Revisiting Kinematic Fast Dynamo in 3-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic plasmas: Dynamo transition from non-Helical to Helical flows [CL]

Dynamos wherein magnetic field is produced from velocity fluctuations are fundamental to our understanding of several astrophysical and/or laboratory phenomena. Though fluid helicity is known to play a key role in the onset of dynamo action, its effect is yet to be fully understood. In this work, a fluid flow proposed recently [Yoshida et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 244501 (2017)] is invoked such that one may inject zero or finite fluid helicity using a control parameter, at the beginning of the simulation. Using a simple kinematic fast dynamo model, we demonstrate unambiguously the strong dependency of short scale dynamo on fluid helicity. In contrast to conventional understanding, it is shown that fluid helicity does strongly influence the physics of short scale dynamo. To corroborate our findings, late time magnetic field spectra for various values of injected fluid helicity is presented along with rigorous geometric'' signatures of the 3D magnetic field surfaces, which shows a transition fromuntwisted” to twisted'' sheet tocigar” like configurations. It is also shown that one of the most studied ABC dynamo model is not the fastest'' dynamo model for problems with lower magnetic Reynolds number. This work brings out, for the first time, the role of fluid helicity in moving fromnon-dynamo” to “dynamo” regime systematically.

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S. Biswas and R. Ganesh
Wed, 23 Nov 22

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