With advance of supercomputers we can now afford simulations with very large range of scales. In astrophysical applications, e.g. simulating Solar, stellar and planetary atmospheres, physical quantities, like gas pressure, density, temperature and plasma $\beta$ can vary by orders of magnitude. This requires a robust solver, which can deal with a very wide range of conditions and be able to maintain hydrostatic equilibrium. We reformulate a Godunov-type HLLD Riemann solver so it would be suitable to maintain hydrostatic equilibrium in atmospheric applications and would be able to handle low and high Mach numbers, regimes where kinetic and magnetic energies dominate over thermal energy without any ad-hoc corrections. We change the solver to use entropy instead of total energy as the ‘energy’ variable in the system of MHD equations. The entropy is not conserved, it increases when kinetic and magnetic energy is converted to heat, as it should. We conduct a series of standard tests with varying conditions and show that the new formulation for the Godunot type Riemann solver works and is very promising.
A. Popovas
Mon, 7 Nov 22
Comments: 12 pages, 14 figures, submitted to A&A
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