-of-sight to the merger. We analyze the spectral and temporal information of the ALP-induced photon signal, and use the Fermi-LAT observations of GW170817 to derive our new ALP constraints. We also show the improved prospects with future MeV gamma-ray missions, taking the spectral and temporal coverage of AMEGO-X as an example.

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P. Dev, J. Fortin, S. Harris, et. al.
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 8+8 pages, 4+6 figures

Effects of the centrifugal force on stellar dynamo simulations [SSA]

The centrifugal force is often omitted in simulations of stellar convection. This force might be important in rapidly rotating stars such as solar analogues due to its $\Omega^2$ scaling, where $\Omega$ is the rotation rate of the star. We study the effects of the centrifugal force in a set of 21 semi-global stellar dynamo simulations with varying rotation rates. Among these, we include three control runs aimed at distinguishing the effects of the centrifugal force from the nonlinear evolution of the solutions. We solve the 3D MHD equations with the Pencil Code in a solar-like convective zone in a spherical wedge setup with a $2\pi$ azimuthal extent. We decompose the magnetic field in spherical harmonics and study the migration of azimuthal dynamo waves (ADWs), energy of different large-scale magnetic modes, and differential rotation. In the regime with the lowest rotation rates, $\Omega = 5-10\Omega_\odot$, where $\Omega_\odot$ is the rotation rate of the Sun, we see no marked changes in neither the differential rotation nor the magnetic field properties. For intermediate rotation with $\Omega = 20-25\Omega_\odot$ we identify an increase of the differential rotation as a function of centrifugal force. The axisymmetric magnetic energy tends to decrease with centrifugal force while the non-axisymmetric one increases. The ADWs are also affected, especially the propagation direction. In the most rapidly rotating set with $\Omega=30\Omega_\odot$, these changes are more pronounced and in one case the propagation direction of the ADW changes from prograde to retrograde. Control runs suggest that the results are a consequence of the centrifugal force and not due to the details of the initial conditions or the history of the run. We find that the differential rotation and properties of the ADWs change as a function of the centrifugal force only when rotation is rapid enough.

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F. Navarrete, P. Käpylä, D. Schleicher, et. al.
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 8 pages, 7 figures, submitted to A&A

The Readiness of EVN Telescopes for the SKA-VLBI Era [IMA]

The application of VLBI to scientific problems has undergone a relentless expansion since its conception, yet the potential for further expansion is still large. We are on the cusp of revolutionary progress given the arrival of a host of next-generation instruments. Over the last few years the community has been working hard to ensure the SKA design includes the capability to enable multiple simultaneous tied-array beams, which is a crucial technology to deliver ultra-precise astrometry and improve survey speed capabilities. However, to reach the full potential requires that the network of antennas is upgraded to match the SKA capabilities. We identify multiple-pixel technology, on large telescopes and connected arrays, as a crucial missing component and here will make recommendations for the upgrade path of the partner EVN (and other network) telescopes. Our feasibility studies on SKA-VLBI suggest an order of magnitude improvement in the precision and also in the frequency range at which astrometry can be performed today, if the full network has the required capabilities.

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M. Rioja and R. Dodson
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: this https URL

CLASS Data Pipeline and Maps for 40~GHz Observations through 2022 [CEA]

The Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) is a telescope array that observes the cosmic microwave background over 75\% of the sky from the Atacama Desert, Chile, at frequency bands centered near 40, 90, 150, and 220~GHz. This paper describes the CLASS data pipeline and maps for 40~GHz observations conducted from August 2016 to May 2022. We demonstrate how well the CLASS survey strategy, with rapid ($\sim10\,\mathrm{Hz}$) front-end modulation, recovers the large-scale Galactic polarization signal from the ground: the mapping transfer function recovers $\sim75$\% of $EE$, $BB$, and $VV$ power at $\ell=20$ and $\sim45$\% at $\ell=10$. We present linear and circular polarization maps over 75\% of the sky. Simulations based on the data imply the maps have a white noise level of $110\,\mathrm{\mu K\, arcmin}$ and correlated noise component rising at low-$\ell$ as $\ell^{-2.2}$. The transfer-function-corrected low-$\ell$ component is comparable to the white noise at the angular knee frequencies of $\ell\approx16$ (linear polarization) and $\ell\approx12$ (circular polarization). Finally, we present simulations of the level at which expected sources of systematic error bias the measurements, finding sub-percent bias for the $\Lambda\mathrm{CDM}$ $EE$ power spectra. Bias from $E$-to-$B$ leakage due to the data reduction pipeline and polarization angle uncertainty approaches the expected level for an $r=0.01$ $BB$ power spectrum. Improvements to the instrument calibration and the data pipeline will decrease this bias.

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Y. Li, J. Eimer, K. Osumi, et. al.
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 29 pages, 17 figures; submitted to ApJ

Theoretical tidal evolution constants for stellar models from the pre-main sequence to the white dwarf stage Apsidal motion constants, moment of inertia, and gravitational potential energy [SSA]

One of the most reliable means of studying the stellar interior is through the apsidal motion in double line eclipsing binary systems since these systems present errors in masses, radii, and effective temperatures of only a few per cent. On the other hand, the theoretical values of the apsidal motion to be compared with the observed values depend on the stellar masses of the components and more strongly on their radii (fifth power).The main objective of this work is to make available grids of evolutionary stellar models that, in addition to the traditional parameters (e.g. age, mass, log g, T${\rm eff}$), also contain the necessary parameters for the theoretical study of apsidal motion and tidal evolution. This information is useful for the study of the apsidal motion in eclipsing binaries and their tidal evolution, and can also be used for the same purpose in exoplanetary systems. All models were computed using the MESA package. We consider core overshooting for models with masses $\ge$ 1.2 M$\odot$. For the amount of core overshooting we adopted a recent relationship for mass $\times$ core overshooting. We adopted for the mixing-length parameter $\alpha_{\rm MLT}$ the value 1.84 (the solar-calibrated value). Mass loss was taken into account in two evolutionary phases. The models were followed from the pre-main sequence phase to the white dwarf (WD) stage.The evolutionary models containing age,luminosity, log g, and Teff, as well as the first three harmonics of the internal stellar structure (k$_2$, k$_3$, and k$_4$), the radius of gyration $\beta$ y, and the dimensionless variable $\alpha$, related to gravitational potential energy, are presented in 69 tables covering three chemical compositions: [Fe/H] = -0.50, 0.00, and 0.50. Additional models with different input physics are available.

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A. Claret
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: N/A

Cosmic acceleration in entropic cosmology [CL]

In this paper we study the viability of an entropic cosmological model. The effects of entropic gravity are derived from a modified entropy-area relationship with a volumetric entropy term. This model describes a late time limit {cosmic acceleration}, whose origin is related to a volumetric term in the entropy. Moreover, we analyze the phenomenological implications of the entropic model using the Supernovae {\it Pantheon} compilation and the observational Hubble parameter data to find consistency with cosmological observations. Finally, we show the equivalence between the entropic model and a brane world cosmological model, by means of an effective geometrical construction.

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J. Chagoya, I. Díaz-Saldaña, J. López-Domínguez, et. al.
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 10 pages, 3 figures

Coma environment of comet C/2017 K2 around the water ice sublimation boundary observed with VLT/MUSE [EPA]

We report a new imaging spectroscopic observation of Oort-cloud comet C/2017 K2 (hereafter K2) on its way to perihelion at 2.53 au, around a heliocentric distance where H2O ice begins to play a key role in comet activation. Normalized reflectances over 6 500–8 500 AA for its inner and outer comae are 9.7+/-0.5 and 7.2+/-0.3 % (10^3 AA)^-1, respectively, the latter being consistent with the slope observed when the comet was beyond the orbit of Saturn. The dust coma at the time of observation appears to contain three distinct populations: mm-sized chunks prevailing at <~10^3 km; a 10^5-km steady-state dust envelope; and fresh anti-sunward jet particles. the dust chunks dominate the continuum signal and are distributed over a similar radial distance scale as the coma region with redder dust than nearby. they also appear to be co-spatial with OI1D, suggesting that the chunks may accommodate H2O ice with a fraction (>~1 %) of refractory materials. The jet particles do not colocate with any gas species detected. The outer coma spectrum contains three significant emissions from C2(0,0) Swan band, OI1D, and CN(1,0 red band, with an overall deficiency in NH2. Assuming that all OI1D flux results from H2O dissociation, we compute an upper limit on the water production rate Q_H2O of ~7 x 10^28 molec s^-1 (with an uncertainty of a factor of two). the production ratio log[Q_C2/Q_CN] of K2 suggests that the comet has typical carbon-chain composition, with the value potentially changing with distance from the Sun. Our observations suggest that water ice-containing dust chunks (>0.1 mm) near K2’s nucleus emitted beyond 4 au may be responsible for its very low gas rotational temperature and the discrepancy between its optical and infrared lights reported at similar heliocentric distances.

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Y. Kwon, C. Opitom and M. Lippi
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Loop Corrections in Gravitational Wave Spectrum in Single Field Inflation [CEA]

We study the one-loop corrections in power spectrum of long gravitational waves induced from small scale modes in the models of single field inflation undergoing a phase of ultra-slow-roll (USR). We show that the spectrum of long tensor perturbations are largely unaffected by the loop corrections from the short scalar modes. In particular, the spectrum of long tensor perturbations is insensitive to the sharpness of the transition from the USR phase to the final slow-roll phase. This is in contrast to the case of scalar power spectrum in which the loop corrections can be large for a sharp transition while it is slow-roll suppressed in a mild transition. We study the tensor-scalar-scalar bispectrum in the squeezed limit and demonstrate that the Maldacena consistency condition does hold.

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H. Firouzjahi
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 19 pages, 1 figure

Ameliorating the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy condition in spherical coordinates: A double FFT filter method for general relativistic MHD in dynamical spacetimes [CL]

Numerical simulations of merging compact objects and their remnants form the theoretical foundation for gravitational wave and multi-messenger astronomy. While Cartesian-coordinate-based adaptive mesh refinement is commonly used for simulations, spherical-like coordinates are more suitable for nearly spherical remnants and azimuthal flows due to lower numerical dissipation in the evolution of fluid angular momentum, as well as requiring fewer numbers of computational cells. However, the use of spherical coordinates to numerically solve hyperbolic partial differential equations can result in severe Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) stability condition timestep limitations, which can make simulations prohibitively expensive. This paper addresses this issue for the numerical solution of coupled spacetime and general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics evolutions by introducing a double FFT filter and implementing it within the fully MPI-parallelized SphericalNR framework in the Einstein Toolkit. We demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the filtering algorithm by applying it to a number of challenging code tests, and show that it passes these tests effectively, demonstrating convergence while also increasing the
timestep significantly compared to unfiltered simulations.

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L. Ji, V. Mewes, Y. Zlochower, et. al.
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 15 pages, 13 figures, revtex4-1

Search for pulsars in an area with coordinates 3h < α< 4h and +21o < δ< +42o [HEAP]

On the Large Phased Array (LPA) of Lebedev Physics Institute (LPI), a search for pulsars outside the Galaxy plane was carried out in a 300 sq. deg area. The search with a sensitivity 5-10 times better than that of previously conducted surveys was at a frequency of 111 MHz. The search was carried out in the summed power spectra. With an accumulation equivalent to 100 hours of continuous observations for each point of the area, 5 known pulsars were detected with a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) from 20 to 1300 in the first harmonic of the spectrum. Average profiles were obtained for the detected pulsars. Estimates of the peak and integral flux densities of the found pulsars are given for individual sessions and for the power spectra summarized over 5.5 years, obtained using the developed method based on measurements of the height of harmonics in the power spectrum. No new pulsars have been detected in the area. Apparently, when searching for pulsars in the area, we have approached the lower limit of the luminosity of the second pulsars. The completeness of the survey is at the level of 0.5 mJy.

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S. Tyul’bashev and G. Tyul’basheva
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: published in Astronomy Reports, translated by Yandex translator with correction of scientific lexis, 7 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables

Lunar Mantle Structure and Composition Inferred From Apollo 12 – Explorer 35 Electromagnetic Sounding [EPA]

Constraints on the interior structure of the Moon have been derived from its inductive response, principally as measured by the magnetic transfer function (TF) between the distantly orbiting Explorer 35 satellite and the Apollo 12 surface station. The most successful prior studies used a dataset 0.01-1 mHz, so the lunar response could be modeled as a simple dipole. However, earlier efforts also produced transfer functions up to 40 mHz. The smaller electromagnetic skin depth at higher frequency would better resolve the uppermost mantle – where key information about primitive lunar evolution may still be preserved – but requires a multipole treatment.
I compute new profiles of electrical conductivity vs depth using both the low-frequency and the full-bandwidth ranges of published Apollo-Explorer TFs. I derive temperature profiles at depths >400 km (<1 mHz) consistent with conductive heat loss and expectations of the iron (and possibly water) content of the mantle. The near-constant iron fraction (Mg# 81 +/- 7) implies either efficient mixing, due to now-defunct convection or perhaps incomplete overturn of gravitationally unstable cumulates following crystallization of the magma ocean.
In contrast, the full-bandwidth analysis produced a different conductivity profile that could not be realistically matched by conduction, convection, partial melting, or simple considerations of lateral heterogeneity. I conclude that the TF method at the Moon is unreliable >>1 mHz. Future EM sounding using the magnetotelluric method can operate up to 100s Hz and is largely insensitive to multipole effects, resolving structure to 100 km or less.

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R. Grimm
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: N/A

Enabling discovery of solar system objects in large alert data streams [EPA]

With the advent of large-scale astronomical surveys such as the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), the number of alerts generated by transient, variable and moving astronomical objects is growing rapidly, reaching millions per night. Concerning solar system minor planets, their identification requires linking the alerts of many observations over a potentially large time, leading to a very large combinatorial number. This work aims to identify new candidates for solar system objects from massive alert data streams produced by large-scale surveys, such as the ZTF and the Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time. Our analysis used the Fink alert broker capabilities to reduce the 111,275,131 processed alerts from ZTF between November 2019 and December 2022 to only 389,530 new solar system alert candidates over the same period. We then implemented a linking algorithm, Fink-FAT, to create real-time trajectory candidates from alert data and extract orbital parameters. The analysis was validated on ZTF alert packets linked to confirmed solar system objects from the Minor Planet Center database. Finally, the results were confronted against follow-up observations. Between November 2019 and December 2022, Fink-FAT extracted 327 new orbits from solar system object candidates at the time of the observations, over which 65 were still unreported in the MPC database as of March 2023. After two late follow-up observation campaigns of six orbit candidates, four were associated with known solar system minor planets, and two remain unknown. Fink-FAT is deployed in the Fink broker and successfully analyzes in real time the alert data from the ZTF survey by regularly extracting new candidates for solar system objects. Our scalability tests also show that Fink-FAT can handle the even larger volume of alert data that the Rubin Observatory will send.

