ICME pancaking: a cause of two-step severe storm ($Dst \sim -187$ nT) of 25th solar cycle observed on 23 April 2023 [CL]


Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (ICMEs) are prominent drivers of space weather disturbances and mainly lead to intense or extreme geomagnetic storms. The reported studies suggested that the planar ICME sheath and planar magnetic clouds (MCs) cause extreme storms. Here, we investigated the severe two-step geomagnetic storm ($Dst \sim -187$ nT) of 25$^{th}$ solar cycle. Our analysis demonstrates flattened (pancaked) ICME structures, i.e., quasi-planar magnetic structures (PMS). The study corroborates our earlier reported finding that the less adiabatic expansion in quasi-PMS transformed ICME enhanced the strength of the southward magnetic field component. It contributes to the efficient transfer of plasma and energy in the Earth’s magnetosphere to cause the observed severe storm.

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K. Ghag, A. Raghav, A. Bhaskar, et. al.
Wed, 10 May 23

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