Growth of Perturbations in Energy-Momentum-Squared Gravity [CEA]

Employing the spherical collapse (SC) formalism, we investigate the linear evolution of the matter overdensity for energy-momentum-squared gravity (EMSG) which in practical phenomenological terms, one may imagine as an extension of \LambdaCDM model of cosmology. The underlying model while still having a cosmological constant, is a nonlinear matter extension of the general theory of relativity and includes modification terms dominating in the high energy regimes i.e., early universe. Considering the Friedman-Robertson-Walker (FRW) background in the presence of a cosmological constant, we find the effects of the modifications arising from EMSG on the growth of perturbations at the early stages of the universe. By taking into account both possible negative, and positive values of the model parameter of EMSG, we discuss its role in the evolution of the matter density contrast and growth function in the level of linear perturbations. While EMSG leaves imprints distinguishable from \LambdaCDM, we find that the negative range of the ESMG model parameter is not well-behaved indicating an anomaly in the parameter space of the model. In this regard, for the evaluation of the galaxy cluster number count in the framework of EMSG, we equivalently provide an analysis of the number count of the gravitationally collapsed objects (or the dark matter halos). We show that the galaxy cluster number count decreases compared to the \LambdaCDM model. In agreement with the hierarchical model of structure formation, in EMSG cosmology also the more massive structures are less abundant, meaning that form at later times.

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B. Farsi, A. Sheykhi and M. Khodadi
Wed, 5 Apr 23

Comments: 9 pages, 8 figures