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R. Montagner, J. Peloton, B. Carry, et. al.
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: submitted to A&A

Haunted haloes: tracking the ghosts of subhaloes lost by halo finders [CEA]

Dark matter subhaloes are key for the predictions of simulations of structure formation, but their existence frequently ends prematurely due to two technical issues, namely numerical disruption in N-body simulations and halo finders failing to identify them. Here we focus on the second issue, using the phase-space friends-of-friends halo finder ROCKSTAR as a benchmark (though we expect our results to translate to comparable codes). We confirm that the most prominent cause for losing track of subhaloes is tidal distortion rather than a low number of particles. As a solution, we present a flexible post-processing algorithm that tracks all subhalo particles over time, computes subhalo positions and masses based on those particles, and progressively removes stripped matter. If a subhalo is lost by the halo finder, this algorithm keeps tracking its so-called ghost until it has almost no particles left or has truly merged with its host. We apply this technique to a large suite of N-body simulations and restore lost subhaloes to the halo catalogues, which has a dramatic effect on key summary statistics of large-scale structure. Specifically, the subhalo mass function increases by about 50% and the halo correlation function increases by a factor of two at small scales. While these quantitative results are somewhat specific to our algorithm, they demonstrate that particle tracking is a promising way to reliably follow haloes and reduce the need for orphan models. Our algorithm and augmented halo catalogues are publicly available.

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B. Diemer, P. Behroozi and P. Mansfield
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 16 pages, 10 figures. Comments welcome

Fundamental cosmology from ANDES precision spectroscopy [IMA]

Fundamental cosmology observations, such as the detection of the redshift drift and tests of the universality of physical laws, are key science and design drivers of the ArmazoNes high Dispersion Echelle Spectrograph (ANDES), an Extremely Large Telescope instrument. While separate forecasts for each of them have been reported, we have developed Fisher Matrix based forecast tools combining both of these observables. We demonstrate the synergies between the two ANDES datasets, quantifying the improvements in cosmology and fundamental physics parameter constraints for two separate theoretical paradigms. We publicly release this forecast code, which is one of the tools for the optimisation of the ANDES observing strategy.

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C. Marques, C. Martins and C. Alves
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 8 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, MNRAS (in press)

Generalizations of Quasilinear MOND (QUMOND) [GA]

I present a class of theories that generalize quasilinear MOND (QUMOND). Like QUMOND, these GQUMOND theories require solving only the linear Poisson equation (twice). Unlike QUMOND, their Lagrangian depends on higher derivatives of the Newtonian potential. They thus dictate different “phantom” densities as virtual sources in the Poisson equation for the MOND potential. These theories might open new avenues to more fundamental theories, and have much heuristic value. I use them to demonstrate that even within limited classes of modified-gravity formulations of MOND, theories can differ substantially on lower-tier MOND predictions. Such GQUMOND theories force, generically, the introduction of dimensioned constants other than the MOND acceleration, $a_0$, such as a length, a frequency, etc. As a result, some of these theories reduce to QUMOND itself only, e.g., on length scales (or, in other versions, dynamical times) larger than some critical value. But in smaller systems (or, alternatively, in ones with shorter dynamical times), MOND effects are screened, even if their internal accelerations are smaller than $a_0$. In such theories it is possible that MOND (expressed as QUMOND) applies on galactic scales, but its departures from Newtonian dynamics are substantially suppressed in some subgalactic systems — such as binary stars, and open, or globular star clusters. The same holds for the effect of the galactic field on dynamics in the inner solar system, which can be greatly suppressed compared with what QUMOND predicts. Tidal effects of a galaxy on smaller subsystems are the same as in QUMOND, for the examples I consider. I also describe briefly versions that do not involve dimensioned constants other than $a_0$, and yet differ from QUMOND in important ways.

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M. Milgrom
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 12 pages

Primordial power spectrum in light of JWST observations of high redshift galaxies [CEA]

JWST has opened up a new observational probe of our Universe. The early data release by JWST have revealed several high redshift massive galaxy candidates by photometry, and some of them have been confirmed spectroscopically. We use these observations to study their implications on the primordial power spectrum. In the first part of this work, we use the data from the CEERS photometric survey, along with respective spectroscopic updates, to compute the cumulative comoving stellar mass density. We find that a very high star formation efficiency (unlikely in various theoretical scenarios) is required to explain these observations within $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. We show that the tension can be eased if the primordial power spectrum has a blue tilt on small length scales. The required blue tilt depends on the currently unknown star formation efficiency in these galaxy candidates. In the second part of this work, we study the spectroscopically confirmed galaxies reported in the JADES survey at redshift $z \gtrsim 10$, which have been shown to be consistent with $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. We investigate the implications of these measurements on a red-tilted primordial power spectrum. For these galaxies, we estimate the star formation efficiency from an earlier observation of galaxies (with similar redshifts) by the Spitzer telescope. We find that the star formation efficiency is an order of magnitude smaller than that required to explain the CEERS photometric observations mentioned earlier. Using the estimated star formation efficiency, we find the strongest constraints on the red tilt of the power spectrum on certain length scales. Our study shows that JWST observations will be an excellent probe of the power spectrum and can lead to novel discoveries.

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P. Parashari and R. Laha
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 6 pages, 5 figures, Comments and suggestions are welcome

Interpreting Sunyaev-Zel'dovich observations with MillenniumTNG: Mass and environment scaling relations [CEA]

In the coming years, Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) measurements can dramatically improve our understanding of the Intergalactic Medium (IGM) and the role of feedback processes on galaxy formation, allowing us to calibrate important astrophysical systematics in cosmological constraints from weak lensing galaxy clustering surveys. However, the signal is only measured in a two-dimensional projection, and its correct interpretation relies on understanding the connection between observable quantities and the underlying intrinsic properties of the gas, in addition to the relation between the gas and the underlying matter distribution. One way to address these challenges is through the use of hydrodynamical simulations such as the high-resolution, large-volume MillenniumTNG suite. We find that measurements of the optical depth, $\tau$, and the Compton-y parameter, $Y$, receive large line-of-sight contributions which can be removed effectively by applying a Compensated Aperture Photometry (CAP) filter. In contrast with other $\tau$ probes (e.g., X-rays and Fast Radio Bursts), the kSZ-inferred $\tau$ receives most of its signal from a confined cylindrical region around the halo due to the velocity decorrelation along the line-of-sight. Additionally, we perform fits to the $Y-M$ and $\tau-M$ scaling relations and report best-fit parameters adopting the smoothly broken power law (SBPL) formalism. We note that subgrid physics modeling can broaden the error bar on these by 30\% for intermediate-mass halos ($\sim$$10^{13} \, {\rm M}{\odot}$). The scatter of the scaling relations can be captured by an intrinsic dependence on concentration, and an extrinsic dependence on tidal shear. Finally, we comment on the effect of using galaxies rather than halos in real observations, which can bias the inferred SZ profiles by $\sim$20\% for $L\ast$-galaxies.

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B. Hadzhiyska, S. Ferraro, R. Pakmor, et. al.
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 14 pages, 6 figures

Primordial black holes formation in a early matter dominated era from the pre-big bang scenario [CL]

We discuss the production of primordial black holes in an early matter dominated era, which typically takes place in string inspired early universe cosmological models. In particular, we consider a pre-big bang scenario (extending previous results regarding formation in the radiation dominated era) where the enhancement of curvature perturbations is induced by a variation of the sound-speed parameter c_s during the string phase of high-curvature inflation. After imposing all relevant observational constraints, we find that the considered class of models is compatible with the production of a large amount of primordial black holes, in the mass range relevant to dark matter, only for a small range of the parameters space. On the other hand, we find that a huge production of light primordial black holes may occur both in such matter dominated era and in the radiation dominated one.

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C. P. and M. G
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 7 pages, 3 figures

GW_CLASS: Cosmological Gravitational Wave Background in the Cosmic Linear Anisotropy Solving System [CL]

The anisotropies of the Cosmological Gravitational Wave Background (CGWB) retain information about the primordial mechanisms that source the gravitational waves and about the geometry and the particle content of the universe at early times. In this work, we discuss in detail the computation of the angular power spectra of CGWB anisotropies and of their cross correlation with Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies, assuming different processes for the generation of these primordial signals. We present an efficient implementation of our results in a modified version of CLASS which will be publicly available. By combining our new code GW_CLASS with MontePython, we forecast the combined sensitivity of future gravitational wave interferometers and CMB experiments to the cosmological parameters that characterize the cosmological gravitational wave background.

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F. Schulze, L. Dall’Armi, J. Lesgourgues, et. al.
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 63 pages, 16 figures

Observable Gravitational Waves from Hyperkination in Palatini Gravity and Beyond [CL]

We consider cosmology with an inflaton scalar field with an additional quartic kinetic term. Such a theory can be motivated by Palatini $R+R^2$ modified gravity. Assuming a runaway inflaton potential, we take the Universe to become dominated by the kinetic energy density of the scalar field after inflation. Initially, the leading kinetic term is quartic and we call the corresponding period hyperkination. Subsequently, the usual quadratic kinetic term takes over and we have regular kination, until reheating. We study, both analytically and numerically, the spectrum of primordial gravitational waves generated during inflation and re-entering the horizon during the subsequent eras. We demonstrate that the spectrum is flat for modes re-entering during radiation domination and hyperkination and linear in frequency for modes re-entering during kination: kinetic domination boosts the spectrum, but hyperkination truncates its peak. As a result, the effects of the kinetic period can be extended to observable frequencies without generating excessive gravitational waves, which could otherwise destabilise the process of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. We show that there is ample parameter space for the primordial gravitational waves to be observable in the near future. If observed, the amplitude and `knee’ of the spectrum will provide valuable insights into the background theory.

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S. López, K. Dimopoulos, A. Karam, et. al.
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 40 pages, 7 figures

Direct assessment of SDO/HMI helioseismology of active regions on the Sun's far side using SO/PHI magnetograms [SSA]

Earth-side observations of solar p modes can be used to image and monitor magnetic activity on the Sun’s far side. Here we use magnetograms of the far side obtained by the Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (PHI) onboard Solar Orbiter (SO) to directly assess — for the first time — the validity of far-side helioseismic holography. We wish to co-locate the positions of active regions in helioseismic images and magnetograms, and to calibrate the helioseismic measurements in terms of magnetic field strength. We identify three magnetograms on 18 November 2020, 3 October 2021, and 3 February 2022 displaying a total of six active regions on the far side. The first two dates are from SO’s cruise phase, the third from the beginning of the nominal operation phase. We compute contemporaneous seismic phase maps for these three dates using helioseismic holography applied to time series of Dopplergrams from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Among the six active regions seen in SO/PHI magnetograms, five active regions are identified on the seismic maps at almost the same positions as on the magnetograms. One region is too weak to be detected above the seismic noise. To calibrate the seismic maps, we fit a linear relationship between the seismic phase shifts and the unsigned line-of-sight magnetic field averaged over the active region areas extracted from the SO/PHI magnetograms. SO/PHI provides the strongest evidence so far that helioseismic imaging provides reliable information about active regions on the far side, including their positions, areas, and mean unsigned magnetic field.

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D. Yang, L. Gizon, H. Barucq, et. al.
Wed, 3 May 23

Comments: 10 pages, 9 figures

Large-scale detector testing for the GAPS Si(Li) Tracker [CL]

Lithium-drifted silicon [Si(Li)] has been used for decades as an ionizing radiation detector in nuclear, particle, and astrophysical experiments, though such detectors have frequently been limited to small sizes (few cm$^2$) and cryogenic operating temperatures. The 10-cm-diameter Si(Li) detectors developed for the General Antiparticle Spectrometer (GAPS) balloon-borne dark matter experiment are novel particularly for their requirements of low cost, large sensitive area (~10 m$^2$ for the full 1440-detector array), high temperatures (near -40$\,^\circ$C), and energy resolution below 4 keV FWHM for 20–100-keV x-rays. Previous works have discussed the manufacturing, passivation, and small-scale testing of prototype GAPS Si(Li) detectors. Here we show for the first time the results from detailed characterization of over 1100 flight detectors, illustrating the consistent intrinsic low-noise performance of a large sample of GAPS detectors. This work demonstrates the feasibility of large-area and low-cost Si(Li) detector arrays for next-generation astrophysics and nuclear physics applications.

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M. Xiao, A. Stoessl, B. Roach, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: Prepared for submission to IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci

Local Group Galaxies from an External Perspective [GA]

I discuss Local Group galaxies from the perspective of external galaxies that define benchmark scaling relations. Making use of this information leads to a model for the Milky Way that includes bumps and wiggles due to spiral arms. This model reconciles the terminal velocities observed in the interstellar medium with the rotation curve derived from stars, correctly predicts the gradual decline of the outer rotation curve ($dV/dR = -1.7\;\mathrm{km}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\,\mathrm{kpc}^{-1}$), and extrapolates well out to 50 kpc. Rotationally supported Local Group galaxies are in excellent agreement with the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation. Pressure supported dwarfs that are the most likely to be in dynamical equilibrium also align with this relation. Local Group galaxies thus appear to be normal members of the low redshift galaxy population. There is, however, a serious tension between the dynamical masses of the Milky Way and M31 ($M_{200} \approx 1.4$ and $1.6 \times 10^{12}\;\mathrm{M}{\odot}$, respectively) and those expected from the stellar mass-halo mass relation of abundance matching ($M{200} \approx 3$ and $20 \times 10^{12}\;\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$, respectively).

