Comparing accretion flow morphology in numerical simulations of black holes from the ngEHT Model Library: the impact of radiation physics [HEAP]

In the past few years, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has provided the first-ever event horizon-scale images of the supermassive black holes (BHs) M87* and Sagittarius A* (Sgr A). The next-generation EHT project is an extension of the EHT array that promises larger angular resolution and higher sensitivity to the dim, extended flux around the central ring-like structure, possibly connecting the accretion flow and the jet. The ngEHT Analysis Challenges aim to understand the science extractability from synthetic images and movies so as to inform the ngEHT array design and analysis algorithm development. In this work, we take a look at the numerical fluid simulations used to construct the source models in the challenge set, which currently target M87 and Sgr A*. We have a rich set of models encompassing steady-state radiatively-inefficient accretion flows with time-dependent shearing hotspots, radiative and non-radiative general relativistic magneto-hydrodynamic simulations that incorporate electron heating and cooling. We find that the models exhibit remarkably similar temporal and spatial properties, except for the electron temperature since radiative losses substantially cool down electrons near the BH and the jet sheath. We restrict ourselves to standard torus accretion flows, and leave larger explorations of alternate accretion models to future work.

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K. Chatterjee, A. Chael, P. Tiede, et. al.
Tue, 6 Dec 22

Comments: Submitted to Galaxies; 24 pages, 6 figures. Comments welcome