The formation of $30\,M_\odot$ merging black holes at solar metallicity [HEAP]

The maximum mass of black holes formed in isolated binaries is determined by stellar winds and the interactions between the binary components. We consider for the first time fully self-consistent detailed stellar structure and binary evolution calculations in population-synthesis models and a new, qualitatively different picture emerges for the formation of black-hole binaries, compared to studies employing rapid population synthesis models. We find merging binary black holes can form with a non-negligible rate ($\sim 4\times10^{-7}\,M_\odot^{-1}$) at solar metallicity. Their progenitor stars with initial masses $\gtrsim 50\,M_\odot$ do not expand to supergiant radii, mostly avoiding significant dust-driven or luminous blue variable winds. Overall, the progenitor stars lose less mass in stellar winds, resulting in black holes as massive as $\sim 30\,M_\odot$, and, approximately half of them avoid a mass-transfer episode before forming the first-born black hole. Finally, binaries with initial periods of a few days, some of which may undergo episodes of Roche-lobe overflow mass transfer, result in mildly spinning first-born black holes, $\chi_\mathrm{BH1} \lesssim 0.2$, assuming efficient angular-momentum transport.

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S. Bavera, T. Fragos, E. Zapartas, et. al.
Thu, 22 Dec 22

Comments: 14 pages, 6 figures, manuscript submitted for publication