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S. McGaugh
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 6 pages, 4 figures. Contribution to IAU Symposium 379: Dynamical Masses of Local Group Galaxies

New 26P(p,γ)27S thermonuclear reaction rate and its astrophysical implication in rp-process [CL]

Accurate nuclear reaction rates for 26P(p,{\gamma})27S are pivotal for a comprehensive understanding of rp-process nucleosynthesis path in the region of proton-rich sulfur and phosphorus isotopes. However, large uncertainties still exist in the current rate of 26P(p,{\gamma})27S because of the lack of the nuclear mass and the energy level structure information of 27S. We reevaluate this reaction rate using the experimentally constrained 27S mass, together with the shell-model predicted level structure. It is found that the 26P(p,{\gamma})27S reaction rate is dominated by a direct-capture (DC) reaction mechanism despite the presence of three resonances at E = 1.104, 1.597, 1.777 MeV above the proton threshold in 27S. The new rate is overall smaller than the other previous rates from Hauser-Feshbach statistical model by at least one order of magnitude in the temperature range of X-ray burst interest. In addition, we consistently update the photodisintegration rate using the new 27S mass. The influence of new rates of forward and reverse reaction in the abundances of isotopes produced in rp-process is explored by post-processing nucleosynthesis calculations. The final abundance ratio of 27S/26P obtained using the new rates is only 10% of that from the old rate. The abundance flow calculations show the reaction path 26P(p,{\gamma})27S(\b{eta}+,{\nu})27P is not as important as thought previously for producing 27P. The adoption of the new reaction rates for 26P(p,{\gamma})27S only reduces the final production of aluminum by 7.1%, and has no discernible impact on the yield of other elements.

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S. Hou, J. Liu, T. Trueman, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: N/A

DT fusion through the $^5$He $3/2+$ "Bretscher state" accounts for $\ge 25\%$ of our existence via nucleosynthesis and for the possibility of fusion energy [CL]

In big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN), the deuterium-tritium (DT) fusion reaction, D(T,n)$\alpha$, enhanced by the 3/2$^+$ resonance, is responsible for 99% of primordial $^4$He. This has been known for decades and has been well documented in the scientific literature. However, following the tradition adopted by authors of learned articles, it was stated in a matter-of-fact manner and not emphasized; for most people, it has remained unknown. This helium became a source for the subsequent creation of $\geq$25\% of the carbon and other heavier elements and, thus, a substantial fraction of our human bodies. (To be more precise than $\geq$25\% will require future simulation studies on stellar nucleosynthesis.)
Also, without this resonance, controlled fusion energy would be beyond reach. For example, for inertial confinement fusion (ICF), laser energy delivery for the National Ignition Facility (NIF) would have to be approximately 70 times larger for ignition.
Because the resonance enhances the DT fusion cross section a hundredfold, we propose that the 3/2$^+$ $^5$He excited state be referred to as the “Bretscher state” in honor of the Manhattan Project scientist who discovered it, in analogy with the well-known 7.6 MeV “Hoyle state” in $^{12}$C that allows for the resonant 3$\alpha$ formation.

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M. Chadwick, M. Paris and B. Haines
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 4 pages, 4 figures

An Eclipsing Binary Comprising Two Active Red Stragglers of Identical Mass and Synchronized Rotation: A Post-Mass-Transfer System or Just Born That Way? [SSA]

We report the discovery of 2M0056-08 as an equal-mass eclipsing binary (EB), comprising two red straggler stars (RSSs) with an orbital period of 33.9 d. Both stars have masses of 1.419 Msun, identical to within 0.2%. Both stars appear to be in the early red-giant phase of evolution; however, they are far displaced to cooler temperatures and lower luminosities compared to standard stellar models. The broadband spectral energy distribution shows NUV excess and X-ray emission, consistent with chromospheric and coronal emission from magnetically active stars; indeed, the stars rotate more rapidly than typical red giants and they evince light curve modulations due to spots. These modulations also reveal the stars to be rotating synchronously with one another. There is evidence for excess FUV emission and long-term modulations in radial-velocities; it is not clear whether these are also attributable to magnetic activity or if they reveal a tertiary companion. Stellar evolution models modified to account for the effects of spots can reproduce the observed radii and temperatures of the RSSs. If the system possesses a white dwarf tertiary, then mass-transfer scenarios could explain the manner by which the stars came to possess such remarkably identical masses and by which they came to be sychronized. However, if the stars are presumed to have been formed as identical twins, and they managed to become tidally synchronized as they evolved toward the red giant branch, then all of the features of the system can be explained via activity effects, without requiring a complex dynamical history.

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K. Stassun, G. Torres, M. Kounkel, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 23 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

M giants with IGRINS I. Stellar parameters and $α$-abundance trends of the solar neighborhood population [SSA]

Cool stars, such as M giants, can only be analysed in the near-infrared (NIR) regime due to the ubiquitous TiO features in optical spectra of stars with Teff < 4000 K. In dust obscured regions, like the inner bulge and Galactic Center, the intrinsically bright M giants observed in the NIR is an optimal option to determine their stellar abundances. Due to uncertainties in photometric methods, a method to determine the stellar parameters for M giants from the NIR spectra themselves is needed.
We have carried out new observations of 44 M giant stars (also in APOGEE DR17) with IGRINS (R=45,000) mounted on the Gemini South telescope. We also obtained HK band IGRINS spectra of six nearby well-studied M giants from the IGRINS spectral library. Using this sample, we have developed a method to determine the stellar parameters for M giants from the NIR spectra by spectral synthesis using SME. The method is validated using the six nearby well-studied M-giants. We demonstrate the accuracy and precision by determining stellar parameters and $\alpha$-element trends versus metallicity for solar neighbourhood M giants.
The effective temperatures that we derive (tested for 3400$\lesssim$ Teff $\lesssim$4000\,K) agree excellently with the six nearby M giants which indicates that the accuracy is indeed high. For the 43 solar neighborhood M giants, our Teff, logg, [Fe/H], $\xi_\mathrm{micro}$, [C/Fe], [N/Fe], and [O/Fe] are in unison with APOGEE with mean differences and scatter (our method – APOGEE) of -67$\pm$33 K, -0.31$\pm$0.15 dex, 0.02$\pm$0.05 dex, 0.22$\pm$0.13 km/s, -0.05$\pm$0.06 dex, 0.06$\pm$0.06 dex, and 0.02$\pm$0.09 dex, respectively. The $\alpha$-element trends versus metallicity for Mg, Si, Ca and Ti are consistent with both APOGEE DR17 trends for the same stars as well as with the GILD optical trends. We also find clear enhancement in abundances for thick disc stars.

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G. Nandakumar, N. Ryde, L. Casagrande, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 27 Pages including appendix of 10 pages, 15 figures, Accepted for publication in A&A

Hydrodynamic sound shell model [CL]

For a cosmological first-order phase transition in the early Universe, the associated stochastic gravitational wave background is usually dominated by sound waves from plasma fluid motions, which have been analytically modeled as a random superposition of freely propagating sound shells but with the force by the scalar field that produces the self-similar profile removed. In this Letter, we propose a new analytic sound shell model by focusing on the forced propagating contribution from the initial collision stage of sound shells when their self-similar profiles are still maintained by the moving bubble walls. We reproduce the causal $k^3$-scaling in the infrared consistent with numerical simulations, and also recover the broad dome in the power spectrum first observed in numerical simulations. The total sound waves should contain both contributions from forced collisions and free propagation of sound shells at early and late stages of the phase transition, respectively.

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R. Cai, S. Wang and Z. Yuwen
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 5 pages (3 figures) + 1 appendix (5 figures)

Ensemble Learning for CME Arrival Time Prediction [SSA]

The Sun constantly releases radiation and plasma into the heliosphere. Sporadically, the Sun launches solar eruptions such as flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). CMEs carry away a huge amount of mass and magnetic flux with them. An Earth-directed CME can cause serious consequences to the human system. It can destroy power grids/pipelines, satellites, and communications. Therefore, accurately monitoring and predicting CMEs is important to minimize damages to the human system. In this study we propose an ensemble learning approach, named CMETNet, for predicting the arrival time of CMEs from the Sun to the Earth. We collect and integrate eruptive events from two solar cycles, #23 and #24, from 1996 to 2021 with a total of 363 geoeffective CMEs. The data used for making predictions include CME features, solar wind parameters and CME images obtained from the SOHO/LASCO C2 coronagraph. Our ensemble learning framework comprises regression algorithms for numerical data analysis and a convolutional neural network for image processing. Experimental results show that CMETNet performs better than existing machine learning methods reported in the literature, with a Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient of 0.83 and a mean absolute error of 9.75 hours.

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K. Alobaid and J. Wang
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 13 pages, 8 figures

Magnetar central engines in gamma-ray busts follow the universal relation of accreting magnetic stars [HEAP]

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), both long and short, are explosive events whose inner engine is generally expected to be a black hole or a highly magnetic neutron star (magnetar) accreting high density matter. Recognizing the nature of GRB central engines, and in particular the formation of neutron stars (NSs), is of high astrophysical significance. A possible signature of NSs in GRBs is the presence of a plateau in the early X-ray afterglow. Here we carefully select a subset of long and short GRBs with a clear plateau, and look for an additional NS signature in their prompt emission, namely a transition between accretion and propeller in analogy with accreting, magnetic compact objects in other astrophysical sources. We estimate from the prompt emission the minimum accretion luminosity below which the propeller mechanism sets in, and the NS magnetic field and spin period from the plateau. We demonstrate that these three quantities obey the same universal relation in GRBs as in other accreting compact objects switching from accretion to propeller. This relation provides also an estimate of the radiative efficiency of GRBs, which we find to be several times lower than radiatively efficient accretion in X-ray binaries and in agreement with theoretical expectations. These results provide additional support to the idea that at least some GRBs are powered by magnetars surrounded by an accretion disc.

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S. Dall’Osso, G. Stratta, R. Perna, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 15 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters

GeV Gamma-ray Counterparts of New Candidate Radio Supernova Remnants Reported in the GLEAM Survey [HEAP]

Recently the Galactic and Extra-galactic All-sky Murchison Widefield Array survey has published 27 new candidate radio supernova remnants (SNRs) which are located within the longitude ranges of 345{\deg} < l < 60{\deg} and 180{\deg} < l < 240{\deg}. To search for the gamma-ray counterparts of these candidate radio SNRs, we analyzed 14 years of {\it Fermi}-LAT data in the energy range of 1 – 300 GeV. There are three promising SNRs; G18.9$-$1.2, G23.1$+$0.1, and G28.3$+$0.2, which we detected at a significance level of $\sim$9$\sigma$, $\sim$13$\sigma$, and $\sim$12$\sigma$, respectively. Here we report the results of our morphological and spectral analyses of G18.9$-$1.2, G23.1$+$0.1, and G28.3$+$0.2. No extended gamma-ray emission is detected for any of these SNRs. Our analysis of the 3 SNRs’ {\it Fermi}-LAT gamma-ray emission showed that their best-fit positions (if assumed point-like) overlap with the locations of the corresponding GLEAM counterparts.

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B. Mese and T. Ergin
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: Proceedings of Science; 7th Heidelberg International Symposium on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy (Gamma2022), 4-8 July 2022, Barcelona, Spain

Formation of Gaps in Self-gravitating Debris Disks by Secular Resonance in a Single-planet System. II. Towards a Self-consistent Model [EPA]

High-resolution observations of several debris disks reveal structures such as gaps and spirals, suggestive of gravitational perturbations induced by underlying planets. Most existing studies of planet–debris disk interactions ignore the gravity of the disk, treating it as a reservoir of massless planetesimals. In this paper, we continue our investigation into the long-term interaction between a single eccentric planet and an external, massive debris disk. Building upon our previous work, here we consider not only the axisymmetric component of the disk’s gravitational potential, but also the non-axisymmetric torque that the disk exerts on the planet (ignoring for now only the non-axisymmetric component of the disk \textit{self}-gravity). To this goal, we develop and test a semi-analytic `$N$-ring’ framework that is based on a generalized (softened) version of the classical Laplace–Lagrange secular theory. Using this tool, we demonstrate that even when the disk is less massive than the planet, not only can a secular resonance be established within the disk that leads to the formation of a wide non-axisymmetric gap (akin to those observed in HD 107146, HD 92945, and HD 206893), but that the very same resonance also damps the planetary eccentricity via a process known as resonant friction. We also develop analytic understanding of these findings, finding good quantitative agreement with the outcomes of the $N$-ring calculations. Our results may be used to infer both the dynamical masses of gapped debris disks and the dynamical history of the planets interior to them, as we exemplify for HD 206893.

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A. Sefilian, R. Rafikov and M. Wyatt
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: Submitted to AAS Journals: 33 Pages (including 7 pages of Appendices), 15 Figures, 1 Table, 3 Animations (see Ancillary files). Comments are welcome

Galaxy Classification Using Transfer Learning and Ensemble of CNNs With Multiple Colour Spaces [IMA]

Big data has become the norm in astronomy, making it an ideal domain for computer science research. Astronomers typically classify galaxies based on their morphologies, a practice that dates back to Hubble (1936). With small datasets, classification could be performed by individuals or small teams, but the exponential growth of data from modern telescopes necessitates automated classification methods.
In December 2013, Winton Capital, Galaxy Zoo, and the Kaggle team created the Galaxy Challenge, which tasked participants with developing models to classify galaxies. The Kaggle Galaxy Zoo dataset has since been widely used by researchers. This study investigates the impact of colour space transformation on classification accuracy and explores the effect of CNN architecture on this relationship. Multiple colour spaces (RGB, XYZ, LAB, etc.) and CNN architectures (VGG, ResNet, DenseNet, Xception, etc.) are considered, utilizing pre-trained models and weights. However, as most pre-trained models are designed for natural RGB images, we examine their performance with transformed, non-natural astronomical images.
We test our hypothesis by evaluating individual networks with RGB and transformed colour spaces and examining various ensemble configurations. A minimal hyperparameter search ensures optimal results. Our findings indicate that using transformed colour spaces in individual networks yields higher validation accuracy, and ensembles of networks and colour spaces further improve accuracy.
This research aims to validate the utility of colour space transformation for astronomical image classification and serve as a benchmark for future studies.

