Mutual gravitational energy of homogeneous prolate spheroids. Collinear case [EPA]

The problem of mutual gravitational energy $W_{mut}$ for a system of two homogeneous prolate spheroids, whose symmetry axes are on the same line, is set and solved. The method of equigravitating elements is applied, where the external potentials of three-dimensional spheroids are represented by the potentials of one-dimensional inhomogeneous focal rods. The solution of the problem is reduced to the integration of the potential of one rod over the segment of the second rod. As a result, the expression $W_{mut}$ for two prolate spheroids can be obtained in a finite analytic form through elementary functions. The force of attraction between the spheroids is found. The function $W_{mut}$ is also represented by a power series in eccentricity of the spheroids. Possible applications of the obtained results are discussed.

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B. Kondratyev, V. Kornoukhov and E. Kireeva
Mon, 27 Mar 23

Comments: 8 pages, 4 figures