Two Different Weak Modulations in ab-type RR Lyrae Variable V838 Cyg, and Potential Influence of Metal Abundance on Blazhko Modulation [SSA]

Noting the weakest modulation and relatively high metal abundance of the ab type RR Lyrae star V838 Cyg, we collected the photometric data of this star in several sky surveys to carry out an in-depth analysis. The O-C diagram shows that the pulsation period of V838 Cyg increases linearly on the large time scale. In the reanalysis of the high-precision Kepler data, we confirmed the modulation with the period of 59.45\pm0.04 days found earlier, and also found an additional weak modulation with a longer period (840\pm21 days). After a series of analyses, we incline to the view that the mechanisms leading the two modulations are different: the former is more similar to the typical Blazhko effect, while the mechanism leading to the latter may be an extrinsic factor. We also collected and compared the modulation and physical parameters of other Blazhko RR Lyrae stars from several works of literature, and find that there is a potential negative correlation between the modulation amplitude (or upper limit of amplitude) and the metal abundance. We infer that the relative metal-rich will promote the convection in the outer stellar atmosphere, and then inhibit those factors (turbulence, shock wave, etc.) that may cause Blazhko modulation. Future observations and research work can be carried out with reference to this viewpoint.

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L. Li, S. Qian, X. Shi, et. al.
Wed, 11 Jan 23

Comments: 18 pages, 13 figures