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Y. Andrew
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: Master’s Thesis

Star-Planet Interaction at radio wavelengths in YZ Ceti: Inferring planetary magnetic field [EPA]

In exoplanetary systems, the interaction between the central star and the planet can trigger Auroral Radio Emission (ARE), due to the Electron Cyclotron Maser mechanism. The high brightness temperature of this emission makes it visible at large distances, opening new opportunities to study exoplanets and to search for favourable conditions for the development of extra-terrestrial life, as magnetic fields act as a shield that protects life against external particles and influences the evolution of the planetary atmospheres. In the last few years, we started an observational campaign to observe a sample of nearby M-type stars known to host exoplanets with the aim to detect ARE. We observed YZ Ceti with the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (uGMRT) in band 4 (550-900 MHz) nine times over a period of five months. We detected radio emission four times, two of which with high degree of circular polarization. With statistical considerations we exclude the possibility of flares due to stellar magnetic activity. Instead, when folding the detections to the orbital phase of the closest planet YZ Cet b, they are at positions where we would expect ARE due to star-planet interaction (SPI) in sub-Alfvenic regime. With a degree of confidence higher than 4.37 sigma, YZ Cet is the first extrasolar systems with confirmed SPI at radio wavelengths. Modelling the ARE, we estimate a magnetic field for the star of about 2.4 kG and we find that the planet must have a magnetosphere. The lower limit for the polar magnetic field of the planet is 0.4 G.

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C. Trigilio, A. Biswas, P. Leto, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 11 pages, 7 figures, submitted to ApJ Letters in March 2023

Vacuum polarization alters the spectra of accreting X-ray pulsars [HEAP]

It is a common belief that for magnetic fields typical for accreting neutron stars in High-Mass X-ray Binaries vacuum polarization only affects the propagation of polarized emission in the neutron star magnetosphere. We show that vacuum resonances can significantly alter the emission from the poles of accreting neutron stars. The effect is similar to vacuum polarization in the atmospheres of isolated neutron stars and can result in suppression of the continuum and the cyclotron lines. It is enhanced by magnetic Comptonization in the hot plasma and proximity to the electron cyclotron resonance. We present several models to illustrate the vacuum polarization effect for various optically thick media and discuss how the choice of polarization modes affects the properties of the emergent radiation by simulating polarized energy- and angle-dependent radiative transfer. Polarization effects, including vacuum polarization, crucially alter the emission properties. Together with strongly angle- and energy- dependent magnetic Comptonization, they result in a complex spectral shape, which can be described by dips and humps on top of a power-law-like continuum with high-energy cutoff. These effects provide a possible explanation for the common necessity of additional broad Gaussian components and two-component Comptonization models that are used to describe spectra of accreting X-ray pulsars. We also demonstrate the character of depolarization introduced by the radiation field’s propagation inside the inhomogeneous emission region.

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E. Sokolova-Lapa, J. Stierhof, T. Dauser, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 4 pages, 6 figures

The Effelsberg survey of FU~Orionis and EX~Lupi objects II. — H$_2$O maser observations [SSA]

FU Orionis (FUor) and EX Lupi (EXor) type objects are two groups of peculiar and rare pre-main sequence low-mass stars that are undergoing powerful accretion outbursts during their early stellar evolution. Water masers are widespread in star forming regions and are powerful probes of mass accretion and ejection, but little is known about the prevalence of them toward FUors/EXors. We perform the first systematic search for the 22.2 GHz water maser line in FUors/EXors to determine its overall incidence to perform follow-up high angular resolution observations. We used the Effelsberg 100-m radio telescope to observe the 22.2 GHz H2O maser toward a sample of 51 objects. We detect 5 water masers; 3 are associated with eruptive stars, resulting in a 6% detection rate for eruptive sources. These detections include one EXor, V512 Per (also known as SVS 13 or SVS 13A), and two FUors, Z CMa and HH 354 IRS. This is the first reported detection of water maser emission towards HH 354 IRS. We detect water maser emission in our pointing towards the FUor binary RNO 1B/1C, which most likely originates from the nearby deeply embedded source IRAS 00338+6312 (~4”, from RNO 1B/1C). Emission was also detected from H$_2$O(B) (also known as SVS 13C), a Class 0 source ~30”, from the EXor V512 Per. The peak flux density of H$_2$O(B) in our observations, 498.7 Jy, is the highest observed to date. In addition to the two non-eruptive Class 0 sources (IRAS 00338+6312 and H$_2$O(B) /SVS 13C), we detect maser emission towards one Class 0/I (HH 354 IRS) and two Class I (V512 Per and Z CMa) eruptive stars. We demonstrate the presence of 22.2 GHz water maser emission in FUor/EXor systems, opening the way to radio interferometric observations to study these eruptive stars on small scales. Comparing our data with historical observations suggest that multiple water maser flares have occurred in both V512 Per and H$_2$O(B).

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Z. Szabó, Y. Gong, W. Yang, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Breaking the 10 mW/pixel Limit for Kinetic Inductance Detector Readout Electronics [IMA]

We demonstrate a prototype kinetic inductance detector (KID) readout system that uses less than 10 mW per pixel. The CCAT-prime RFSoC based readout is capable of reading four independent detector networks of up to 1000 KIDs each. The power dissipation was measured to be less than 40 W while running multi-tone combs on all four channels simultaneously. The system was also used for the first time to perform sweeps and resonator identification on a prototype 280 GHz array.

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A. Sinclair, J. Burgoyne, Y. Li, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: to appear in the ISSTT 2022 conference proceedings

The Hawking Energy in a Perturbed Friedmann-Lemaître Universe [CL]

Hawking’s quasi-local energy definition quantifies the energy enclosed by a spacelike 2-sphere in terms of the amount of lightbending on the sphere caused by the energy distribution inside the sphere. This paper establishes for the first time a direct connection between the formal mathematical definition of a quasi-local energy and observations, in the context of cosmological perturbation theory. This is achieved by studying the Hawking Energy of spherical sections of the past lightcone of a cosmic observer in a perturbed Friedmann-Lema\^{i}tre spacetime. We express the Hawking Energy in terms of gauge-invariant perturbation variables and comment on the cosmic observables needed to in principle measure it. We then calculate its angular power spectrum and interpret its contributions.

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D. Stock, E. Dio and R. Durrer
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: comments welcome; additional Mathematica file attached

Detection of monothioformic acid towards the solar-type protostar IRAS 16293-2422 [GA]

In the interstellar medium (ISM), the complex organic molecules that contain the thiol group ($-$SH) play an important role in the polymerization of amino acids. We look for SH-bearing molecules in the chemically rich solar-type protostar IRAS 16293-2422. After the extensive spectral analysis using the local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) model, we have detected the rotational emission lines of trans-isomer monothioformic acid (t-HC(O)SH) towards the IRAS 16293 B using the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA). We did not observe any evidence of cis-isomer monothioformic acid (c-HC(O)SH) towards the IRAS 16293 B. The column density of t-HC(O)SH towards the IRAS 16293 B was (1.02$\pm$0.6)$\times$10$^{15}$ cm$^{-2}$ with an excitation temperature of 125$\pm$15 K. The fractional abundance of t-HC(O)SH with respect to H${2}$ towards the IRAS 16293 B is 8.50$\times$10$^{-11}$. The column density ratio of t-HC(O)SH/CH${3}$SH towards the IRAS 16293 B is 0.185. We compare our estimated abundance of t-HC(O)SH towards the IRAS 16293 B with the abundance of t-HC(O)SH towards the galactic center quiescent cloud G+0.693-0.027 and hot molecular core G31.41+0.31. After the comparison, we found that the abundance of t-HC(O)SH towards the IRAS 16293 B is several times of magnitude lower than G+0.693-0.027 and G31.41+0.31. We also discuss the possible formation mechanism of t-HC(O)SH in the ISM.

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A. Manna and S. Pal
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: Accepted for publication in Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy

A data science platform to enable time-domain astronomy [IMA]

SkyPortal is an open-source platform designed to efficiently discover interesting transients, manage follow-up, perform characterization, and visualize the results, all in one application. By enabling fast access to archival and catalog data, cross-matching heterogeneous data streams, and the triggering and monitoring of on-demand observations for further characterization, SkyPortal has been operating at scale for > 2 yr for the Zwicky Transient Facility Phase II community, with hundreds of users, containing tens of millions of time-domain sources, interacting with dozens of telescopes, and enabling community reporting. While SkyPortal emphasizes rich user experiences (UX) across common frontend workflows, recognizing that scientific inquiry is increasingly performed programmatically, SkyPortal also surfaces an extensive and well-documented API system. From backend and frontend software to data science analysis tools and visualization frameworks, the SkyPortal design emphasizes the re-use and leveraging of best-in-class approaches, with a strong extensibility ethos. For instance, SkyPortal now leverages ChatGPT large-language models (LLMs) to automatically generate and surface source-level human-readable summaries. With the imminent re-start of the next-generation of gravitational wave detectors, SkyPortal now also includes dedicated multi-messenger features addressing the requirements of rapid multi-messenger follow-up: multi-telescope management, team/group organizing interfaces, and cross-matching of multi-messenger data streams with time-domain optical surveys, with interfaces sufficiently intuitive for the newcomers to the field. (abridged)

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M. Coughlin, J. Bloom, G. Nir, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: N/A

Limitations and biases in the retrieval of the polar magnetic field I: the role of the magnetic filling factor in Milne-Eddington inversions of simulated Hinode/SP data [SSA]

We study the extent to which Milne-Eddington inversions are able to retrieve and characterize the magnetic landscape of the solar poles from observations by the spectropolarimeter onboard Hinode. In particular, we evaluate whether a variable magnetic filling factor is an adequate modeling technique for retrieving the intrinsic magnetic properties from every pixel in the polar field of view. We first generate synthetic spectra emerging from a numerical simulation of a “plage” region at an inclined line of sight of 65$^{\circ}$, and degrade the data to emulate real observations. Then, we invert the synthetic spectra with two Milne-Eddington inversion codes that feature different treatments of the magnetic filling factor, and relate the retrieved magnetic quantities back to their original values in the simulation cube. We find that while the apparent retrieved magnetic properties map well the spatially-degraded simulation, the intrinsic magnetic quantities bear little relation to the magnetic field at the native resolution of the simulation. We discuss the systematic biases caused by line-of-sight foreshortening, spatial degradation, photon noise and modeling assumptions embedded in the inversion algorithm.

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R. Centeno, I. Milić, M. Rempel, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: Accepted for publication in ApJ

The IACOB project IX. Building a modern empirical database of Galactic O9-B9 supergiants: sample selection, description, and completeness [SSA]

Blue supergiants (BSGs) are important objects to study the intermediate phases of massive star evolution, helping to constrain evolutionary models. However, the lack of a holistic study of a statistically significant and unbiased sample of these objects makes several long-standing questions about their nature to remain unsolved. The present and other upcoming papers of the IACOB series are focused in studying – from a pure empirical point of view – a sample of 500 Galactic O9 – B9 stars with luminosity classes I and II (plus 250 late O- and early B-type stars with luminosity classes III, IV and V) and covering distances up to 4 kpc from the Sun. We compile an initial set of 11000 high-resolution spectra of 1600 Galactic late O- and B-type stars. We use a new novel spectroscopic strategy based on a simple fitting of the Hbeta line to select stars in a specific region of the spectroscopic HR diagram. We evaluate the completeness of our sample using the Alma Luminous Star catalog (ALS III) and Gaia-DR3 data. We show the benefits of the proposed strategy for identifying BSGs descending from stellar objects born as O-type stars, in the context of single star evolution. The resulting sample reaches a high level of completeness with respect to the ALS III catalog, gathering the 80% for all-sky targets brighter than Bmag < 9 located within 2 kpc. However, we identify the need for new observations in specific regions of the Southern hemisphere. In conclusion, we have explored a very fast and robust method to select BSGs, providing a valuable tool for large spectroscopic surveys like WEAVE-SCIP or 4MIDABLE-LR, and highlighting the risk of using spectral classifications from the literature. Upcoming works will make use of this large and homogeneous spectroscopic sample to study specific properties of these stars in detail. We initially provide first results about their rotational properties.

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A. Burgos, S. Simón-Díaz, M. Urbaneja, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: Almost accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 59 pages, 20 figures

SHAMPOO: A stochastic model for tracking dust particles under the influence of non-local disk processes [EPA]

The abundances of CHNOS are crucial for the composition of planets. At the onset of planet formation, large amounts of these elements are stored in ices on dust grains in planet-forming disks. The evolution of this ice is affected by dynamical transport, collisional processes, and the formation and sublimation of ice. We aim to constrain the disk regions where these processes are fully coupled, and develop a flexible modelling approach that is able to predict the effects of these processes acting simultaneously on the CHNOS budgets of the dust in these regions. We compared timescales associated with these disk processes to constrain the disk regions where this approach is necessary, and developed the SHAMPOO code, which tracks the CHNOS abundances in the ice mantle of a single monomer dust particle, embedded in a larger aggregate and undergoing these processes simultaneously. The adsorption and photodesorption of monomer ices depend on the depth of the monomer in the aggregate. We investigated the effect of fragmentation velocity and aggregate filling factor on the amount of ice on monomers residing at r = 10 AU. The locations where disk processes are fully coupled depend on both grain size and ice species. Monomers embedded in aggregates with fragmentation velocities of 1 m/s are able to undergo adsorption and photodesorption more often compared to a fragmentation velocity of 5 m/s or 10 m/s. Aggregates with a filling factor of $10^{-3}$ are able to accumulate ice 22 times faster on average than aggregates with a filling factor of 1. As different grain sizes are coupled through collisions and the grain ice consists of multiple ice species, it is difficult to isolate the locations where disk processes are fully coupled, necessitating the development of the SHAMPOO code. The processing of ice may not be spatially limited to dust aggregate surfaces for either fragile or porous aggregates.

