From Cosmic Inflation and Matter Creation to Dark Matter – Journey of the Inflaton? [CL]

A scenario of the inflaton evolution from cosmic inflation and matter creation to dark energy/dark matter today is presented. To start with, a model of the inflationary phase of the inflaton is discussed. The inflaton rolls down a simple quadratic hilltop potential along with matter creation, following an exact tracking solution of its dynamics. Being dragged down by the presence of matter, it rolls down slowly and naturally ending inflation as the universe stops accelerating due to the presence of matter. The model predictions for the standard metrics such as scalar/tensor spectral indexes and tensor to scalar ratio are fully consistent with the current CMB limits. The quadratic potential could be extended to complete a potential hill subsequent to inflation. The evolution of inflaton discussed recently is consistent with this picture of its journey from cosmic inflation to dark matter today.

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B. Balakrishna
Tue, 13 Dec 22

Comments: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2210.15475