Earth as a time crystal: macroscopic nature of a quantum-scale phenomenon from transformative moderation of geomagnetic polarity, topography, and climate by precession resonance due to many-body entrainment [CL]

Claims of paleodata periodicity are many and so controversial that superimposing Phanerozoic (0-541 My) mass-extinction periods renders life on Earth impossible. This period hunt coincided with geochronology modernization tying geological timescales to orbital frequencies, enabling separation of astronomical signals from harmonics. I thus show on diverse data (geomagnetic polarity, cratering, extinction episodes) as a proxy of planetary paleodynamics that many-body subharmonic entrainment induces Earth’s resonant response to astronomical forcing so that $2\pi$-phase-shifted axial precession p=26 ky and its Pi=$2\pi$p/i; i=1,…n harmonics get resonantly responsible for paleodata periodicity. This quasiperiodic nature of strata is co-triggered by a p’/4-lockstep to p’=41-ky obliquity. For verification, residuals analysis after suppressing $2\pi$p (and so Pi) in GPTS-95 reversals timescale’s calibration at the South Atlantic Anomaly, extending to end-Campanian (0-83 My), successfully detected weak signals of Earth-Mars planetary resonances reported previously from older epochs. The only residual signal is 26.5-My Rampino period — carrier wave of crushing deflections and transformative polarity reversals. While the ($2\pi$p, Pi) resonant response of the Earth to orbital forcing is the long-sought energy transfer mechanism of the Milankovitch theory, fundamental system properties — $2\pi$-phase-shift, 1/4 lockstep to a forcer, and discrete time translation symmetry (multiplied/halved periods) — typical of a quantum time crystal, here appear macroscopic, making time crystal concept unremarkable. The surprising cross-scale outcome confirms planetary precession is a cataclysmic geodynamic phenomenon as claimed previously, e.g., as the Earth expansion mechanism; then a time crystal in quantum dynamics could be due to particle entrainment, such as the collisions resulting in Feshbach resonances.

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M. Omerbashich
Mon, 9 Jan 23

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