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M. Oosterloo, I. Kamp, W. Westrenen, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 30 pages, 24 figures, 4 tables, to appear in Astronomy & Astrophysics

A Unified $p_\mathrm{astro}$ for Gravitational Waves: Consistently Combining Information from Multiple Search Pipelines [IMA]

Recent gravitational-wave transient catalogs have used $p_\mathrm{astro}$, the probability that a gravitational-wave candidate is astrophysical, to select interesting candidates for further analysis. Unlike false alarm rates, which exclusively capture the statistics of the instrumental noise triggers, $p_\mathrm{astro}$ incorporates the rate at which triggers are generated by both astrophysical signals and instrumental noise in estimating the probability that a candidate is astrophysical. Multiple search pipelines can independently calculate $p_\mathrm{astro}$, each employing a specific data reduction. While the range of $p_\mathrm{astro}$ results can help indicate the range of uncertainties in its calculation, it complicates interpretation and subsequent analyses. We develop a statistical formalism to calculate a $\textit{unified } p_\mathrm{astro}$ for gravitational-wave candidates, consistently accounting for triggers from all pipelines, thereby incorporating extra information about a signal that is not available with any one single pipeline. We demonstrate the properties of this method using a toy model and by application to the publicly available list of gravitational-wave candidates from the first half of the third LIGO–Virgo–KAGRA observing run. Adopting a unified $p_\mathrm{astro}$ for future catalogs would provide a simple and easy-to-interpret selection criterion that incorporates a more complete understanding of the strengths of the different search pipelines

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S. Banagiri, C. Berry, G. Davies, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 18 pages, 5 figures, 1 table

A direct connection between the wake and the former host galaxy of a proposed runaway supermassive black hole [GA]

This Research Note presents VLT B-band imaging of a candidate runaway supermassive black hole that was recently discovered in HST/ACS F606W+F814W imaging. The ACS data show an extremely thin, linear feature at z=0.964 that points toward a compact galaxy at the same redshift. There is a gap between the feature and the compact galaxy, which means that the proposed causal connection between the two objects is not definitive. We show here that the linear feature extends all the way to the compact galaxy in the B-band, with no gap. The B-band morphology is difficult to reconcile with models where the compact galaxy and the linear feature are independent objects, and in particular with the proposal of Sanchez Almeida et al. (2023) that the linear feature is an edge-on disk galaxy.

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P. Dokkum
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: To appear in RNAAS. A counterpoint to arXiv:2304.12344, although the debate will undoubtably continue. Upcoming data from the Cycle 30 program HST-GO-17301 should provide a definitive answer to this particular question

Feedback-driven anisotropy in the circumgalactic medium for quenching galaxies in the SIMBA simulations [GA]

We use the SIMBA galaxy formation simulation suite to explore anisotropies in the properties of circumgalactic gas that result from accretion and feedback processes. We particularly focus on the impact of bipolar active galactic nuclei (AGN) jet feedback as implemented in SIMBA, which quenches galaxies and has a dramatic effect on large-scale gas properties. We show that jet feedback at low redshifts is most common in the stellar mass range $(1-5)\times 10^{10}M_\odot$, so we focus on galaxies with active jets in this mass range. In comparison to runs without jet feedback, jets cause lower densities and higher temperatures along the galaxy minor axis (SIMBA jet direction) at radii >=$0.5r_{200c}-4r_{200c}$ and beyond. This effect is less apparent at higher or lower stellar masses, and is strongest within green valley galaxies. The metallicity also shows strong anisotropy out to large scales, driven by star formation feedback. We find substantially stronger anisotropy at <=$0.5r_{200c}$, but this also exists in runs with no explicit feedback, suggesting that it is due to anisotropic accretion. Finally, we explore anisotropy in the bulk radial motion of the gas, finding that both star formation and AGN wind feedback contribute to pushing the gas outwards along the minor axis at <=1 Mpc, but AGN jet feedback further causes bulk outflow along the minor axis out to several Mpc, which drives quenching via gas starvation. These results provide observational signatures for the operation of AGN feedback in galaxy quenching.

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T. Yang, R. Davé, W. Cui, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 20 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables, submitted to MNRAS. Comments are welcomed

Very-High-Energy Gamma-Ray Afterglows of GRB 201015A and GRB 201216C [HEAP]

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) 201015A and 201216C are valuable cases with detection of very high energy (VHE) gamma-ray afterglows. By analysing their prompt emission data, we find that GRB 201216C is an extremely energetic long GRB with a hard gamma-ray spectrum, while GRB 201015A is a relative sub-energetic, soft spectrum GRB. Attributing their radio-optical-X-ray afterglows to the synchrotron radiation of the relativistic electrons accelerated in their jets, we fit their afterglow lightcurves with the standard external shock model and infer their VHE afterglows from the synchrotron self-Compton scattering process of the electrons. It is found that the jet of GRB 201015A is mid-relativistic ($\Gamma_0=44$) surrounded by a very dense medium ($n=1202$ cm$^{-3}$) and the jet of GRB 201216C is ultra-relativistic ($\Gamma_0=331$) surrounded by a moderate dense medium ($n=5$ cm$^{-3}$). The inferred peak luminosity of the VHE gamma-ray afterglows of GRB 201216C is approximately $10^{-9}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ at $57-600$ seconds after the GRB trigger, making it can be detectable with the MAGIC telescopes at a high confidence level, even the GRB is at a redshift of 1.1. Comparing their intrinsic VHE gamma-ray lightcurves and spectral energy distributions with GRBs~180720B, 190114C, and 190829A, we show that their intrinsic peak luminosity of VHE gamma-ray afterglows at $10^{4}$ seconds post the GRB trigger is variable from $10^{45}$ to $5\times 10^{48}$ erg s$^{-1}$, and their kinetic energy, initial Lorentz factor, and medium density are diverse among bursts.

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L. Zhang, J. Ren, Y. Wang, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 18 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. ApJ accepted

Bayesian Inference of Supernova Neutrino Spectra with Multiple Detectors [CL]

We implement the Bayesian inference to retrieve energy spectra of all neutrinos from a galactic core-collapse supernova (CCSN). To achieve high statistics and full sensitivity to all flavours of neutrinos, we adopt a combination of several reaction channels from different large-scale neutrino observatories, namely inverse beta decay on proton and elastic scattering on electron from Hyper-Kamiokande (Hyper-K), charged current absorption on Argon from Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) and coherent elastic scattering on Lead from RES-NOVA. Assuming no neutrino oscillation or specific oscillation models, we obtain mock data for each channel through Poisson processes with the predictions, for a typical source distance of 10 kpc in our Galaxy, and then evaluate the probability distributions for all spectral parameters of theoretical neutrino spectrum model with Bayes’ theorem. Although the results for either the electron-neutrinos or electron-antineutrinos reserve relatively large uncertainties (according to the neutrino mass hierarchy), a precision of a few percent (i.e., $\pm 1 \% \sim \pm 4 \%$ at a credible interval of $2 \sigma$) is achieved for primary spectral parameters (e.g., mean energy and total emitted energy) of other neutrino species. Moreover, the correlation coefficients between different parameters are computed as well and interesting patterns are found. Especially, the mixing-induced correlations are sensitive to the neutrino mass hierarchy, which potentially makes it a brand new probe to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy in the detection of galactic supernova neutrinos. Finally, we discuss the origin of such correlation patterns and perspectives for further improvement on our results.

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X. Huang, C. Sun, L. Chen, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 24 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables

Cosmic Microwave Background anomalies explained: a strong impact of nearby galaxies on observed CMB large scale fluctuations [CEA]

In Luparello et al. 2023, a new and hitherto unknown CMB foreground was detected. A systematic decrease in Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperatures around nearby large spiral galaxies points to an unknown interaction with CMB photons in a sphere up to several projected Mpc around these galaxies. We investigate to which extent this foreground may impact the CMB fluctuations map and create the so-called CMB anomalies. Using the observed temperature decrements around the galaxies, and making some general assumptions about the unknown interaction, we propose a common radial temperature profile. By assigning this profile to nearby galaxies in the redshift range $z=[0.004,0.02]$ we create a foreground map model. We find a remarkable resemblance between this temperature model map based on nearby galaxies and the Planck CMB map. Out of 1000 simulated maps, none of them show such a strong correlation with the foreground map over both large and small angular scales. In particular, the quadrupole, octopole, as well as $\ell=4$ and $\ell=5$ modes correlate with the foreground map to high significance. Furthermore, one of the most prominent temperature decrements in the foreground map coincides with the position of the CMB cold spot. The largest scales of the CMB and thereby the cosmological parameters, may have important changes after proper corrections of this foreground component. However, reliable CMB corrected maps can only be derived when suitable physical mechanisms are proposed and tested.

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F. Hansen, E. Boero, H. Luparello, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to A&A Letters

Fisher forecast for the BAO measurements from the CSST spectroscopic and photometric galaxy clustering [CEA]

The China Space Station Telescope (CSST) is a forthcoming Stage IV galaxy survey. It will simultaneously undertake the photometric redshift (photo-z) and slitless spectroscopic redshift (spec-z) surveys mainly for weak lensing and galaxy clustering studies. The two surveys cover the same sky area and overlap on the redshift range. Due to the sparse number density of the spec-z sample at $z>1$, it limits the constraints on the scale of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO). By cross-correlating the spec-z sample with the high-density photo-z sample, we can effectively enhance the constraints on the angular diameter distances from BAO. We estimate a greater than 35 per cent improvement utilising the Fisher matrix formalism. Such improvement is robust against different systematic effects including the systematic noise and the redshift success rate of the spec-z survey, as well as the photo-z error. Our study can be a reference for future BAO analysis on real CSST data. The methodology can be applied to other surveys with spec-z and photo-z data in the same survey volume.

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Z. Ding, Y. Yu and P. Zhang
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 12 pages, 10 figures, comments welcome

Recent Progress in Modelling the Macro- and Micro-Physics of Radio Jet Feedback in Galaxy Clusters [HEAP]

Radio jets and the lobes they inflate are common in cool-core clusters and are expected to play a critical role in regulating the heating and cooling of the intracluster medium (ICM). This is an inherently multi-scale problem, and much effort has been made to understand the processes governing the inflation of lobes and their impact on the cluster, as well as the impact of the environment on the jet-ICM interaction, on both macro- and microphysical scales. Developments of new numerical techniques and improving computational resources have seen simulations of jet feedback in galaxy clusters become ever more sophisticated. This ranges from modelling ICM plasma physics processes such as the effects of magnetic fields, cosmic rays and viscosity to including jet feedback in cosmologically evolved cluster environments in which the ICM thermal and dynamic properties are shaped by large-scale structure formation. In this review, we discuss the progress made over the last ~decade in capturing both the macro- and microphysical processes in numerical simulations, highlighting both the current state of the field as well as open questions and potential ways in which these questions can be addressed in the future.

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M. Bourne and H. Yang
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 45 pages, 7 figures, Review Article submitted to Galaxies Special Issue “New Perspectives on Radio Galaxy Dynamics”. Feedback and comments welcome

Kinematics and stability of high-mass protostellar disk candidates at sub-arcsecond resolution — Insights from the IRAM NOEMA large program CORE [GA]

The fragmentation mode of high-mass molecular clumps and the accretion processes that form the most massive stars ($M\gtrsim 8M_\odot$) are still not well understood. To this end, we have undertaken a large observational program (CORE) making use of interferometric observations from the Northern Extended Millimetre Array (NOEMA) for a sample of 20 luminous ($L>10^4L_\odot$) protostellar objects in the 1.37 mm wavelength regime in both continuum and line emission, reaching $\sim$0.4″ resolution (800 au at 2 kpc). Using the dense gas tracer CH$3$CN, we find velocity gradients across 13 cores perpendicular to the directions of bipolar molecular outflows, making them excellent disk candidates. Specific angular momentum ($j$) radial profiles are on average $\sim10^{-3}$ km /s pc and follow $j \propto r^{1.7}$, consistent with a poorly resolved rotating and infalling envelope/disk model. Fitting the velocity profiles with a Keplerian model, we find protostellar masses in the range of $\sim 10-25$ $M\odot$. Modelling the level population of CH$_3$CN lines, we present temperature maps and find median gas temperatures in the range $70-210$ K. We create Toomre $Q$ maps to study the stability of the disks and find almost all (11 of 13) disk candidates to be prone to fragmentation due to gravitational instabilities at the scales probed by our observations. In particular, disks with masses greater than $\sim10-20\%$ of the mass of their host (proto)stars are Toomre unstable, and more luminous protostellar objects tend to have disks that are more massive and hence more prone to fragmentation. Our finings show that most disks around high-mass protostars are prone to disk fragmentation early in their formation due to their high disk to stellar mass ratio. This impacts the accretion evolution of high-mass protostars which will have significant implications for the formation of the most massive stars.

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A. Ahmadi, H. Beuther, F. Bosco, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 27 pages, 12 figures, 6 appendices – accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics

On the radial distribution of giant exoplanets at Solar System scales [EPA]

Context. Giant planets play a major role in multiple planetary systems. Knowing their demographics is important to test their overall impact on planetary systems formation. It is also important to test their formation processes. Recently, three radial velocity surveys have established radial distributions of giant planets. All show a steep increase up to 1-3 au, and two suggest a decrease beyond. Aims. We aim at understanding the limitations associated with the characterization of long-period giant radial velocity planets, and to estimate their impact on the radial distribution of these planets. Methods. We revisit the results obtained by two major surveys that derived such radial distributions, using the RV data available at the time of the surveys as well as, whenever possible, new data. Results. We show that the radial distributions published beyond (5-8 au) are not secure. More precisely, the decrease of the radial distribution beyond the peak at 1-3 au is not confirmed.

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A. Lagrange, F. Philipot, P. Rubini, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 26 pages, 20 figures, 2 tables

Speckle Interferometry with CMOS Detector [IMA]

In 2022 we carried out an upgrade of the speckle polarimeter (SPP) — the facility instrument of the 2.5-m telescope of the Caucasian Observatory of the SAI MSU. During the overhaul, CMOS Hamamatsu ORCA-Quest qCMOS C15550-20UP was installed as the main detector, some drawback of the previous version of the instrument were eliminated. In this paper, we present a description of the instrument, as well as study some features of the CMOS detector and ways to take them into account in speckle interferometric processing. Quantitative comparison of CMOS and EMCCD in the context of speckle interferometry is performed using numerical simulation of the detection process. Speckle interferometric observations of 25 young variable stars are given as an example of astronomical result. It was found that BM And is a binary system with a separation of 273 mas. The variability of the system is dominated by the brightness variations of the main component. A binary system was also found in NSV 16694 (TYC 120-876-1). The separation of this system is 202 mas.

