Exact solutions and cosmological constraints in fractional cosmology [CL]


This paper investigates exact solutions of cosmological interest in fractional cosmology. Given $\mu$, the order of the fractional derivative, and $w$, the matter equation of state, we present particular exact power-law solutions. We discuss the exact general solution of the system obtained by solving a Riccati Equation, where the solution for the scale factor is a combination of power-law. Using cosmological data, we estimate the free parameters $(\alpha_0, \mu)$, where $H_{0}=100\frac{\text{km/s}}{\text{Mpc}}h$, and $\alpha_0:=t_0 H_0 = \frac{1}{6} \left(9 -2 \mu +\sqrt{8 \mu (2 \mu -9)+105}\right)(1+ 2 \epsilon_0)$, is the current age parameter. The joint analysis with data from SNe Ia + OHD leads to $h=0.684_{-0.027}^{+0.031}$, $\mu=1.840_{-0.773}^{+1.446}$ and $\epsilon_0=\left(1.213_{-1.057}^{+0.482}\right)\times 10^{-2}$, where the best-fit values are calculated at $3\sigma$ CL. On the other hand, these best-fit values lead to an age of the Universe with a value of $t_0=\alpha_0/H_0=25.62_{-4.46}^{+6.89}\;\text{Gyrs}$, a current deceleration parameter of $q_{0}=-0.37_{-0.11}^{+0.08}$, both at $3\sigma$ CL, and a current matter density parameter of $\Omega_{m,0}=0.531_{-0.260}^{+0.195}$ at $1\sigma$ CL. Finding a Universe roughly twice older as the one of $\Lambda$CDM is a distinction of Fractional Cosmology. Focusing our analysis on these results, we can conclude that the region in which $\mu>2$ is not ruled out by observations. This region of a parameter is relevant because, in the absence of matter, fractional cosmology gives a power-law solution $a(t)= \left(t/t_0\right)^{\mu-1}$, which is accelerated for $\mu>2$. We present a fractional origin model that leads to an accelerated state without appealing to $\Lambda$ or Dark Energy.

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E. González, G. Leon and G. Fernandez-Anaya
Thu, 30 Mar 23

Comments: 51 pages, 10 figures