Constraining uber gravity with recent observations and elucidating the $H_0$ problem [CEA]

This paper studies both $\Lambda$CDM and CDM models under the \”uber gravity theory, named \”u$\Lambda$CDM and \”uCDM respectively. We report bounds over their parameter phase-space using several cosmological data, in particular, the recent Pantheon+ sample. Based on the joint analysis, the best fit value of the \”uber characteristic parameter is $z_\oplus = 0.028^{+0.036}{-0.020}$ and $z\oplus = 0.960^{+0.031}_{-0.030}$ at 68\% confidence level for \”u$\Lambda$CDM and \”uCDM respectively. Furthermore, we find that the $\mathbb{H}0(z)$ diagnostic suggests the $H_0$ tension is not alleviated. Finally, both models are statistically compared with $\Lambda$CDM through the Akaike and Bayesian information criteria, which suggest that there is a modest evidence against for \”u$\Lambda$CDM, a strongest evidence for \”uCDM, against for the joint analysis, but both \”uber gravity models and $\Lambda$CDM are equally preferred for most of the single samples.

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G. Valdez, C. Quintanilla, M. García-Aspeitia, et. al.
Wed, 18 Jan 23

Comments: 9 pages, 4 figures