Reducing roundoff errors in numerical integration of planetary ephemeris [EPA]

Modern lunar-planetary ephemerides are numerically integrated on the observational timespan of more than 100 years (with the last 20 years having very precise astrometrical data). On such long timespans, not only finite difference approximation errors, but also the accumulating arithmetic roundoff errors become important because they exceed random errors of high-precision range observables of Moon, Mars, and Mercury. One way to tackle this problem is using extended-precision arithmetics available on x86 processors. Noting the drawbacks of this approach, we propose an alternative: using double-double arithmetics where appropriate. This will allow to use only double precision floating-point primitives which have ubiquitous support.

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M. Subbotin, A. Kodukov and D. Pavlov
Tue, 11 Apr 23

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