High Redshift $Λ$CDM Cosmology: To Bin or not to Bin? [CEA]


We construct observational Hubble $H(z)$ and angular diameter distance $D_{A}(z)$ mock data with baseline Planck $\Lambda$CDM input values, before fitting the $\Lambda$CDM model to study evolution of probability density functions (PDFs) of best fit cosmological parameters $(H_0, \Omega_m, \Omega_k)$ across redshift bins. We find that PDF peaks only agree with the input parameters in low redshift ($z \lesssim 1$) bins for $H(z)$ and $D_{A}(z)$ constraints, and in all redshift bins when $H(z)$ and $D_{A}(z)$ constraints are combined. When input parameters are not recovered, we observe that PDFs exhibit non-Gaussian tails towards larger $\Omega_m$ values and shifts to (less pronounced) peaks at smaller $\Omega_m$ values. This flattening of the PDF is expected as $H(z)$ and $D_{A}(z)$ observations only constrain combinations of cosmological parameters at higher redshifts, so uniform PDFs are expected. Our analysis leaves us with a choice to bin high redshift data in the knowledge that we may be unlikely to recover Planck values, or conduct full sample analysis that biases $\Lambda$CDM inferences to the lower redshift Universe.

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E. Colgáin, M. Sheikh-Jabbari and R. Solomon
Mon, 7 Nov 22

Comments: 6 pages, 9 figures