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I. Strakhov, B. Safonov and D. Cheryasov
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 24 pages, 27 figures. Minor style differences with respect to version accepted to Astrophys. Bull. V. 78, no. 2

Observational constraints on power law Starobinsky inflation [CEA]

In this work we revisit power law, $\frac{1}{M^2}R^\beta$, inflation to find the deviations from $R^2$ inflation allowed by current CMB and LSS observations. We compute the power spectra for scalar and tensor perturbations numerically and perform MCMC analysis to put constraints on parameters $M$ and $\beta$ from Planck-2018, BICEP3 and other LSS observations. We consider general reheating scenario and also vary the number of e-foldings during inflation, $N_{pivot}$, along with the other parameters. We find $\beta = 1.966^{+0.035}{-0.042}$, $M= \left(3.31^{+5}{-2}\right)\times 10^{-5}$ and $N_{pivot} = 41^{+10}_{-10}$ with $95\%\, C.\, L.$. This indicates that the current observations allow deviation from Starobinsky inflation. The scalar spectral index, $n_s$, and tensor-to-scalar ratio, $r$, derived from these parameters, are consistent with the Planck and BICEP3 observations.

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S. Saini and A. Nautiyal
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 13 pages, 5 figures

The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS): A Machine Learning Approach to Infer Galaxy Cluster Masses from eROSITA X-ray Images [CEA]

We develop a neural network based pipeline to estimate masses of galaxy clusters with a known redshift directly from photon information in X-rays. Our neural networks are trained using supervised learning on simulations of eROSITA observations, focusing in this paper on the Final Equatorial Depth Survey (eFEDS). We use convolutional neural networks which are modified to include additional information of the cluster, in particular its redshift. In contrast to existing work, we utilize simulations including background and point sources to develop a tool which is usable directly on observational eROSITA data for an extended mass range from group size halos to massive clusters with masses in between $10^{13}M_\odot<M<10^{15}M_\odot.$ Using this method, we are able to provide for the first time neural network mass estimation for the observed eFEDS cluster sample from Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma/eROSITA observations and we find consistent performance with weak lensing calibrated masses. In this measurement, we do not use weak lensing information and we only use previous cluster mass information which was used to calibrate the cluster properties in the simulations. When compared to simulated data, we observe a reduced scatter with respect to luminosity and count-rate based scaling relations.
We comment on the application for other upcoming eROSITA All-Sky Survey observations.

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S. Krippendorf, N. Perez, E. Bulbul, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 10 pages, 8 figures

DREAM II. The spin-orbit angle distribution of close-in exoplanets under the lens of tides [EPA]

The spin-orbit angle, or obliquity, is a powerful observational marker that allows us to access the dynamical history of exoplanetary systems. Here, we have examined the distribution of spin-orbit angles for close-in exoplanets and put it in a statistical context of tidal interactions between planets and their stars. We confirm the observed trends between the obliquity and physical quantities directly connected to tides, namely the stellar effective temperature, the planet-to-star mass ratio, and the scaled orbital distance. We further devised a tidal efficiency factor combining critical parameters that control the strength of tidal effects and used it to corroborate the strong link between the spin-orbit angle distribution and tidal interactions. In particular, we developed a readily usable formula to estimate the probability that a system is misaligned, which will prove useful in global population studies. By building a robust statistical framework, we reconstructed the distribution of the three-dimensional spin-orbit angles, allowing for a sample of nearly 200 true obliquities to be analyzed for the first time. This realistic distribution maintains the sky-projected trends, and additionally hints toward a striking pileup of truly aligned systems. The comparison between the full population and a pristine subsample unaffected by tidal interactions suggests that perpendicular architectures are resilient toward tidal realignment, providing evidence that orbital misalignments are sculpted by disruptive dynamical processes that preferentially lead to polar orbits. On the other hand, star-planet interactions seem to efficiently realign or quench the formation of any tilted configuration other than for polar orbits, and in particular for antialigned orbits.

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O. Attia, V. Bourrier, J. Delisle, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: Accepted in A&A

Stellar pulsations interfering with the transit light curve: configurations with false positive misalignment [EPA]

Asymmetric features in exoplanet transit light curves are often interpreted as a gravity darkening effect especially if there is spectroscopic evidence of a spin-orbit misalignment. Since other processes can also lead to light curve asymmetries this may lead to inaccurate gravity darkening parameters. Here we investigate the case of non-radial pulsations as possible sources of asymmetry and likely source of misinterpreted parameters through simulations. We obtained a series of simulated transit light curves of a hypothetical exoplanet-star system: a host star with no gravity darkening exhibiting small amplitude pulsations, and a typical hot Jupiter in a circular, edge-on orbit. A number of scenarios of pulsations of various amplitudes were considered, and a proper account of the obscuring effect of transits on all the surface intensity components was made. The magnitude of amplitude and phase modulations of nonradial pulsations during transits was also also investigated. We then fitted both a non-gravity-darkened, and a gravity-darkened, free spin-orbit axis model on the data. The Akaike and Bayesian Information Criteria were used for an objective selection of the most plausible model. We then explored the dependence of the parameter deviations on the pulsation properties, in order to identify configurations that can lead to falsely misaligned solutions. Low-amplitude pulsations in general do not affect the determination of the system parameters beyond their noise nature. However, frequencies close to multiples of the orbital frequency are found to cause distortions leading to solutions with a side tilted stellar rotational axis, they are therefore preferable to clean beforehand for the sake of a correct analysis. Additionally, for cases with higher-amplitude pulsations, it is recommended to pre-process and clean the pulsations before analysis.

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A. Bókon, S. Kálmán, I. Bíró, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: Accepted in A&A on 24 April 2023, 14 pages, 10 figures

Small Planets Around Cool Dwarfs: Enhanced Formation Efficiency of Super-Earths around M dwarfs [EPA]

Current measurements of planet population as a function of stellar mass show three seemingly contradictory signatures: close-in super-Earths are more prevalent around M dwarfs than FGK dwarfs; inner super-Earths are correlated with outer giants; and outer giants are less common around M dwarfs than FGK dwarfs. Here, we build a simple framework that combines the theory of pebble accretion with the measurements of dust masses in protoplanetary disks to reconcile all three observations. First, we show that cooler stars are more efficient at converting pebbles into planetary cores at short orbital periods. Second, when disks are massive enough to nucleate a heavy core at 5 AU, more than enough dust can drift in to assemble inner planets, establishing the correlation between inner planets and outer giants. Finally, while stars of varying masses are similarly capable of converting pebbles into cores at long orbital periods, hotter stars are much more likely to harbor more massive dust disks so that the giant planet occurrence rate rises around hotter stars. Our results are valid over a wide range of parameter space for a disk accretion rate that follows $\dot{M}\star \sim 10^{-8}\,M\odot\,{\rm yr}^{-1}(M_\star/M_\odot)^2$. We predict a decline in mini-Neptune population (but not necessarily terrestrial planets) around stars lighter than $\sim 0.3-0.5 \, M_\odot$. Cold giants ($\gtrsim$5 AU), if they exist, should remain correlated with inner planets even around lower mass stars.

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Y. Chachan and E. Lee
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: submitted to AAS journals, comments welcome

Joint Modelling of Dust Scattering and Thermal Emission: The Spider Complex [GA]

Observations across the electromagnetic spectrum of radiative processes involving interstellar dust — emission, extinction, and scattering — are used to constrain the parameters of dust models and more directly to aid in foreground removal of dust for extragalactic and cosmology observations. The more complementary observations, the better. Here, we quantify the relationship between scattered light and thermal emission from dust in a diffuse (cirrus) intermediate latitude cloud, Spider, using data from the Dragonfly Telephoto Array and the Herschel Space Observatory. A challenge for optical observations of faint cirrus is accurate removal of a contaminating spatially varying sky background. We present a technique to analyse two images of the same cirrus field concurrently, correlating pixel values to capture the relationship and simultaneously fitting the sky background as a complex non-correlating additive component. For the Spider, we measure a $g-r$ color of 0.644$\pm 0.024$ and a visible wavelength to 250 $\mu$m intensity ratio of $10^{-3} \times (0.855 \pm0.025)$ and $10^{-3} \times (1.55\pm0.08)$ for $g$ and $r$-band respectively. We show how to use any dust model that matches the thermal dust emission to predict an upper limit to the amount of scattered light. The actual brightness of the cirrus will be fainter than this limit because of anisotropic scattering by the dust combined with anisotropy of the incident interstellar radiation field (ISRF). Using models of dust and the ISRF in the literature we illustrate that the predicted brightness is indeed lower, though not as faint as the observations indicate.

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J. Zhang, P. Martin, R. Cloutier, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 12 pages, 6 figures, The Astrophysical Journal

Machine Learning Uncovers the Universe's Hidden Gems: A Comprehensive Catalogue of CIV Absorption Lines in SDSS DR12 [GA]

We assemble the largest CIV absorption line catalogue to date, leveraging machine learning, specifically Gaussian processes, to remove the need for visual inspection for detecting CIV absorbers. The catalogue contains probabilities classifying the reliability of the absorption system within a quasar spectrum. Our training set was a sub-sample of DR7 spectra that had no detectable CIV absorption in a large visually inspected catalogue. We used Bayesian model selection to decide between our continuum model and our absorption-line models. Using a random hold-out sample of 1301 spectra from all of the 26,030 investigated spectra in DR7 CIV catalogue, we validated our pipeline and obtained an 87% classification performance score. We found good purity and completeness values, both ~80%, when a probability of ~95% is used as the threshold. Our pipeline obtained similar CIV redshifts and rest equivalent widths to our training set. Applying our algorithm to 185,425 selected quasar spectra from SDSS DR12, we produce a catalogue of 113,775 CIV doublets with at least 95% confidence. Our catalogue provides maximum a posteriori values and credible intervals for CIV redshift, column density, and Doppler velocity dispersion. We detect CIV absorption systems with a redshift range of 1.37 $!-!$ 5.1, including 33 systems with a redshift larger than 5 and 549 absorbers systems with a rest equivalent width greater than 2 A at more than 95% confidence. Our catalogue can be used to investigate the physical properties of the circumgalactic and intergalactic media.

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R. Monadi, M. Ho, K. Cooksey, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 18 pages, 25 figures, 3 tables

High Tide or Riptide on the Cosmic Shoreline? A Water-Rich Atmosphere or Stellar Contamination for the Warm Super-Earth GJ~486b from JWST Observations [EPA]

Planets orbiting M-dwarf stars are prime targets in the search for rocky exoplanet atmospheres. The small size of M dwarfs renders their planets exceptional targets for transmission spectroscopy, facilitating atmospheric characterization. However, it remains unknown whether their host stars’ highly variable extreme-UV radiation environments allow atmospheres to persist. With JWST, we have begun to determine whether or not the most favorable rocky worlds orbiting M dwarfs have detectable atmospheres. Here, we present a 2.8-5.2 micron JWST NIRSpec/G395H transmission spectrum of the warm (700 K, 40.3x Earth’s insolation) super-Earth GJ 486b (1.3 R${\oplus}$ and 3.0 M${\oplus}$). The measured spectrum from our two transits of GJ 486b deviates from a flat line at 2.2 – 3.3 $\sigma$, based on three independent reductions. Through a combination of forward and retrieval models, we determine that GJ 486b either has a water-rich atmosphere (with the most stringent constraint on the retrieved water abundance of H2O > 10% to 2$\sigma$) or the transmission spectrum is contaminated by water present in cool unocculted starspots. We also find that the measured stellar spectrum is best fit by a stellar model with cool starspots and hot faculae. While both retrieval scenarios provide equal quality fits ($\chi^2_\nu$ = 1.0) to our NIRSpec/G395H observations, shorter wavelength observations can break this degeneracy and reveal if GJ 486b sustains a water-rich atmosphere.

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S. Moran, K. Stevenson, D. Sing, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 18 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables. Accepted in ApJ Letters. Co-First Authors

Starobinsky-Type B-L Higgs Inflation Leading Beyond MSSM [CL]

Models of induced-gravity inflation are formulated within Supergravity employing as inflaton the Higgs field which leads to a spontaneous breaking of a U(1)_{B-L} symmetry at Mgut=2×10^16 GeV. We use a renormalizable superpotential, fixed by a U(1) R symmetry, and logarithmic or semi-logarithmic Kahler potentials with integer prefactors which exhibit a quadratic non-minimal coupling to gravity. We find inflationary solutions of Starobinsky type in accordance with the observations. The inflaton mass is predicted to be of the order of 10^13 GeV. The model can be nicely linked to MSSM offering an explanation of the magnitude of the mu parameter consistently with phenomenological data. Also it allows for baryogenesis via non-thermal leptogenesis, provided that the gravitino is heavier than about 10 TeV.

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C. Pallis
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: Prepared for the Proceedings of the Corfu Summer Institute 2022 — Conference: C22-08-28. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1804.07038

Linear analysis of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in relativistic magnetized symmetric flows [HEAP]

We study the linear stability of a planar interface separating two fluids in relative motion, focusing on the symmetric configuration where the two fluids have the same properties (density, temperature, magnetic field strength, and direction). We consider the most general case with arbitrary sound speed $c_{\rm s}$, Alfv\’en speed $v_{\rm A}$, and magnetic field orientation. For the instability associated with the fast mode, we find that the lower bound of unstable shear velocities is set by the requirement that the projection of the velocity onto the fluid-frame wavevector is larger than the projection of the Alfv\’en speed onto the same direction, i.e., shear should overcome the effect of magnetic tension. In the frame where the two fluids move in opposite directions with equal speed $v$, the upper bound of unstable velocities corresponds to an effective relativistic Mach number $M_{re} \equiv v/v_{\rm f\perp} \sqrt{(1-v_{\rm f\perp}^2)/(1-v^2)} \cos\theta=\sqrt{2}$, where $v_{rm f\perp}=[v_A^2+c_{\rm s}^2(1-v_A^2)]^{1/2}$ is the fast speed assuming a magnetic field perpendicular to the wavevector (here, all velocities are in units of the speed of light), and $\theta$ is the laboratory-frame angle between the flow velocity and the wavevector projection onto the shear interface. Our results have implications for shear flows in the magnetospheres of neutron stars and black holes — both for single objects and for merging binaries — where the Alfv\’en speed may approach the speed of light.

