ChatGPT scores a bad birdie in counting gravitational-wave chirps [HEAP]

How many gravitational-wave observations from compact object mergers have we seen to date? This seemingly simple question has a surprisingly complex answer that even ChatGPT struggles to answer. To shed light on this, we present a database with the literature’s answers to this question. We find values spanning 67-100 for the number of detections from double compact object mergers to date, emphasizing that the exact number of detections is uncertain and depends on the chosen data analysis pipeline and underlying assumptions. We also review the number of gravitational-wave detections expected in the coming decades with future observing runs, finding values up to millions of detections per year in the era of Cosmic Explorer and Einstein Telescope. We present a publicly available code to visualize the detection numbers, highlighting the exponential growth in gravitational-wave observations in the coming decades and the exciting prospects of gravitational-wave astrophysics. See this http URL We plan to keep this database up-to-date and welcome comments and suggestions for additional references.

Read this paper on arXiv…

F. Broekgaarden
Mon, 3 Apr 23

Comments: 1 April submission, with fun videos for visualizing the landscape of gravitational waves! (they are awesome!) See this http URL