Cosmological constraints from HSC Y1 lensing convergence PDF [CEA]

We utilize the probability distribution function (PDF) of convergence maps reconstructed from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) Y1 shear catalogue, in combination with the power spectrum, to measure the matter clustering amplitude $S_8=\sigma_8\sqrt{\Omega_m/0.3}$. The large-scale structure’s statistical properties are incompletely described by the traditional two-point statistics, motivating our investigation of the PDF — a complementary higher-order statistic. By defining the PDF over the standard deviation-normalized convergence map we are able to isolate the non-Gaussian information. We use tailored simulations to compress the data vector and construct a likelihood approximation. We mitigate the impact of survey and astrophysical systematics with cuts on smoothing scales, redshift bins, and data vectors. We find $S_8=0.852^{+0.086}{-0.094}$ from the PDF alone and $S_8=0.827^{+0.033}{-0.044}$ from the combination of PDF and power spectrum (68% CL). The PDF improves the power spectrum-only constraint by about 10%.

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L. Thiele, G. Marques, J. Liu, et. al.
Thu, 13 Apr 23

Comments: 6 pages, 4 figures