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A. Chow, M. Rowan, L. Sironi, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 11 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, submitted to journal

Dynamical friction and feedback on galactic bars in the general fast-slow regime [GA]

Current theories of dynamical friction on galactic bars are based either on linear perturbation theory, which is valid only in the fast limit where the bar changes its pattern speed rapidly, or on adiabatic theory, which is applicable only in the slow limit where the bar’s pattern speed is near-constant. In this paper, we study dynamical friction on galactic bars spinning down at an arbitrary speed, seamlessly connecting the fast and slow limits. We treat the bar-halo interaction as a restricted $N$-body problem and solve the collisionless Boltzmann equation using the angle-averaged Hamiltonian. The phase-space distribution and density wakes predicted by our averaged model are in excellent agreement with full 3D simulations. In the slow regime where resonant trapping occurs, we show that, in addition to the frictional torque, angular momentum is transferred directly due to the migration of the trapped phase-space: trapped orbits comoving with the resonance typically gain angular momentum, while untrapped orbits leaping over the trapped island lose angular momentum. Due to the negative gradient in the distribution function, gainers typically outnumber the losers, resulting in a net negative torque on the perturber. The torque due to the untrapped orbits was identified by Tremaine & Weinberg, who named the phenomenon dynamical feedback. Here we derive the complete formula for dynamical feedback, accounting for both trapped and untrapped orbits. Using our revised formula, we show that dynamical feedback can comprise up to $30\%$ of the total torque on the Milky Way’s bar.

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R. Chiba
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 21 pages, 19 figures, submitted to MNRAS

BlueWalker 3 Satellite Brightness Characterized and Modeled [IMA]

The BlueWalker 3 (BW3) satellite was folded into a compact object when launched on 2022 September 11. The spacecraft’s apparent visual magnitude initially ranged from about 4 to 8. Observations on November 11 revealed that the brightness increased by 4 magnitudes which indicated that the spacecraft had deployed into a large flat-panel shape. The satellite then faded by several magnitudes in December before returning to its full luminosity; this was followed by additional faint periods in 2023 February and March. We discuss the probable cause of the dimming phenomena and identify a geometrical circumstance where the satellite is abnormally bright. The luminosity of BW3 can be represented with a brightness model which is based on the satellite shape and orientation as well as a reflection function having Lambertian and pseudo-specular components. Apparent magnitudes are most frequently between 2.0 and 3.0. When BW3 is near zenith the magnitude is about 1.4.

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A. Mallama, R. Cole, S. Tilley, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: N/A

The $EB$-correlation in Resolved Polarized Images: Connections to Astrophysics of Black Holes [GA]

We present an in-depth analysis of a newly proposed correlation function in visibility space, between the $E$ and $B$ modes of the linear polarization, hereafter the $EB$-correlation, for a set of time-averaged GRMHD simulations compared with the phase map from different semi-analytic models as well as the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) 2017 data for M87* source. We demonstrate that the phase map of the time-averaged $EB$-correlation contains novel information that might be linked to the BH spin, accretion state and the electron temperature. A detailed comparison with a semi-analytic approach with different azimuthal expansion modes shows that to recover the morphology of the real/imaginary part of the correlation function and its phase, we require higher orders of these azimuthal modes. To extract the phase features, we propose to use the Zernike polynomial reconstruction developing an empirical metric to break degeneracies between models with different BH spins that are qualitatively similar. We use a set of different geometrical ring models with various magnetic and velocity field morphologies and show that both the image space and visibility based $EB$-correlation morphologies in MAD simulations can be explained with simple fluid and magnetic field geometries as used in ring models. SANEs by contrast are harder to model, demonstrating that the simple fluid and magnetic field geometries of ring models are not sufficient to describe them owing to higher Faraday Rotation depths. A qualitative comparison with the EHT data demonstrates that some of the features in the phase of $EB$-correlation might be well explained by the current models for BH spins as well as electron temperatures, while others may require a larger theoretical surveys.

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R. Emami, S. Doeleman, M. Wielgus, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 26 pages, 21 Figures

Determination of the neutron skin of $^{208}$Pb from ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions [CL]

Emergent bulk properties of matter governed by the strong nuclear force give rise to physical phenomena across vastly different scales, ranging from the shape of atomic nuclei to the masses and radii of neutron stars. They can be accessed on Earth by measuring the spatial extent of the outer skin made of neutrons that characterises the surface of heavy nuclei. The isotope $^{208}$Pb, owing to its simple structure and neutron excess, has been in this context the target of many dedicated efforts. Here, we determine the neutron skin from measurements of particle distributions and their collective flow in $^{208}$Pb+$^{208}$Pb collisions at ultrarelativistic energy performed at the Large Hadron Collider, which are sensitive to the overall size of the colliding $^{208}$Pb ions. By means of state-of-the-art global analysis tools within the hydrodynamic model of heavy-ion collisions, we infer a neutron skin $\Delta r_{np}=0.217\pm0.058$ fm, consistent with nuclear theory predictions, and competitive in accuracy with a recent determination from parity-violating asymmetries in polarised electron scattering. We establish thus a new experimental method to systematically measure neutron distributions in the ground state of atomic nuclei.

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G. Giacalone, G. Nijs and W. Schee
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 8 pages, 6 figures. The Trajectum code can be found at this https URL Plotting routines can be found at this http URL

Directional Sensitivity of the NEWSdm Experiment to Cosmic Ray Boosted Dark Matter [IMA]

We present a study of a directional search for Dark Matter boosted forward when scattered by cosmic-ray nuclei, using a module of the NEWSdm experiment. The boosted Dark Matter flux at the edge of the Earth’s atmosphere is expected to be pointing to the Galactic Center, with a flux 15 to 20 times larger than in the transverse direction.
The module of the NEWSdm experiment consists of a 10 kg stack of Nano Imaging Trackers, i.e.~newly developed nuclear emulsions with AgBr crystal sizes down to a few tens of nanometers. The module is installed on an equatorial telescope. The relatively long recoil tracks induced by boosted Dark Matter, combined with the nanometric granularity of the emulsion, result in an extremely low background. This makes an installation at the INFN Gran Sasso laboratory, both on the surface and underground, viable. A comparison between the two locations is made. The angular distribution of nuclear recoils induced by boosted Dark Matter in the emulsion films at the surface laboratory is expected to show an excess with a factor of 3.5 in the direction of the Galactic Center. This excess allows for a Dark Matter search with directional sensitivity. The surface laboratory configuration prevents the deterioration of the signal in the rock overburden and it emerges as the most powerful approach for a directional observation of boosted Dark Matter with high sensitivity. We show that, with this approach, a 10 kg module of the NEWSdm experiment exposed for one year at the Gran Sasso surface laboratory can probe Dark Matter masses between 1 keV/c$^2$ and 1 GeV/c$^2$ and cross-section values down to $10^{-30}$~cm$^2$ with a directional sensitive search.

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N. Agafonova, A. Alexandrov, A. Anokhina, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 15 pages, 14 figures

Hydrodynamic mixing of accretion disk outflows in collapsars: implications for r-process signatures [HEAP]

The astrophysical environments capable of triggering heavy-element synthesis via rapid neutron capture (the r-process) remain uncertain. While binary neutron star mergers (NSMs) are known to forge r-process elements, certain rare supernovae (SNe) have been theorized to supplement, or even dominate, r-production by NSMs. However, the most direct evidence for such SNe, unusual reddening of the emission caused by the high opacities of r-process elements, has not been observed. Recent work identified the distribution of r-process material within the SN ejecta as a key predictor of the ease with which signals associated with r-process enrichment could be discerned. Though this distribution results from hydrodynamic processes at play during the SN explosion, thus far it has been treated only in a parameterized way. We use hydrodynamic simulations to model how disk winds, the alleged locus of r-production in rare SNe, mix with initially r-process-free ejecta. We study mixing as a function of the wind mass and duration and of the initial SN explosion energy, and find that it increases with the first two of these and decreases with the third. This suggests that SNe accompanying the longest long-duration gamma-ray bursts are promising places to search for signs of r-process enrichment. We use semianalytic radiation transport to connect hydrodynamics to electromagnetic observables, allowing us to assess the mixing level at which the presence of r-process material can be diagnosed from SN light curves. Analytic arguments constructed atop this foundation imply that a wind-driven r-process-enriched SN model is unlikely to explain standard energetic SNe.

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J. Barnes and P. Duffell
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: Submitted to ApJ. Comments welcome

Novel high-frequency gravitational waves detection with split cavity [CL]

Gravitational waves can generate electromagnetic effects inside a strong electric or magnetic field within the Standard Model and general relativity. Here we propose using a quarterly split cavity and LC-resonance circuit to detect a high-frequency gravitational wave from 0.1 MHz to GHz. We perform a full 3D simulation of the cavity’s signal for sensitivity estimate. Our sensitivity depends on the coherence time scale of the high-frequency gravitational wave sources and the volume size of the split cavity. We discuss the resonant measurement schemes for narrow-band gravitational wave sources and also a non-resonance scheme for broadband signals. For a meter-sized split cavity under a 14 Tesla magnetic field, the LC resonance enhanced sensitivity to the gravitational wave strain is expected to reach $h\sim 10^{-20}$ around $10$ MHz.

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C. Gao, Y. Gao, Y. Liu, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 8 pages, 7 figures

Molecular gas content and high excitation of a massive main-sequence galaxy at z = 3 [GA]

We present new CO ($J=5-4$ and $7-6$) and [CI] ($^3P_2\,-\, ^3P_1$ and $^3P_1\,-\, ^3P_0$) emission line observations of the star-forming galaxy D49 at the massive end of the Main Sequence at $z=3$. We incorporate previous CO ($J=3-2$) and optical-to-millimetre continuum observations to fit its spectral energy distribution (SED). Our results hint at high-$J$ CO luminosities exceeding the expected location on the empirical correlations with the infrared luminosity. [CI] emission fully consistent with the literature trends is found. We do not retrieve any signatures of a bright active galactic nucleus that could boost the $J=5-4,\,7-6$ lines in either the infrared or X-ray bands, but warm photon-dominated regions, shocks or turbulence could in principle do so. We suggest that mechanical heating could be a favourable mechanism able to enhance the gas emission at fixed infrared luminosity in D49 and other main-sequence star-forming galaxies at high redshift, but further investigation is necessary to confirm this explanation. We derive molecular gas masses from dust, CO, and [CI] that all agree within the uncertainties. Given its large star formation rate (SFR) $\sim 500~M_\odot~{\rm yr}^{-1}$ and stellar mass $>10^{11.5}~M_\odot$, the short depletion time scale of $<0.3$ Gyr might indicate that D49 is experiencing its last growth spurt and will soon transit to quiescence.

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H. Lei, F. Valentino, G. Magdis, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Letter

Constraining the quintessential \texorpdfstring{$α$}{a}-attractor inflation through dynamical horizon exit method [CL]

In the present paper, we perform a sub-Planckian quantum mode analysis of linear cosmological perturbation in the inflaton field over a classical quasi de-Siter metric background by dynamical horizon exit (DHE) method. In this way, we probe the inflationary regime of a quintessential $\alpha$-attractor model by analysing the COBE/Planck normalized power spectra, spectral indices, tensor to scalar ratio, number of e-folds, running of the spectral index and inflationary Hubble parameter in $k$-space. We compare our results with ordinary $\alpha$-attractor $E$ and $T$ models and with that of Planck-2018 results. Our estimated values of $n_s$ and $r$ lie within $68\%$ CL with respect to Planck data for $k=0.001 – 0.009$ Mpc$^{-1}$ for all values of $\alpha$. The $\alpha$ values, obtained in our calculations satisfy various post inflationary constraints regarding preheating and reheating, reported in current literature. We observe that quintessence sets an upper bound of $\alpha=4.3$ and thereby restricts the model from becoming of the power law type, making it more efficacious than ordinary $\alpha$-attractors in explaining both inflation and dark energy. A striking observation in our analyses is that, unlike in our previous study, we find a continuous values of $\alpha$ within $\frac{1}{10}\leq \alpha\leq 4.3$ for the specified $k$ range. At the end, we have shown that the model parameters constrained in this work give a very small vacuum density $\sim 10^{-117}-10^{-115} M_P^4$ which is an essential criterion for current and future dark energy observations of the universe.

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A. Sarkar and B. Ghosh
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 46 pages, 20 figures, 2 tables

Tomographic Alcock-Paczynski Test with Redshift-Space Correlation Function: Evidence for the Dark Energy Equation of State Parameter w>-1 [CEA]

The apparent shape of galaxy clustering depends on the adopted cosmology used to convert observed redshift to comoving distance, the $r(z)$ relation, as it changes the line elements along and across the line of sight differently. The Alcock-Paczy\’nski (AP) test exploits this property to constrain the expansion history of the universe. We present an extensive review of past studies on the AP test. We adopt an extended AP test method introduced by Park et al. (2019), which uses the full shape of redshift-space two-point correlation function (CF) as the standard shape, and apply it to the SDSS DR7, BOSS, and eBOSS LRG samples covering the redshift range up to $z=0.8$.We calibrate the test against the nonlinear cosmology-dependent systematic evolution of the CF shape using the Multiverse simulations. We focus on examining whether or not the flat $\Lambda$CDM `concordance’ model is consistent with observation. We constrain the flat $w$CDM model to have $w=-0.892_{-0.050}^{+0.045}$ and $\Omega_m=0.282_{-0.023}^{+0.024}$ from our AP test alone, which is significantly tighter than the constraints from the BAO or SNe I$a$ methods by a factor of 3 – 6. When the AP test result is combined with the recent BAO and SNe I$a$ results, we obtain $w=-0.903_{-0.023}^{+0.023}$ and $\Omega_m=0.285_{-0.009}^{+0.014}$.This puts a strong tension with the flat $\Lambda$CDM model with $w=-1$ at $4.2\sigma$ level. Consistency with $w=-1$ is obtained only when the Planck CMB observation is combined.It remains to see if this tension between observations of galaxy distribution at low redshifts and CMB anisotropy at the decoupling epoch becomes greater in the future studies and leads us to a new paradigm of cosmology.

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F. Dong, C. Park, S. Hong, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 21 pages, 11 figures, accepted by ApJ

The rocket effect mechanism in neutron stars in supernova remnants [HEAP]

While the dipole magnetic field axis of neutron stars is usually postulated to cross the star’s centre, it may be displaced from this location, as it has been recently indicated in the millisecond pulsar J0030+0451. Under these conditions, the electromagnetic rocket effect may be activated, where the magnetic field exerts a net force, accelerating the star. This post-natal kick mechanism relies on asymmetric electromagnetic radiation from an off-centre dipole may be relevant to the high spatial velocities of pulsars $\sim 10^{3}$ $\rm{km/s}$. Here, we explore its impact in young pulsars associated with supernova remnants and we compare the observational data on characteristic quantities, such as the braking index and proper motion, with results obtained from the rocket effect. Using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis, we explore the required conditions, for the initial spin periods and the distance between the magnetic axis and the star’s center, so that the velocity kick due to the rocket effect approaches the present velocity. We find that the electromagnetic rocket effect can account for typical pulsar transverse velocities assuming an initial spin period of 3.8 $\rm{ms}$ and a dipole field whose distance from the centre of the star is approximately 7 $\rm{km}$. We also explore the influence of the rocket effect on the braking index of a neutron star, and we find that for the sample studied this impact is minimal. Finally, we apply the rocket effect model on the pulsars J0030+0451 and J0538+2817, which are likely candidates for this mechanism.

