The Dark Energy Survey Six-Year Calibration Star Catalog [IMA]

This Technical Note presents a catalog of calibrated reference stars that was generated by the Forward Calibration Method (FGCM) pipeline (arXiv:1706.01542) as part of the FGCM photometric calibration of the full Dark Energy Survey (DES) 6-Year data set (Y6). This catalog provides DES grizY magnitudes for 17 million stars with i-band magnitudes mostly in the range 16 < i < 21 spread over the full DES footprint covering 5000 square degrees over the Southern Galactic Cap at galactic latitudes b < -20 degrees (plus a few outlying fields disconnected from the main survey footprint). These stars are calibrated to a uniformity of better than 1.8 milli-mag (0.18%) RMS over the survey area. The absolute calibration of the catalog is computed with reference to the STISNIC.007 spectrum of the Hubble Space Telescope CalSpec standard star C26202; including systematic errors, the absolute flux system is known at the approximately 1% level. As such, these stars provide a useful reference catalog for calibrating grizY-band or grizY-like band photometry in the Southern Hemisphere, particularly for observations within the DES footprint.

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E. Rykoff, D. Tucker, D. Burke, et. al.
Thu, 4 May 23

Comments: 21 pages, 15 figures, Fermilab Technical Note. Official Data Access Site: this https URL ; Temporary Data Access Site: this https URL