The maximum mass and deformation of rotating strange quark stars with strong magnetic fields [HEAP]

We study the structure and total energy of a strange quark star (SQS) endowed with a strong magnetic field with different rotational frequencies. The MIT bag model is used, with the density-dependent bag constant for the equation of state (EOS). The EOS is computed considering the Landau quantization effect regarding the strong magnetic fields (up to $5\times10^{17}$ G) in the interior of the strange quark star. Using the LORENE library, we calculate the structural parameters of SQS for different setups of magnetic field strengths and rotational frequencies. In each setup, we perform calculations for $51$ stellar configurations, with specified central enthalpy values. We investigate the configurations with the maximum gravitational mass of SQS in each setup. Our models of SQSs are compared in the maximum gravitational mass, binding energy, compactness, and deformation of the star. We show that the gravitational mass might exceed $2.3 M_\odot$ in some models, which is comparable with the mass of the recently detected “black widow” pulsar \emph{PSR J0952-0607} and the mass of \emph{GW190814} detected by the LIGO/Virgo collaboration. The deformation and maximum gravitational mass of SQS can be characterized by simple functions that have been fitted to account for variations in both magnetic field strength and frequency. Rapidly rotating strange stars have a minimum gravitational mass given by the equatorial mass-shedding limit.

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F. Kayanikhoo, M. Kapusta and M. Čemeljić
Mon, 8 May 23

Comments: 18 pages, 10 Figures, 2 tables, submitted to PhysRevD