Remarks on compressible convection in Super-Earths [EPA]

The radial density of planets increases with depth due to compressibility, leading to impacts on their convective dynamics. To account for these effects, including the presence of a quasi-adiabatic temperature profile and entropy sources due to dissipation, the compressibility is expressed through a dissipation number, $\mathcal{D}$, proportional to the planet’s radius and gravity. In Earth’s mantle, compressibility effects are moderate, but in large rocky or liquid exoplanets (Super-Earths), the dissipation number can become very large. This paper explores the properties of compressible convection when the dissipation number is significant. We start by selecting a simple Murnaghan equation of state that embodies the fundamental properties of condensed matter at planetary conditions. Next, we analyze the characteristics of adiabatic profiles and demonstrate that the ratio between the bottom and top adiabatic temperatures is relatively small and probably less than 2. We examine the marginal stability of compressible mantles and reveal that they can undergo convection with either positive or negative superadiabatic Rayleigh numbers. Lastly, we delve into simulations of convection performed using the exact equations of mechanics, neglecting inertia (infinite Prandtl number case), and examine their consequences for Super-Earths dynamics.

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Y. Ricard and T. Alboussière
Tue, 28 Mar 23

Comments: 31 pages, 15 figures