Peaky Production of Light Dark Photon Dark Matter [CL]

We explore a mechanism to produce a light dark photon dark matter through a coupling between the dark photon field and a spectator scalar field which plays no role in the inflationary expansion of the Universe while rolling down its potential during the inflation. The motion of the spectator field efficiently produces dark photons with large wavelengths which become non-relativistic before the time of matter-radiation equality. The spectrum of the wavelengths is peaky so that the constraint from the isocurvature perturbation can be evaded. The correct relic abundance is then achieved over a wide range of the dark photon mass down to $10^{-13} \ \text{eV}$. Our mechanism favors high-scale inflation models which can be tested in future observations. Furthermore, fluctuations of the dark photon field during inflation produce gravitational waves detectable at future space-based interferometers and/or pulsar timing array experiments.

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Y. Nakai, R. Namba and I. Obata
Fri, 23 Dec 22

Comments: 27 pages, 6 figures