Broadband Spectral properties of MAXI J1348–630 using AstroSat Observations [HEAP]

We present broadband X-ray spectral analysis of the black hole X-ray binary MAXI J1348–630, performed using five AstroSat observations. The source was in the soft spectral state for the first three and in the hard state for the last two observations. The three soft state spectra were modelled using a relativistic thin accretion disc with reflection features and thermal Comptonization. Joint fitting of the soft state spectra constrained the spin parameter of the black hole $a_*$ $>$ 0.97 and the disc inclination angle $i$ = 32.9$\substack{+4.1 \ -0.6}$ degrees. The bright and faint hard states had bolometric flux a factor of $\sim 6$ and $\sim 10$ less than that of the soft state. Their spectra were fitted using the same model except that the inner disc radius was not assumed to be at the last stable orbit. However, the estimated values do not indicate large truncation radii and the inferred accretion rate in the disc was an order of magnitude lower than that of the soft state. Along with earlier reported temporal analysis, AstroSat data provides a comprehensive picture of the evolution of the source.

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G. Mall, J. Vadakkumthani and R. Misra
Tue, 22 Nov 22

Comments: Accepted for publication in Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (RAA); 16 pages, 6 figures