One-loop tensor power spectrum from an excited scalar field during inflation [CEA]

We present a consistent one-loop calculation for the inflationary tensor power spectrum in the presence of an excited spectator scalar field using the in-in formalism. We find that the super-horizon primordial power spectrum of the tensor mode can be scale-invariantly enhanced or reduced by the loop effects of a subhorizon scalar field. Our calculation also includes the scalar-induced gravitational wave spectrum classically computed in the previous literature, which is significant only near the scales where the scalar field is amplified. The super-horizon enhancement is a higher-order effect of the interaction Hamiltonian, which can be understood as a Bogoliubov transformation introduced by nonlinear interactions. On the other hand, the scale-invariant reduction of the tensor power spectrum may occur due to the fourth-order scalar-scalar-tensor-tensor coupling. This phenomenon can be understood as the evolution of an anisotropic Bianchi type-I background in the separate universe approach. Our result suggests that large-scale measurements may indirectly test the dramatic effects of small-scale cosmological perturbations through loop corrections. This possibility opens a new ground in probing the small-scale physics of the primordial Universe through gravitational wave detectors of cosmological scales.

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A. Ota, M. Sasaki and Y. Wang
Thu, 24 Nov 22

Comments: 22 pages, 5 figures, full details of 2209.02272 and more