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V. Agalianou and K. Gourgouliatos
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: N/A

Measuring Inflaton Couplings via Primordial Gravitational Waves [CL]

We investigate the reach of future gravitational wave (GW) detectors in probing inflaton couplings with visible sector particles that can either be bosonic or fermionic in nature. Assuming reheating takes place through perturbative quantum production from vacuum in presence of classical inflaton background field, we find that the spectral energy density of the primordial GW generated during inflation becomes sensitive to inflaton-matter coupling. We conclude, obeying bounds from Big Bang Nucleosysthesis and Cosmic Microwave Background, that, e.g., inflaton-scalar couplings of the order of $\sim\mathcal{O}(10^{-20})$ GeV fall within the sensitivity range of several proposed GW detector facilities. However, this prediction is sensitive to the size of the inflationary scale, nature of the inflaton-matter interaction and shape of the potential during reheating. Having found the time-dependent effective inflaton decay width, we also discuss its implications for dark matter (DM) production from the thermal plasma via UV freeze-in during reheating. It is shown, that one can reproduce the observed DM abundance for its mass up to several PeVs, depending on the dimension of the operator connecting DM with the thermal bath and the associated scale of the UV physics. Thus we promote primordial GW to observables sensitive to feebly coupled inflaton, which is very challenging if not impossible to test in conventional particle physics laboratories or astrophysical measurements.

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B. Barman, A. Ghoshal, B. Grzadkowski, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 40 pages, 7 figures, 2 Tables

Global energetics of solar powerful events on 6 September 2017 [SSA]

Solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are thought to be the most powerful events on the Sun. They can release energy as high as 10^32 erg in tens of minutes,and could produce solar energetic particles (SEPs) in the interplanetary space. We explore global energy budgets of solar major eruptions on 6 September 2017, including the energy partition of a powerful solar flare, the energy budget of the accompanied CME and SEPs. In the wavelength range shortward of 222 nm, a major contribution of the flare radiated energy is in the soft X-ray (SXR) 0.1-7 nm domain. The flare energy radiated at wavelengths of Ly-alpha and middle ultraviolet is larger than that radiated in the extreme ultraviolet wavelength, but it is much less than that radiated in the SXR waveband. The total flare radiated energy could be comparable to the thermal and nonthermal energies. The energies carried by the major flare and its accompanied CME are roughly equal, and they are both powered by the magnetic free energy in the AR NOAA 12673. Moreover, the CME is efficient in accelerating SEPs, and that the prompt component (whether it comes from the solar flare or the CME) contributes only a negligible fraction.

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D. Li, A. Warmuth, J. Wang, et. al.
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: accepted for publication in Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The Flavor of QCD Axion Dark Matter [CL]

We argue that demanding a consistent cosmological history, including the absence of domain walls and strongly interacting relics at the Peccei-Quinn scale, singles out two concrete realizations of hadronic QCD axions as viable dark matter models. These realizations generally feature flavor-violating axion couplings to Standard Model quarks that are unsuppressed at low energies. As a consequence, experiments looking for flavor-violating hadronic processes involving the axion can be sensitive probes of QCD axion dark matter models. In particular, we show that the NA62 and KOTO experiments could detect the $K\rightarrow\pi + a$ decay for axions consistent with the observed dark matter abundance via the post-inflationary misalignment mechanism.

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G. Alonso-Álvarez, J. Cline and T. Xiao
Tue, 2 May 23

Comments: 11 pages, 4 figures

FAST Observations of FRB 20220912A: Burst Properties and Polarization Characteristics [HEAP]

We report the observations of FRB 20220912A using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST). We conducted 17 observations totaling 8.67 hours and detected a total of 1076 bursts with an event rate up to 390 hr$^{-1}$. The cumulative energy distribution can be well described using a broken power-law function with the lower and higher-energy slopes of $-0.38\pm0.02$ and $-2.07\pm0.07$, respectively. We also report the L band ($1-1.5$ GHz) spectral index of the synthetic spectrum of FRB~20220912A bursts, which is $-2.6\pm0.21$. The average rotation measure (RM) value of the bursts from FRB~20220912A is $-0.08\pm5.39\ \rm rad\,m^{-2}$, close to 0 $\rm rad\,m^{-2}$ and maintain relatively stable over two months. Most bursts have nearly 100\% linear polarization. About 45\% of the bursts have circular polarization with SNR $>$ 3, and the highest circular polarization degree can reach 70\%. Our observations suggest that FRB~20220912A is located in a relatively clean local environment with complex circular polarization characteristics. These various behaviors imply that the mechanism of circular polarization of FRBs likely originates from an intrinsic radiation mechanism, such as coherent curvature radiation or inverse Compton scattering inside the magnetosphere of the FRB engine source (e.g. a magnetar).

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Y. Zhang, D. Li, B. Zhang, et. al.
Mon, 1 May 23

Comments: 15 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables, submitted to ApJ, comments are welcome!

An analysis of the turbulence in the central region of M 42 (Orion Nebula) II: homogeneity and power-spectrum analyses [GA]

In this second communication we continue our analysis of the turbulence in the Huygens Region of the Orion Nebula (M 42). We calculate the associated transverse structure functions up to order 8-th and find that the higher-order transverse structure functions are almost proportional to the second-order transverse structure function: we find that after proper normalisation, the higher-order transverse structure functions only differ by very small deviations from the second-order transverse structure function in a sub-interval of the inertial range. We demonstrate that this implies that the turbulence in the Huygens Region is quasi-log-homogeneous, or to a better degree of approximation, binomially weighted log-homogeneous in the statistical sense, this implies that there is some type of invariant statistical structure in the velocity field of the Huygens Region. We also obtain and analyse the power-spectrum of the turbulent field and find that it displays a large tail that follows very approximately two power-laws, one of the form $E(k)\propto k^{-2.7}$ for the initial side of the tail, and one of the form $E(k)\propto k^{-1}$ for the end of the tail. We find that the power-law with exponent $\beta\sim -2.7$ corresponds to spatial scales of 0.0301–0.6450 pc. We find that the exponent of the first power-law $\beta\sim -2.7$ is related to the exponent $\alpha_2$ of the second-order structure function in the inertial range. We interpret the second power-law with exponent $\beta \sim -1$ as an indicator of viscous-dissipative processes occurring at scales of $\delta r=1$–5 pixels which correspond to spatial scales of 0.00043–0.00215 pc.

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G. Anorve-Zeferino
Mon, 1 May 23

Comments: Accepted by MNRAS

Gravitational waves from non-radial perturbations in glitching pulsars [CL]

The Rossby mode (r-mode) perturbations in pulsars as a steady gravitational wave (GW) sources have been explored. The time evolution and the intensity of the emitted GWs in terms of the strain tensor amplitude have been estimated with the approximation of slow rotation adopting the equation of state derived using the Skyrme effective interaction with NRAPR parameter set. The core of the neutron star has been considered to be $\beta$-equilibrated nuclear matter composed of neutrons, protons, electrons and muons, which is surrounded by a solid crust. Calculations have been made for the critical frequencies, the evolution of frequencies and frequency change rates with time as well as the fiducial viscous and gravitational timescales, across a broad spectrum of pulsar masses. Our findings reveal that the r-mode instability region is associated with rotating young and hot pulsars. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that pulsars with low $L$ value emit gravitational radiation and fall within the r-mode instability region if the primary dissipative mechanism is shear viscosity along the crust-core interface boundary layer. The r-mode perturbation amplitude increases because of GW emissions, in contrast to other non-radial perturbations which transport to infinity the star’s angular momentum. Thus the presence of these stellar perturbations implies a non-negative rate of change in transfer of rotational angular momentum. This observation suggests that for a glitching pulsar, the GW emission intensity evolves increasingly with time till the angular frequency diminishes to a value that is below a crucial threshold, after which the compact star ceases to emit radiation.

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J. Lahiri and D. Basu
Mon, 1 May 23

Comments: 15 pages including 15 figures and 2 tables

Revisiting constraints on the photon rest mass with cosmological fast radio bursts [HEAP]

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) have been suggested as an excellent celestial laboratory for testing the zero-mass hypothesis of the photon. In this work, we use the dispersion measure (DM)–redshift measurements of 23 localized FRBs to revisit the photon rest mass $m_{\gamma}$. As an improvement over previous studies, here we take into account the more realistic probability distributions of DMs contributed by the FRB host galaxy and intergalactic medium (IGM) from the IllustrisTNG simulation. To better account for the systematic uncertainty induced by the choices of priors of cosmological parameters, we also combine the FRB data with the cosmic microwave background data, the baryon acoustic oscillation data, and type Ia supernova data to constrain the cosmological parameters and $m_{\gamma}$ simultaneously. We derive a new upper limit of $m_{\gamma}\le3.8\times 10^{-51}\;\rm{kg}$, or equivalently $m_{\gamma}\le2.1 \times 10^{-15} \, \rm{eV/c^2}$ ($m_{\gamma} \le 7.2 \times 10^{-51} \, \rm{kg}$, or equivalently $m_{\gamma}\le4.0 \times 10^{-15} \, \rm{eV/c^2}$) at $1\sigma$ ($2\sigma$) confidence level. Meanwhile, our analysis can also lead to a reasonable estimation for the IGM baryon fraction $f_{\rm IGM}=0.873^{+0.061}{-0.050}$. With the number increment of localized FRBs, the constraints on both $m{\gamma}$ and $f_{\rm IGM}$ will be further improved. A caveat of constraining $m_{\gamma}$ within the context of the standard $\Lambda$CDM cosmological model is also discussed.

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B. Wang, J. Wei, X. Wu, et. al.
Mon, 1 May 23

Comments: 14 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables

Finite temperature description of Fermi gases with in-medium effective mass [CL]

We investigate Fermi gases at finite temperature for which the in-medium effective mass may not be constant as a function of the density, the temperature, or the chemical potential. We suggest a formalism that separates the terms for which the mass is constant from the terms which explicitly treat the correction due to the in-medium effective mass. We employ the ensemble equivalence in infinite matter in order to treat these different terms. Our formalism is applied in nuclear matter and we show its goodness by comparing it to an exact treatment based on the numerical calculation of the Fermi integrals.

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M. Dutra, O. Lourenço and J. Margueron
Mon, 1 May 23

Comments: 11 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables

Scintillation Arc from FRB 20220912A [HEAP]

We present the interstellar scintillation analysis of fast radio burst (FRB) 20220912A during its extremely active episode in 2022 using data from the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST). We detect a scintillation arc in the FRB’s secondary spectrum, which describes the power in terms of the scattered FRB signals’ time delay and Doppler shift. The arc indicates that the scintillation is caused by a highly localized region of the ionized interstellar medium (IISM). Our analysis favors a Milky Way origin for the localized scattering medium but cannot rule out a host galaxy origin. We present our method for detecting the scintillation arc, which can be applied generally to sources with irregularly spaced bursts or pulses. These methods could help shed light on the complex interstellar environment surrounding the FRBs and in our Galaxy.

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Z. Wu, R. Main, W. Zhu, et. al.
Mon, 1 May 23

Comments: Submitted to SCPMA, 9 pages, 7 figures

Stirred, not shaken: Star cluster survival in the slingshot scenario [GA]

We investigate the effects of an oscillating gas filament on the dynamics of its embedded stellar clusters. Motivated by recent observational constraints, we model the host gas filament as a cylindrically symmetrical potential, and the star cluster as a Plummer sphere. In the model, the motion of the filament will produce star ejections from the cluster, leaving star cluster remnants that can be classified into four categories: a) Filament Associated clusters, which retain most of their particles (stars) inside the cluster and inside the filament; b) destroyed clusters, where almost no stars are left inside the filament, and there is no surviving bound cluster; c) ejected clusters, that leave almost no particles in the filament, since the cluster leaves the gas filament; and d) transition clusters, corresponding to those clusters that remain in the filament, but that lose a significant fraction of particles due to ejections induced by filament oscillation. Our numerical investigation predicts that the Orion Nebula Cluster is in the process of being ejected, after which it will most likely disperse into the field. This scenario is consistent with observations which indicate that the Orion Nebula Cluster is expanding, and somewhat displaced from the Integral Shaped Filament ridgeline.

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D. Carrillo, M. Fellhauer, T. Boekholt, et. al.
Mon, 1 May 23

Comments: 13 pages, 17 figures

The "canonical" White Dwarf Cooling Sequence of M5 [SSA]

Recently, a new class of white dwarfs (dubbed “slowly cooling WDs”) has been identified in two globular clusters (namely M13 and NGC 6752) showing a horizontal branch (HB) morphology with an extended blue tail. The cooling rate of these WDs is reduced by stable thermonuclear hydrogen burning in their residual envelope, and they are thought to be originated by stars that populate the blue tail of the HB and then skip the asymptotic giant branch phase. Consistently, no evidence of such kind of WDs has been found in M3, a similar cluster with no blue extension of the HB. To further explore this phenomenon, we took advantage of deep photometric data acquired with the Hubble Space Telescope in the near-ultraviolet and investigate the bright portion of the WD cooling sequence in M5, another Galactic globular cluster with HB morphology similar to M3. The normalized WD luminosity function derived in M5 turns out to be impressively similar to that observed in M3, in agreement with the fact that the stellar mass distribution along the HB of these two systems is almost identical. The comparison with theoretical predictions is consistent with the fact that the cooling sequence in this cluster is populated by canonical (fast cooling) WDs. Thus, the results presented in this paper provide further support to the scenario proposing a direct causal connection between the slow cooling WD phenomenon and the horizontal branch morphology of the host stellar cluster.

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J. Chen, F. Ferraro, M. Salaris, et. al.
Mon, 1 May 23

Comments: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted in the ApJ