Ultimate Black Hole Recoil: What the maximum high energy collisions kick is? [CL]


We performed a series of 1341 full numerical simulations of high energy collision of black holes to search for the maximum recoil velocity after their merger. We consider equal mass binaries with opposite spins pointing along their orbital plane and perform a search of spin orientations, impact parameters, and initial linear momenta to find the maximum recoil for a given spin magnitude $s$. This spin sequence for $s=0.4, 0.7, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9$ is then extrapolated to the extreme case, $s=1$, to obtain an estimated maximum recoil velocity of $26,677\pm 470$ km/s, thus nearly $9\%$ the speed of light.

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J. Healy and C. Lousto
Tue, 3 Jan 23

Comments: 6 figures, 1 Table